school starts tomorrow!

Just have to post, SCHOOL STARTS TOMMOROW :yay: :banana: :yay: :excited: There I feel better, i"m just sooooo happy. Does that make me a bad mother :? I'll now were they are, no more late nites pretty bad when the kids stay up later then me, no more sleepovers, no more mom can a have $5, no more messy kitchen my oh my the list can go on.
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HA! I remember the good old days!!

:banana: :go: :high5: :clappurple: :excited: :yay: :yay: :yay: :cheer:
I agree sooo much. I can't stand it when the kids are still up when I go to bed. I have 2 girls almost 14 and 12, and the 14 yr old spends too much time on the internet. We really try to stay on top of this, but they are so sneaky at this age. She is already back at school for 3 weeks, but now they both have to get up early...I do lose my puppy help though. A little more crate for Nigel I guess.
Our kids just started back Monday. This is the latest I can remember since we moved here in 1989.

We've been starting back between the 2nd and 12th of August until the Texas (feel free to add an extra "s" to the end of the state name) legislature listened to the idiots in South Texas (added that "s" yet?) to delay the start of school to help their tourism. Boycott South Texas +s.

Why is this a big deal?
August is too hot for the kids here to be outside anyway, so get them back in the classroom and let them out in time to enjoy May outside.
We used to have a week of Fall Break. A great time to travel without all of the tourists and long lines. It's gone.
The high school kids will now come back from Winter Break and take first semester finals. It was nice to have them over and be able to enjoy time with the kids - now it is study time.
By getting out in June, high school seniors will miss the start of summer college classes - a tradition for kids in our area.
College kids kids will be out earlier and get many of the summer job normally available to high school kids.

Boycott South Texas+s.
My son has been back at school for 4 weeks now. 8)
Wow! Our schools start this week. Tuesday (tomorrow) for Jr high and HS. Thursday for elementary.
There was a law passed way back when I was in school that school had to start in MN after Labor Day. Starting earlier apparently affected tourism too much.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
HA! I remember the good old days!!


So do I. :lol:

Don't wish it away too much, remember now you have to get them out of bed firstly, get breakfast get them dressed and the rush to get them off to school in time, no more sleep ins for awhile :roll: :lol:
My oldest has been in school for a month now. I can't wait until next year when they're both in school. :P Of course, I'll be working so I'll probably wish I was back home playing with my boys all day!
What kind of work are you going to be doing, Gail? :?

School started here last week, too, and then they were off yesterday for Labor Day. I don't know why they can't just wait a week to start. :roll:
We had the same deal as Texas, here, where they changed the school start time to help with tourism. :?
As I say every year, I hate back to school. I work at a university and those chumps anchor up the parking, make for giant lines at restaurants and make the commute much slower. I love the spring/ summer semesters when it's nice and quiet. Yes, I know if it weren't for them, there'd be no need for my job but I'm still allowed to complain!
School starts here after long week end and goes til end of June they have 2 and half at xmas and 2 weeks off at Easter. Also out at noon on fridays
ButtersStotch wrote:
As I say every year, I hate back to school. I work at a university and those chumps anchor up the parking, make for giant lines at restaurants and make the commute much slower. I love the spring/ summer semesters when it's nice and quiet. Yes, I know if it weren't for them, there'd be no need for my job but I'm still allowed to complain!

LOL @ "chumps"
I'm in Texas and school started last week for the public schools. I'm in grad school however, and our classes started weeks ago! :evil: Boo!

In undergrad, it was awesome that the public schools would all start and then us college kids still had a week or so before we had to go back. Now we start before they do! That sucks. However, it's my last semester so I don't care.

No more school after November!! Ever!

Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
What kind of work are you going to be doing, Gail? :?

School started here last week, too, and then they were off yesterday for Labor Day. I don't know why they can't just wait a week to start. :roll:
We had the same deal as Texas, here, where they changed the school start time to help with tourism. :?

I don't know yet. I haven't really started looking (other than glancing at the classifieds). I was planning to start seriously looking in January. I'd like to do something related to my degree, but the jobs in the area are pretty scarce at the AFB and the airport. I imagine I'll end up getting an admin position at the AFB through my husband - which is perfectly fine with me. I enjoy that type of work, but I'd hate to "waste" all that money on my degree! lol
I wish you much success in whatever you choose. I was just wondering because a friend of mine recently went back to work after getting her last child into school. But, she had a much longer hiatus than you...LOL...hers was 16 years. :lol: She ended up going back to school and getting a new degree and starting a whole new career. I hope you find something you enjoy where you can use your degree, too. :D
UGH! Why is there always problems on the first day? :roll:
Ryan is in one of the few year round schedule schools which started last month. The traditional schools started today and Ryan got a new bus driver. He was supposed to be dropped off at his After School Program today. I was not expecting him to come home. I was on the other phone with my Dad and the home phone started ringing. I said I'll call whoever it is back. 5 minutes later I check the message and it's the bus company saying that they were outside with Ryan. I look outside, no bus. I call the bus company and the woman tells me that Ryan's after school program was closed today. I didn't think it was, yet I hadn't gotten a Sept Schedule yet. So I have to sit outside now in 105 degree heat and wait for the bus to come back. (the man bus driver he had this summer would waiting at the curb let Ryan walk to the door and he would wait until Ryan was let into the house, I'd wave and he'd leave.) I was not expecting his bus or to listen for a horn which I haven't had to do.
Ryan was all upset when I walked up to the bus saying that He has his after school program. I told him that the bus company said they were closed, but we'd go inside and call and see what was going on.
Sure enough, his after school program was open. So we quickly got in the car and I brought him there.
I told the woman Barbara that runs the after school program what was going on. She said she had also talked to the same woman I had and they told her they brought Ryan home. They were missing about 5 kids and the bus company gave all sorts of different excuses to the parents. Including that they didn't have the schedule. Barbara said they have had the schedule for weeks. :roll:
Anyway I chalked it up to first day back with all schools in session and a new driver.
But I did call the woman at the bus company back :twisted: ..... after Barbara had talked to her and I said, I just dropped Ryan off at his program and that it was open. She acted surprised. Yeah okay!!
Then she said something about not having the schedule, which I knew was BS.
I thought I would escape the back to school drama, but I didn't. :lol:
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