Not the way to start your day

I had just finished breakfast and had called Barney in for his biweekly grooming. While he was jumping up on the grooming table I grabbed a final sip of my morning coffee. Something was amiss.

I love my coffee and look forward to it at the start of my day, along with a bowl of cereal. But there was something in that sip that didn't belong there. A bit crunchy, I thought it might be a stray cheerio, but it didn't dissolve right away, and it had a strange taste. When I took it out there it was - that fly that I've been trying to catch all day yesterday. I gagged, coughed, spit for 5 minutes. Yuck. :evil:

Hope you all have a much better start to your day.
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That is gross! I would be gagging right along with you if that happened to me.
My morning version was a bit more tolerable. I walked out to let the dogs out this morning and there were the remains of a mouse (in 2 halves and several bloody hunks) on the sidewalk. Tipup the cat at work again! :D
eeeuuuhhhh gross on both counts lol

puke retch GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well now that makes the beginning of my day look MUCH better. :P

Ewwww....gross... :mrgreen:
Lol. It was just an extra shot of protein, George. No worries. :twisted:
Okay, I can add to the gross factor:

Harry and I were out for our usual morning walk - and it was very pleasant until I rounded a corner and we almost stepped in a huge splatter of puke! (Gag!) Obviously it was not dog puke because of the large splatter factor. Someone was out partying too late the night before and tossed their cookies while driving home in the wee hours of the morning because it was fairly fresh. (Yuk!)

Hopefully this is not a foreshadowing of the rest of our day George and Dawn!
Judi, that is too gross.
Maybe they inhaled a fly?
ButtersStotch wrote:
Lol. It was just an extra shot of protein, George. No worries. :twisted:

lol, that's what I was thinking...

Judi--that's really gross. I hope you and Harry were able to avoid it!
That reminds me of that song..."I don't why she swallowed the fly.... perhaps she'll die." Obviously you wont die over it, but what a shock noe the less. I always thought that was such a morbid kids' song, lol.
Wow Judi. A good reason for not walking until the dawn breaks. (And I thought you lived in such a nice neighborhood! :D )
Shhhhhh Please Sir!

Everyone will want one!

George wrote:
But there was something in that sip that didn't belong there. A bit crunchy...

Ewwwwwwwwwww!! 8O
:twitch: :twitch: :twitch: AAAAAGGHHKK! Oh my gosh, George, not the COFFEE!!!!! Im drinking my 1st cup now, and this made me look at my mug real hard! :lol:
ravenmoonart wrote:
:twitch: :twitch: :twitch: AAAAAGGHHKK! Oh my gosh, George, not the COFFEE!!!!! Im drinking my 1st cup now, and this made me look at my mug real hard! :lol:

I TOLD YOU this would make everyone want one.

Well after I got past that crisis and had a decent cup of coffee things went much better. Today was baking day 16 loaves of bread and 9 doz oatmeal raisin cookies. And I had plenty of help checking the quality of the bread.

WOW!!!!! 8O :o :D
Please PM me for my address so you know where to send the cookies. Clyde says that he will take 8 dozen. He doesn't want to be a pig. :twisted:
I would but do you really want him to have oatmeal raisin cookies?
George wrote:
I would but do you really want him to have oatmeal raisin cookies?

George.....You didn't hear it from me, but I don't think that the cookies were for Clyde.... :wink:
Wow george I heard the saying "There's a Fly in My Soup" but not in coffee EWWWWW :lol: Glad you don't have our big blowies that we have here, they blow live maggots. GROSS. That would of been nice swimming in the coffee cup too. :twisted: Extra added protein. 8)

Home made bread YUM bet your kitchen smells fantastic, nothing nicer then the smell of baked goods. Do the pooches get to try? Mine would of been surfing that table by now. :wink: :lol:
I know they're toxic, but I'm pretty sure Clyde could eat a pound of raisins with a dark chocolate bar and onion chaser and walk away with nothing more than a loud belch! I'm not going to chance it but that boy has a cast iron stomach!

Nicole, you were right. Only 7 1/2 dozen were for Clyde. Bear wanted the rest.
lisaoes wrote:
Do the pooches get to try? Mine would of been surfing that table by now. :wink: :lol:

They know when the bread comes out of the oven, that when it cools we all sit down and enjoy a slice. They're right there.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Nicole, you were right. Only 7 1/2 dozen were for Clyde. Bear wanted the rest.

I wish I was an artist, I can just see Bear and Clyde sitting on the floor with a cookie in their paws and a big plate of cookies between them. and you with your hands on your hips standing there saying "Where did you guys get those?" "Can I have one?"
Oh my gosh, that bread looks soooooooooo good. So much work!!! I'm dying to have a loaf right now!!! Feed me!! :lol:
I can totally relate to your experience, George.. Ready or's my story.

A few summers son and I went to get a chocolate malt from a resturant near by. They use the really good powdered malt. Anyway...I had to make a stop at my parents house and left my malt, which had a straw in it, in the car. I came back out and took a big sip through the straw and bit into something a little crunchy. I "thought" it was just a piece of the powdered malt and continued to crunch it with my front teeth....but like you...I thought, hmmmm....this sure doesn't taste like after a few crunchs' with my teeth...I decided to spit it out...and there it was.....a freeking huge fly.....UUGGHHHHHHH!!! I swear it was a loooong time before I could drink another Chocolate malt. 8O 8O 8O
The fly in the drink stories are gross, but I can take it... until you start into the "crunchy" descriptions. Ugh! That's so gross!

