Share Your Weird Sheepie Behavior

So Twiggy doesn't like when people blow their nose, she barks at them. Whenever we have to blow our nose, we must go to the bathroom and close the door.

She also, for some reason, hates it if you take one of those brown tubes from paper towel and talks to her through it. I know it's weird that we even found this out, but one reason we decided just to talk to her through it and she barks and goes crazy.

She also steals socks, all the time. Right off our feet if they are hanging off a bit. We always get them back from her but it seems like socks are her favorites.

What are some quirks of your sheepie?
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Heart, 11 weeks...loves..excuse the term...bird poop :oops: :oops: ..not much on our patio but she must have found some and got a parasite. Now I wash the patio at least 3 X per week, or when I see some....

Also, when I feed her she get sooo excited she twirls around and around. It's so funny. I am told her mama, Delilah does it too, so it's genetic?????

Each day something new.................. :wink: :wink: :wink:
If Maudie REALLY loves you, she sits directly on your feet to let you know!
Winston barks at people who wear hats and snowsuits.

Halloween completely freaks him out. :lol:
That's too funny. Sampson is afraid of people when they are wearing hats (even people he knows). Not baseball caps, but fisherman hats or cowboy hats, lol...
Pepsi hates hats too. :lol: He also hates it when my son is in the pool and will bark his head off until he is out. The funny part is if my son is more than halfway across the pool Pepsi won't bark. :? Weird!
Rags likes to sit in the way of the TV. :roll:
If she is not getting attention she will bulldoze you with her head. :lol:
Or if you are standing it she'll swat at you with her paw until you pay attention to her. Girls are so demanding. :lol:
Both make circles around the dining room table when I am getting there food. So they are constantly in my way. :twisted:
Of course, we haven't had Lacy long enough to get to know her quirks, but for the last 4 days running, she has developed a pattern. She sleeps all dang day - right at my feet, and then at about 5, someone flips her switch and she is ON. Jumping and wiggling and herding and playing and just going bazonkers for a couple hours.

And then she's off. Just like that. It's pretty hilarious.
Violet likes to bark during her meal. From the moment she is told it is dinner time, she barks and then goes to her bowl and take a mouth full, chew it, then bark, and keep repeating this for most of her bowl full. Once done eating, she is fine and stops barking.

Violet also comes up to me everyday at 4:50 and starts reminding me it is dinner time. She does a short woof and tilts her heard so that her blue eye looks directly at me. (she has one blue eye and one brown eye) and she will hold her mouth slightly open like she is finishing a word. I think she is analysing wheither she should remind me again. She is funny.

She also enjoys laying in front of the doorway of whichever room I am in. So when I try to leave the room I have to scale over her. Her hair is long so I usually end up stepping on it, on my exit. lol

Violet is a goof ball!
violet wrote:
Violet likes to bark during her meal. From the moment she is told it is dinner time, she barks and then goes to her bowl and take a mouth full, chew it, then bark, and keep repeating this for most of her bowl full. Once done eating, she is fine and stops barking.

Rags does the same thing, but she also growls, then she switches back and forth between her bowl and Pepsi's. :roll: He totally allows it too and just backs off for her.
Ben has a toes fetish, you must keep them covered or they are his. :roll: Lily has a toilet paper fetish, she carries it with her everywhere (why isn't it on the holder you ask? Kiddo's can't reach it so they leave it on the counter) And Kiara...well, everytime we give her a cookie she tosses it up in the air waits for it to hit the ground then rolls all over it before she'll eat it........there's never a dull moment :lol:
sheepieshake, a lot of our dogs on this forum love bird poop, including Yuki! Fresh stuff!

Another common behavior (it seems) that Yuki does is... sit on the couch or curb with her butt on the couch/curb but all four paws on the ground/street. She thinks she's human!

So Twiggy doesn't like when people blow their nose, she barks at them

Violet likes to bark during her meal.

