Spinsters with a Gazillion Cats

So there I was in Cosco with my sister, first time in that store in four or five years for me. It's those huge warehouse type stores that sells items in bulk and mega sizes.

We are walking aimlessly around searching for those cheese whiz and crackers snack packs. She shops in that store all the time but was unfamiliar with this particular store in my area. I ask the sales person where the item is located. He points to a giantic 12 foot high stack aprox 10 feet away from me and says "you mean these?"

I squint trying to see if those packets are what I'm looking for, and say, I can't see that far, don't have my contacts on".

He turns to my sister who is walking behind me a few feet, "You mean these?", he says to her. I say, "oh she can't see either as she doesn't have her glasses on".

The lady next to me displaying baked goods burst out laughing and between her laughter exclaims .."boy you really can't see can you?, your sister is wearing glasses!". :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Ha Ha..

On another note after we got our mega size cracker and cheese snacks which is perfect for me to keep at school and hand out to kids that forget their recess snacks we didn't miss those 40 pound bags of cat/dog food.

We purchased 6 of them!!! 240 pounds of food! My sister also stocked up on tinned cat food. So our extra mega sized buggy was filled with cat/dog food. You shoulda seen the looks we got and comments..ranging from so how many pets do you guys have? to second looks. I'd like to think maybe we looked good that day but people probably thought there goes two "spinsters" with a gazillion cats at home!!! :cow:

Sigh I use to joke that one day I would be one of those ladies... :excited: think it's becoming a reality. :lmt:

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I think I warned you about that ONCE 8)
LOL.................. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great story........thanks for starting my day off with a smile :D
Marianne - so much for your cleaned out garage - it's now full of dog food!

I love the comment about your sisters glasses. I am too blind to ever step outside my house without mine. It is adventure just getting from bed to bathroom without mine... 8)
I can't tell you how many times I've asked Tony if he's seen my glasses, only to have him tell me, ah...they're on the top of your head :oops: !

Thanks for the giggle!
:D Glad you guys enjoyed the story.

Suprisingly, I only kept one bag of catfood!

The dog food went to a young guy with a big dog and no car so he kept running out of food, we dropped it off at his place. Our good deed for the day. :D

The rest to my sister who fosters more cats than I do! She fosters for a different society and now has many previous unwanted ferals (all spayed and neutered) whom share her farm.

I still have room in my 1/2 cleaned garage!! Goes with the 20 pound bag of carrots I bought a few days ago.

I've been so fortunate this summer as I've rarely had to purchase pet food! My SCPA is now given a regular donation of nearly expired high quality food for foster parents so the co-ordinator dropped off tins and bags all summer. Had to remind her I have no foster dogs but she included dog food anyway. Worked out well as with so many I was able to use them before the expiry date and she would include lots for my own cats too. I got a perk!!! I don't think I bought more than a few tins all summer.

My neighbor has a huge veggie garden and dropped off veggies every couple days and the local farm produce place kept boxes of carrot tops for me as well. I was able to bring fresh veggies to the 41 bunnies at the shelter on a regular basis including the 7 I have at home and didn't have to pay as it was all donated!

Then suprisingly the bunnie shelter whom gets amazing prices for their rabbit pellets as the feed store is on the same lot, gave me a 20 pound bag as well for my foster bunnies.

I can't believe how well that worked out for me!! Guess good deeds did pay off!

You are doing such great stuff, Marianne. :D
Your story was hilarious about the glasses. Reminded me of my Mom. :lol:
Marianne wrote:
I can't believe how well that worked out for me!! Guess good deeds did pay off!

You do so many good deeds for others - you deserve to have some good surprises come your way!
Thank you that's a nice thing for you to say. :D

I'd like to think I play pass it forward or everything I learned of importance was in kindergarten..like sharing your stuff. :D

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