Darcy#2 was bad girl

Was taking the dogs out this night ,but Darcy is still on a lead ( retractorable). Big mistake!!!!!AS we have been taught by trainer is let the other 2 go first. Then she has command to sit. ( all I nave to do now is tug on her lead. She sits. I say stay and go out the door, after a few seconds up to 30 seconds I say break. Her clue its OK to go out. no pulling anyway. She goes out ,but not pulling. As we walked around the house got to back yard near deck. She saw a rabbit and took off full force. I flew to the ground face first and right on my breasts. I yelled to Richard for help. but told Darcy to stop and come back. SHE DID. I was hurting so bad I said that's it and told her to get on the deck, she did. Well there was another Rabbit on the deck, this time I went flying fell on my knees. And off she went> This time I was on my knees and they were bleeding. Right one the worst. I hurt all over.

Question she has done so well with the trainer and was good. But when she saw the rabbits I had NO controll!!! I took a warm bath,, OK lets say Hot bath. I am worried because I have inplants in mt breasts. They hurt. What do I do for me and what can I do to controll Darcy. I am worried about the implants , they hurt so much. :cry:
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I dont know anything about how implants might be affected by a fall like that, but in another post you mentioned a plate/screws in your knee! 8O So the fact that you fell on that sounds bad too! Id go in your DR., or maybe even to the emergency room :(
Are you swelling up? (knees or boobs?) Have you applied ice packs to the affected areas?
I would definitely call your respective Dr's in the am and tell them what happened. In the meanwhile, if you feel anything is more than scrapes and bruises, get in to the ER tonight! Don't be embarrassed, we even had a poor lady who came in with a stroke - started while having "marital relations" with her husband. And she was only in her 50's.

Naughty Darcy!! I think she needs some training classes as well as her conformation training. Or the others need to do a better job of bunny-proofing the yard before you let Darcy out.

I hope you are OK!
Oh, MY!!! :cry: :cry:

Not one fall but 2 right in a row...

I second that you should go see a doctor or go to the emergency room if the pain continues.

(Unfortunately tomorrow, you will probably be hurting worse than now. )

I hope you feel better soon.
Yikes Deana! I think it's time to see the Dr.

My parents OES was a chaser. She wouldn't pull me at all when I would walk her.... unless she say a squirrel, rabbit or dog. Then she would take off. I remember the one time thinking that a tree would stop her so I went one way around the tree and she went the other. I ended up face first into the tree and of course lost the leash. She went off to visit Charlie, the neighbor's Standard Poodle. :roll:

Hope you are okay!
OMG Deanna I hope you are ok. The previous posters have given you good advise. I hope you feel better this morning.
Oh, Deana, I'm sorry! I hope you feel better. I would imagine that falling on your boobs would hurt anyways, so it's probably just from the impact that they hurt, but if you are worried or if they continue to hurt really bad, I'd go see your doctor.

At least Darcy #2 came back when you called her...
Oh Deana, how are you this morning?????
I HURT ALL OVER!!! :cry:
I don't have swelling but feel like I got hit by a truck. There seems no damage to the implants. Just inside brusing. Mt legs got brush burns and black and blue.
Richard thinks its time to give her up. I want to keep trying for one more month., Do not know what to do. She still bites at me and sits and barks. If Richard walks in the room her angel wings come out and she is good as gold. What is going on with me!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. She does seem to be too hyper for you to handle while she is a puppy.

She's probably good when he walks in the room b/c he's apparently alpha which I think is normal since a man's presence alone is more intimidating (voice, size, etc).

I don't think you'd have an issue if you could somehow build fence. Then you could let her out and leave the walking to Richard. Of course, I don't know how tall you are, but she could always still knock you over while playing. :?
J I am 5,9 and 159 lbs, my hubby is 6,5 and 300 lbs................ big difference.
It does sound like you are making progress with her - the waiting to go out, etc.
But on the other hand, getting you all banged up is not a safe situation either. I'm sure your hubby is afraid you will get seriously hurt.

I agree that a fence (though not a real good option if selling is on the near horizon) would help immensely. Darcy could get more exercise and you wouldn't need to get tugged around the yard. Would one of those cable trolley systems work?? That way she could get a bit of the excess spunk worked off.
oops I am 150 lbs, not 159. GOOD greif 9 lbs is to over for LOL :D
Just a funny thought - If she is Darcy #2, does that mean her nickname is "Darcy Poo"?? :lol:
OK, I'm going to work now!! :sidestep:
In 99% of cases, any impact hard enough to rupture your implants would also kill you, so, for the most part, you have no need to worry. Your breasts probably hurt because you fell flat on them. That would hurt, implants or not.