I ate a fly once too, but I swallowed it whole and never experienced it's crunchiness. It was at the beach and I laughed at something and think I inhaled it during my laugh. It was disgusting!!
George, my first guy was a bread fanatic.... well actually, he was a food fanatic and he would counter surf like crazy.

One day we came home and found the result of mislaying a cinamon raisin bread (glad it didn't kill him). We found the plastic bag and the two ends! LOL

Do they prefer the innards or the crust?

I prefer it warm with some melted butter.... oh God I'm hungry now, and we just got back from ice cream!
Oh man that looks good! I would've been salivating from the smell. No wonder Barney & Maggie are hanging out in the kitchen. <insert drooling sheepie here>
That is really gross. I can't even stand to have flies touch me!

One morning, I was driving to work, drinking coffee. I took a big swig, and...oh no! I sneezed! The coffee and "sneeze" matter flew all over my windshield and dash. :excited:

It was so gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
debcram wrote:
The coffee and "sneeze" matter flew all over my windshield and dash.

LOL Deb, I have never heard the politically correct term "sneeze matter" for snot before. :lol: :lol: :lol:
LOL, LOL, spit on the screen funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will try and remember that one and use it on my friends at work! They already give crap about my big words - this one is perfect!
:lol: I've had so many laughs from you guys in the last few days!

Haha, your dogs in the kitchen, looks like they are saying "lets smile sweetly for the pic, then when he turns around we can steal the bread!"

You can't fool me with those sweet innocent faces! :hearts: :lmt: :roll:
Thanks everyone for my laugh today!!!
259 hits and 35 posts - its amazing how much fun we can have with a fly!
Ugh, ick, gross. I had a fly fly into my mouth and down my throat when I was taking a deep breath. I was gagging and so grossed out. The crunchy factor you described I think takes the gross out cake.

I want to move to your house with all the baked goodies! :cheer: Cute sheepies! But I'd be leary of raisins with those flys flying around. :wink:
Yuck about the fly! :twitch:

But those loaves of bread and cookies look delicious! :D
Sneeze matter?? :lol: :lol: How polite. 8)

I had a fly in the coffee the other morning, yuck.

To really gross y'all out, you know in all of your grains, cereals, etc there are allowed a certain % of insect parts. It is impossible to clean the grain completely. Fortunately the % allowed is very small. Still, it's a good idea of wash your rice, or wheat/oat berries before cooking them so any misc parts can float off.
George -
After I got over the shock of the fly, dead mouse and all the rest, I realized I had a question. What do you do with all the bread and cookies?
Was this all made for an event, or do you always make batches that big?
The percentage of "extraneous matter allowed" is actually quite high in some foods like 1 to 2 %.

In one product I know of, "deer droppings" are allowable...
Ron wrote:
In one product I know of, "deer droppings" are allowable...

got sheep wrote:
George -
What do you do with all the bread and cookies?
Was this all made for an event, or do you always make batches that big?

I make all my bread, cookies, pies, pastry, batch size allows me to always have a token of appreciation handy for a neighbor who does me a faver, plus saving on my son's grocery bills for their family. I buy ingredients wholesale and have a 20 qt. Hobart mixer that kneads 10 lbs of dough at a time, and a Dacor oven that bakes 8 loaves at a time. It's a hobby with me now, but in an earlier life I worked in a commercial bakery.

As for foreign matter in grains, all wheat flour has weavils in it that will hatch out given the right temp and humidity. My retired baker friend (90 yrs old) tells the story of when he was on a ship during the WWII as a baker, and had to make bread for the crew although the flour had live weavils in it.

Incidentally, did you know bakers don't use "recipes?" They refer to them as "formulas". Everythins is measured by weight. Eg. my white bread formula: 113 oz high gluten flour, 4 oz sugar, 4 oz butter, 2 oz salt, 8.1 oz low fat milk powder, 1.7 oz dry yeast, 64 oz water.

If I was your neighbor, I'd mow your lawn, shovel your driveway, rake leaves, walk your dogs... you name it, i'd do it.... that bread looks SO worth it. (we need a drooling emoticon).
George, my son (who is a senior at the U of I Chicago) has recently taken up baking. He loves it!

His "mentor" is Alton Brown of the Food Network, because, apparently Alton explains the scientific reason certain things bake (and cook) a certain way.

In fact, my son recently went to Nashville to hear Alton speak.

Ever since my son was a young boy, I knew he'd be involved in cooking somehow, since he always wanted to cook with me.

A couple weeks ago he brought over ice cream he had made. Yummy!

I'd really like to see him pursue this passion!

It was neighbors like you that got me fat.

(For a two year period I had a snow plow on my truck. For the heck of it I used to do some neighbor's driveways. Cookies would show up in our mailbox. I was having fun playing Plow King....)

Darn brownie bakers.... I outgrew my truck.
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