too funny!!
Paco loves to chew on books. If there is a book lying around, he'll find it and chew it up instantly. His favorite book to chew in is Brideshead Revisited. He must really hate the storyline. My boyfriend thinks that his desire to destroy books is a sign that he is a Nazi 8O . I completely disagree.
my Owen hated people in underwear! 8O
I don't know how he knew underwear from shorts or trunks, but he did.
My sons would always walk from their rooms to the bathroom in their underwear. Owen woulld chase them & try to bite their butts` :lol:
Naked people were not allowed either 8O
Odd thing is that I was allowed to to walk around in underwear or get dressed while he was in the room.
Anyone else was not, unless they wanted their butts nipped :lol:
Hi sheepies are too funny. Shamu does the (I call it the sit & spin move) she twirls around 3 times like your guy's sheepies do then she sits down right away. When I used to take her to the doggie park she would do that to other dogs and it would freak them out. The other dogs would look at her and and be like what is she doing 8O I don't go to the parks any more but thats a different story. Echo does the same thing of laying in doorways too. I just love them and hearing about all the qurkey things they do - this is a great thread :lol:
When Roxy was alive...she HATED semi-trucks or any truck with a loud motor. We would be driving down the road...and as soon as a loud truck pulled up next to us...she would literally come unglued and yell her head off. One day I had to really laugh at her.....we were in town at a stop light and a diesel truck pulled up next to us...well of course she started barking her head off...until the driver let up on the gas...she would they reved up the engine again...she would again bark her head off.....this went on for a couple of minutes until the light turned green again. The driver of the truck got a huge kick out of teasing her that day! :D
We have to laugh about this, but I call it the "You cook, I'll eat" household. My husband is the cook here and of course, I love it that way. We are not sure what he does (it must be something), but when the meal is almost ready, Sadie goes crazy. She runs back-and-forth between the kitchen and wherever I am, jumping, leaping and of course, barking. If I delay, she just gets more animated. Once I go to the table she sits or lays close by and is all calm...immediately! Silly Sadie!

Another thing she does is tell us when it is time for her to eat. Right after morning potty time and again at 5 pm. The morning time varies a little, but the 5 pm never varies. She barks loudly until we put her bowl down.

I agree, this is a great thread. Love those sheepies!
My guys are pretty laid back in this regard, however I had a collie that anytime I sneezed he would come running from wherever he was and jump all over me. One day he darted out the front door; instead of calling him I faked a sneeze and he did an about turn and came running to me.
Chief and I play a game ...catch me if you can...around the tables ...then up and down the hall around the table again....just lets you get close enough then runs...I don't need to catch him ...we just play...good excerse for both of us
George wrote:
instead of calling him I faked a sneeze and he did an about turn and came running to me.
Ahahahahaha! Good one!
STICKS 8) She entertains herself there, no need for throwing them, she finds them when she wants to play with them. Tosses & flings them in the air, pounces on them and runs after she has flung them around. She picks them up then runs past me with a GRRRRRRR, sort of look mom but you can't have. Goes spastic with them. 8O :lol:

The other sheepie girl is stuffie control, which stuffie is ALLOWED to live here. If she my old girl does not like a stuffie well goodbye stuffie, sent to stuffie heaven, regardless of who's stuffie it belongs too out of the two girls. 8O She has had that quirk all her life. :roll: I gave up years ago there. :lol: Must admit I get a good laugh out of her stuffie control techniques. :P :lol:
Another common behavior (it seems) that Yuki does is... sit on the couch or curb with her butt on the couch/curb but all four paws on the ground/street.

Pearl does this too!!!

We have a low couch and she sits with her tusch on the couch and her front paws on the floor!! What's funny is HOW she gets that way.........she BACKS onto the couch :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh, Lisa's mention of stuffies reminded me about another one.

When I used to office outside the home, I could always tell what kind of day Winston had by the number of babies in the living room. Daily he went to the kids' playroom and chose a stuffed animal to snuggle with for the day. But if it was a rough day, let's say...garbage day, or heaven forbid, city crews working on something outside, or (this one is really bad) we have the trees trimmed....then I could count his stress level by how many babies were there when I got home.

Garbage day - usually just one extra baby.
Water or gas line work - probably four babies total. Depends on how long the men had to work.
Tree trimming - at least six.

He doesn't play with them. Has never chewed on one. Just lays with them. Quite pitiful. :roll:

Now that I telecommute there have been no instances of baby retrieval. He just stays in the office with me all day.
Okay, so Paco engaged in some not-so-cute behavior last night. I was tired which meant that he was bored, so he jumped on the bed, peed all over the bedding and rolled around in it :x . I really hope this doesn't become a habit. At least I've learned my lesson to never keep him unoccupied. He is still so darn cute even when he is being naughty! How is that possible?
With Guinness, it is the pool!