I'd suggest definitely ditching the retractable lead and using a real lead-- nylon or leather. So many people get injuries related to flexileads, whether it's burns from the cord (just ask Nita!) or just losing control because the dog can get so much momentum going, they just knock people off their feet.
yeh, i had to learn the hard way :cry:
Deanna, my heart goes out to you, but maybe I can offer a suggestion for when you are well enough to try walking again. I have osteoporosis so it is very important Sadie doesn't pull on me. She does very well...unless she see a strange dog, especially a large dog. We went to obedience training and our trainer suggested a prong collar (sometimes called pinch collar) and short leash for "walking only." I was so against the prong collar, but since at the time we adopted Sadie (rescue) I had 6 broken ribs, I didn't have much choice! The collar turned out to be a good thing for both of us!

Sadie gets so excited when she sees it because she knows it is time for "her" walk. She stands very still for me to put it on and I use a short, sturdy nylon walker leash about 2 ft. long. She certainly doesn't mind wearing the collar - it is a special treat for her! I have never had to pull hard on it - it is like it makes Sadie self-correcting. I never use that collar for anything except walking. It is important to get a proper fit and to use the smallest link - no need for big bulky ones. Please pm me if you have specific questions I can help you with.

The trainer also taught me to lower my voice slightly and to give commands with sternness - like you command obedience. Since Darcy obeys some of the time, it sounds like she wants to please you, but has trouble when instincts take over and you, like me, are not strong enough to over-power her to "make" her obey. I hope you will be able to keep on working with her. She will be worth the effort! Sadie is the best dog we have ever had...and all our dogs are wonderful. :)

Hope you will soon be feeling great! Hugs and prayers.
Hope your feeling better Deanner, at least nothing reloacated like my kneecap did!!! That would look strange...... 8O
I guys, I am feeling better today. Chest is sore but nothing like yesterday.

Oh please don't take this the wrong way :lol: :lol:

My name is Deana!!!
not Deanna or Deanner ect. lol
Thinking of Just Dee, that was my nick name when I was a kid.
Deana, appologies. Glad to hear your on the mend. :)
Me too! Sorry, Deana! Guess my finger got heavy on the "n;s".

Glad you are feeling a bit better!!! Hugs and prayers as you continute to mend.
How about Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeana? :twisted:
Ron very funny!!!
The only reason I changed from Dee To Deana was went I finished college
And my hubby was know as Dick I got to hate Dick and Dee.
I put a big STOP to all.
Its Richard and Deana.
In our professions Dick or Dee did not sound right.
Got the idea now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, you've given me ideas. :twisted:
See what you mean. I have a brother-in-law who use to go by Gay, but now goes by his full name Gaylord.
Mophead wrote:
See what you mean. I have a brother-in-law who use to go by Gay, but now goes by his full name Gaylord.

Lol. Yeah, that's a lot better. 8O
ButtersStotch wrote:
I'd suggest definitely ditching the retractable lead and using a real lead-- nylon or leather. So many people get injuries related to flexileads, whether it's burns from the cord (just ask Nita!) or just losing control because the dog can get so much momentum going, they just knock people off their feet.

Flexi-leashes are DANGEROUS! They have warnings all over them, too. I promised to dog-sit a foster dog for the family that was adopting her and they handed her to me on a flexi-leash. She saw the other dogs run off and ran to follow them, dragging the cord over the backs of both my legs. It cut into the skin about 1/4" in some places. Everyone at the Michigan Picnic got to see the damage.

Having said that, I DO have a flexi-leash for Nelson so he can have extra freedom when we walk on the beach. Nelson was trained under the direction of a fabulous, humane trainer. If he pulled on the leash, we stopped. No move = no fun. Eventually he learned to never pull the leash taut. This takes time to sink into a thick sheepdog skull so a lot of repetition is necessary. We never have a pulling problem now. No need for unkind prong collars and no special equipment. Just a buckle collar and leather leash. Walking with him is actually enjoyable now.
hey neighbor. Tony pullls so hard whenever he sees people walking in the dark..i've fallen a few times and my hands becoming so red/raw. I finally invested in the gentle leader and it does help... - gives me more control over him.
Owie Deana!!!! Glad to hear youre feeling a bit better.....bad, bad darcy.....I had NOTHING to do with it :wink: .....theres more than the name ya know...hehe.....

Have darce darce give you a kiss from me, its the least she could do!!
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