:bdcake: :hearts: :bdcake: :hearts: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELISSA :hearts: :bdcake: :hearts: :bdcake:

Super Aussie Shepherd/Sheepie Birthday Hugs!! :ghug:

Ok Elissa, I notified the Fire Department that you may have a huge fire at your house tonight so they are on the allert. lol Have a good one.
Respond to this topic here on forum.oes.org  
Almost snuck that one by us!!!! :lol:

:banana: :banana: Happy Birthday, Elissa!! :banana: :banana:

:bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake:
A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY E! HAVE A GREAT DAY! :rimshot: :banana: :banana: :hearts: :bdcake: :bdcake: :clappurple: :clappurple: :cheer: :cheer: :go: :go: :yay: :yay:
Happy Birthday, Elissa!!!
Happy Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer::bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake:
Ditto from Taskers mom.....That is remarkable....................... :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple: (How did you do that?????) :lmt:

OH!! BTW..............HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day E, Woo Hoo 21 again. :P

Sending sheepie hugs over :ghug:
Have a fantastic, happy birthday, Elissa! Make sure everyone spoils you rotten!! :bdcake: :clappurple: :yay:
Happy Birthday Elissa :)
Hap Hap Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday E! :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake:
Thanks Everyone. :mrgreen:

Helen, thanks for posting it :ghug: :kiss: , but I saw the small print! :twisted: :lol:

Wow Ginny! I feel so special, that's quite a display you got going there. 8)

It was a busy day. Once I got the kids off to school I went for a Brain MRI. It was an open MRI, but still caused me to get claustrophobic and my throat started closing up, I was able to keep myself for the most part calm. :cow:

Then for a short trip to the mall to waste the hour I had before I had to pick up Hayley from her preschool, and I had 2 Macy's gift cards. :D I wanted to get some new clothes, for my new trim shape. :wink: I could not find anything I liked in tops. I found two things I liked, two pairs of shorts. :lol: Turns out they were on clearance and had been reduced 3 times and then an additional 50% off. I only paid $14 for two pairs. 8) I made my Mom so proud with my shopping skills today. :lol: I still had $47 left. But I had had enough of shopping for one day. I HATE shopping and I was in pain!!

I spent some time preparing for the court date I have on Monday. :roll:

Then my Mother in Law and Brother in Law came over and took us out for dinner at my favorite Chinese Restaurant.

When my kids asked why we were going out to dinner, I told them it was my birthday. They both said No it's not, it's Daddys. I corrected them and said No, it's mine! I refused to argue any longer with the kids about whose Birthday it was and changed the subject. They finally believed it was my Birthday only after they had asked Grandma, Uncle Jimmy and Daddy whose Birthday it was. KIDS! :lol: Some things are not worth the time. :lol:

I am so tired!!! I can't wait to put the kids in bed. Then relax!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY E! Hope it was as special as you are!
:rimshot: :rimshot:
HOPE YOU HAD A LOVELY DAY :yay: :cheer: :banana:

:ghug: :kiss: :ghug: :kiss:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer::bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake: :cheer: :bdcake: :banana: :bdcake: :yay: :bdcake:

I second that, lol!!!!! Happy Birthday, Elissa, I hope it's a great one!
Thanks Everyone :D
Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!
Happy *belated* birthday, Elissa! :D
Happy Happy Birthday Elissa!!!

:bdcake: :clappurple: :go: :cheer: :yay: :banana: :excited:

Hope you had a lovely day!!! :wink:
Happy belated Birthday Elissa! :bdcake: :bdcake::bdcake:
Oh Elissa! I can't believe I missed this!!!

Happy, wonderful, marvelous birthday!!!!

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!!!!!

:bdcake: :cheer: :go: :bdcake: :cheer: :go: :bdcake: :cheer: :go:
Im sorry i missed your birthday!!

Happy birthday!!
I'm late but Happy Birthday :D
Thanks guys.
I went to San Francisco with my sister and my kids over the weekend.
My sister had them sing Happy Birthday to me at Bubba Gump's since we didn't spend my B-day together.
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