He just wants to be in it ALL OF THE TIME. And if you are in the water and he isn't...well let's just say that is one ticked off Sheepie :evil: ! He runs around the pool, and around the pool, barking the whole time--until you get out. (Poor Murphy, he just sits on the lounge chair and watches him run around, probably thinking what on earth are you doing?)
One thing (of the many) that Hannah does that makes my sister and I laugh is when Hannah joins either one of us in bed, she will first sit as close to us as she can then flings herself backwards across us. I have never seen a dog that does that before. She will also do it if we are sitting on the couch sometimes. She has her nest in the hall and will add things to it occasionally. The latest addition was my sisters bathroom rug. In the morning whenwe are getting ready for work she will give this really deep grumble. I can't really call it a growl. It's like she is trying to talk to us. Hannah keeps us laughing.
Meal time is a riot around here. I put their food down. JoJo, my deaf sheepie, immediately goes to Bella and her dish and barks and growls, then returns to wolf her food down, sometimes growling while eating. Bella eats a few bites, then goes and lays down by JoJo while she finishes her food. Once JoJo is finished, Bella licks JoJo's dish, then returns to her own bowl and finishes her food. I have to remain in the room the entire time or Bella will not eat, but will follow me. Then JoJo, who is on Senior food and a weight loss plan, will scarf up Bella's food!
Simon hates motorcycles. I have a SUV with the back seats folded so the dogs have lots of room to move about. If there is a motorcycle anywhere in sight Simon goes nuts. If one zooms past he goes from back to front growling the whole time. He recently has taken a dislike to bicycles too.
Edgar is a self petter. If he is feeling particularly needy and you aren't petting him he starts rubbing his head on your feet (like when they are resting off the side off the coffee table). Then it will go to whole body pets where he walks his whole body down your foot.
Wally is full of "quirks" Everyday after he eats dinner he runs into whatever room everyone is in and furiously wipes his mouth all over the carpet with his butt in the air.

My favorite behavior (which I really should not encourage) is his mini-temper tantrums he throws when he wants to be pet. He jumps onto the couch and sits next to me, and I of course pet him. But if I stop he starts huffing and puffing and growling until I start again. He also growls if I pet him in the wrong place (which changes everytime). Such a spoiled brat!
for 12 years i can't vacumn or blow dry my hair with my queen daytona.. she attacks anything that is loud for years i have had to put her in a car .. we tryed everything.. then come to find out 3 years ago she had ear surgery a hole in her eardrum she can't help in// well now she has gotten the bady derby to start attacking the vacumn o great[/img]
Abby has a very odd morning ritual, and Ive always been curious whether anyone else's sheepie does this:

After her morning streeeeetches, she trots over to my side of the bed, gives me a kiss and (I SWEAR its true) curls her ears up! :? 8O I didn't even suspect dogs had any muscles in place to do such a thing???? She then play bows and POPS her jaws...really loud, POPPOPOP!, with ears still in the "flying nun" position.

The only other dog Ive ever heard do the jaw-pop thing is Abby's own daughter, Liberty, who we met this spring.

Ive never been able to get a pic. of her flying nun ears, since she ONLY does it in the morning, and I am (to say the least) NOT a morning person :wink: , But another member here, Liz Rodes can vouch for me, as she saw it when we were camping together once! :lol:
8O :lol: ravenmoonart, that is the funniest thing I have read for ages, thanks for the laugh!!

Would love to see a pic of this :lol:
Charlie barks always at the Hoover and at the lawnmower! She starts barking already when I just bring both things out, without even pressing the power button she gets mad!

She also dislikes bikers! I think it's the Helmet! :lol:
Daisy also had a dislike for biker helmets. One day we were out for a walk and a guy in a helmet stopped to stroke her. She was fine and enjoying the fuss until she looked up and saw his head! She turned into a flying sheepie! It was like having a furry kite on a piece of string she flew into the air like she'd had an electric shock - so funny to see!

Another pet hate of hers (forgive the pun!) was Vicks Vapour-rub. If any of us had a cold and went to open the jar she went crazy - absolutely hated the smell. One year I was suffering from Pleurosy and having real problems getting my breath. My husband stirred some Vick into hot water to bring into the bedroom to ease my breathing. Daisy got one sniff of the bowl, leapt into the air and knocked the mixture all over me, the bed and her back (luckily it wasn't too hot) and then proceded to chase around the house as she couldn't get away from the smell! Crazy dog, I do miss her antics.
Chauncey loves firetrucks. He can actually tell the difference in sirens from police & ambulance. He gets excited and runs to watch them go by.
He also loves his bum scratched and if I'm not paying attention to his scratch me hint, he backs up to me and rubs his butt on me-scratching it for himself.
If I spray air freshener or basically any aerosol spray he goes nuts. He runs, slides across the floor, then rubs his face on the carpet :roll:
What a nut-case.
The funnest thing our Sami had done, is with the vacumm she LOVES it, we will vacumm her all over her tail ears and she even sticks her tongue in the hose. :lol:
Maudie's Mom wrote:
If Maudie REALLY loves you, she sits directly on your feet to let you know!

