I quit!

Yesterday I officially "resigned" as board member and director of Foster Programs for the rescue I worked with this past year. The president and vice-president are not dependable and so unorganized that I just couldn't take it anymore. I was doing 50% of the work and the adoptions lady (my roommate) was doing the other 50% and I got tired of picking up everyone elses slack. It feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders....

BUT I am so sad to not be doing rescue work right now. It makes me feel helpless that I don't have the power to take in homeless pooches. So it looks like me and the roommate will be starting a brand new rescue asap. It's going to be tough and I'm bummed that I cant figure out an ethical way to steal all the volunteers, foster homes, and donors that I personally collected!

But anyway- it feels extremely good to be free of all that stress and if anyone has any tips for smoothly starting a new rescue, please share!
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Sorry to hear! That has to be hard considering how passionate you are about it. Just sending a big hug.
Any all volunteer agency can be a difficult job to do!! It seems that there are always LOTS of people who say they want to help but when it comes right down to it very few "worker bees". It can be very discouraging!!

Good Luck!
I'm sorry, you must be bummed...but congratulations on you and your roommates upcoming new rescue organization! :excited: How cool! There isn't a LOT of help that can be done at long distance, but I'm always available for donated artwork, logo design etc...so let me know if you guys can use anything like that :D
Heather, myself and a friend were kind of in the same boat with our local shelter. My friend was a board member and I just helped out as a volunteer. The newly elected board is crazy and has their own self-serving agenda. Mary just couldn't stand the stress of being associated with these people, and she resigned from the board. I only volunteer on a lesser level now. If the animals didn't need it, I wouldn't associate at all. Bummer.
I'm sorry Heather, but you did what was right for you.
I am sure you can find a more organized rescue to work with that doesn't stress you out as much. Good Luck to you!
It isn't unethical in the least to recruit your old volunteers!

They can make the choice about with whom to work, whether it be your former rescue or your new rescue or both.

Besides, if you were really doing all the work, there will be nothing left for the other volunteers to be doing with your old rescue.

Go get'em!
Heather, I've done lots of volunteer work in the past. From my synagogue to being a very active member in Rotary International.

I'm always amazed (and very dishearten) at the self serving reasons people volunteer, or that they volunteer, and never, ever follow through.

Sometimes I've felt as though my hearts been broken. I'm always willing to do anything, if I've committed. But have found others clamp in on that, and pass all the work on to me. My mother used to say, "If you have something that has to be completed, give it to a busy person", and that is what was happening to me.

I've learned I make the most consistant impact by not giving 100%, cuz I can keep going and not let someone else guilt me into doing everything, thusly getting burnt out, or bitter.

You can still do rescue and help. There are so many places that need help, but remember...YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALL! Cuz once you do, it will all be put on your plate.

Sorry to sound cynical, but...that's how I've found the volunteer world.
Heather, I'm sorry it didn't work out but you made the right choice. I've always wondered if someone could just "start a rescue" and you've answered that question. As Ron said, it's not unethical to recruit existing volunteers. Present them with your new group and let them make the choice. And it always turns out that 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people, be it a volunteer group or employment for money.
I definitely agree with you all about volunteer organizations. Although that in itself is frustrating - it made it 100x worse that the slackers were the president and vp!

I contacted the rescues 2 best volunteers (whom I recruited and were supposed to be working directly under me but ended up doing things for everyone else!) and they wrote me a nice email saying they would come work with me if I started a new rescue and that they shared all the same frustrations as I did. I really do think I made the right decision.
Heather, I hear ya!

A few years ago I was in the same situation, doing all the work, getting frustrated, getting no support, but not "allowed" to make certain decisions. My and the other "worker bee" backed up, started our own group, and let everyone know about it. Some volunters jumped ship and joined us.

2 years ago I resigned as director/intake/foster home/adoption/volunteer coordinator and left behind about 16 hard-working folks, and the group is running like a well-oiled wheel. :lol:

You need to do what is best for you, because volunteer work should be enjoyable and stimulating. Good luck in whatever you decide to do. Use what you have learned to help animals, and educate people.
Lil Walty wrote:
I definitely agree with you all about volunteer organizations. Although that in itself is frustrating - it made it 100x worse that the slackers were the president and vp!

Unfortunately, and especially in the non-profit sector, I've found to be the way things work about 90% of the time. The fact that these kind of people are in positions of "power" impede real work getting done. It's ridiculous.
ravenmoonart wrote:
I'm sorry, you must be bummed...but congratulations on you and your roommates upcoming new rescue organization! :excited: How cool! There isn't a LOT of help that can be done at long distance, but I'm always available for donated artwork, logo design etc...so let me know if you guys can use anything like that :D

thank you! when we get there i will definitely let you know, wed love to have your help!
Bosley's mom wrote:
Heather, I hear ya!

Haha- I thought you'd be able to empathize! I'm glad to hear you successfully started something yourself and that it's still running strong... gives me more incentive to actually get things started.
Maybe it's really a blessing in disguise because now there will be two groups helping to rescue! So you will really be accomplishing your main goal which is to help more animals. So proud of you that you are doing something!

I'm sorry you went through that and they are losing a valuable person as a result. Sigh volunteer work or animal rescue is a thankless job so many days and it's only knowing the end result helps those furballs that can't speak for themselves.

Rescue is rewarding in so many ways but politics is so irksome! I currently have a beautiful little kitten (Manx) that has a protruding anus which has deemed her unadoptable and possible euthenasia. Another animal rescue has stepped up and said they will take her but the first one won't "give her away" or release her to the second one. Urg!! I've had her since she was 6 wks old in early July..how can I not give her every chance possible?

I have spent my own money getting assessments done at the vets so I can go back to the first shelter and say her cost are minimal (apparently 200 for surgery that may work 50% chance) and to give her a chance. I just don't have the 200 extra at this time for the surgery. Anyhow I'm rambling but can SOOOOO relate. I KNOW I will be spending my own $ to have it done.

You are amazing and have done amazing work and I know you and your roomate made a difference to many deserving dogs. I have all the confidence that you will find a place that suits you perfectly - even if you have to start it yourself.

Best wishes to you and please keep us updated as to what's going on.

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