So, Cosmo really does love his daddy!

Nothing like a 115 lb sheep plopping down on your foot!!!!

Does anyones sheepie turn in lots and lots of circles before plonking down to snooze? Mine do that and it makes me laugh. :D
mine have done it several times
lisaoes wrote:
Does anyones sheepie turn in lots and lots of circles before plonking down to snooze? Mine do that and it makes me laugh. :D

Drives me crazy. :lol: Pepsi does it on the bed at night. :roll: Usually 3 or 4 circles then he'll plop down, then he gets up and does it again until he finds the perfect spot.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
: Usually 3 or 4 circles then he'll plop down, then he gets up and does it again until he finds the perfect spot.

Oh definately forgot the repeat preformance also. :roll: :lol:
One good turn deserves another :rimshot:
Turning before laying down is a wolf/dog trait. Unknown, but thought to be a way to concentrate their scent in one spot......why they thing that's necessary, I don't know.

I've got a barker prior to feeding. Funny about the Rags/Pepsi ritual.....I would not be amused.

Butt backer up, oh yes, "Oh, a little to the right please......." and then MO will dance on her back legs as she gets her butt scratched.

None like the vacuum, in fact if one gets trapped in a room when I'm entering, I see panic in their face and I have to back out and turn off the monster so they can escape. Haven't had a vacuum or broom attacker since Maudie and Crumpet.....and Splash. As a puppy Crumpet would rise the shop broom, back feet on the broom, front feet/paws on the handle, mouth also on the handle and away we'd go! As an adult you could not use a broom in her presence.

Today MO feels the same way about snow shovels.......bit the shovel, go after the snow being thrown off. And of course there's MO and her obcession with the sprinklers.........

Sitting or better yet, laying on feet.......wonderful in winter.
Ravenmoonart I have never ever heard a story like that. That is so funny I think you should sleep with your video camera :lol:
These are all so funny! :lol: Well, I only have two dogs but I do have a list of weird things they do.

Lumpi (lab/greyhound mix) loves to swim in the ocean/lakes,etc. but he will not walk in the rain - as soon as a drop falls on his head, he starts to rub himself to my legs, making it very difficult for me to walk. He will also not step in puddles. He doesn't like 18 wheelers, motorcycle guys behind our car, or if there is a kayak on top of the car. Oh, and he cannot bear statues!
He doesn't bark at them but he howls at them.

Because he is so fussy about things we named him Lord Lumpi.

Boni on the other hand doesn't care about rain or puddles. He is living in his own little world, he goes everywhere. He likes to watch TV when it's off - he will bark at it and tilt his head - and he likes to watch the fireplace - when there is no fire and barks and tilts his head.

He like to sleep in the bathroom but his head has to be on the carpet and his back has to touch the toilet, so for us sometimes it's hard to use the bathroom. :wink:

Both boys likes to sit on the sofa and look out the window (even now from the 29th floor) and they both starting to let me know at 5:00pm that at 6:00pm I have to feed them (every 5-10 minutes they come up to me and stare and if I turn around they come closer to my face, making eye contact even more). Breakfast they don't let me know, only for dinner.

Oh and a funny one. When Boni's butt is itchy, he sits down and turns around on it. Usually dogs would pull their butts. These are the reasons we call him Professor Boni.
Stella drinks from the sink... i put a picture up in the pictures thread, lol :lol:
Laurel (ravenmoonart), you are the only one I have heard refer to ears as being "flying nun" position. I have seen Sadie do this on rare occasions, but I have a pic of our little Tip who has since passed over who I think perfected the "flying nun" ears. It seems like he was almost always ready for take off. :D

OMG! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yup thats kinda how it looks...
Heres a photo that looks a lot like her nun ears, although I think its just a matter of how she was moving in this case :wink:
OMG! Bob has serious issues with big trucks to! Particuarlly disel trucks, he goes nuts! What do you think it is with that? Ceaser Millan, the dog whisperer, he mentioned that herding dogs sometimes have issues with moving cars because of there instincts. They want to herd them? I dunno. That wouldn't make sence though because it's the load trucks that cause all hell to break loose in my car. I try to relese that anxious energy with long walks before car rides but it does no good. He's fine just sitting in the car but as soon as the engine starts and we are on our way he gets anxiuos. Then the big trucks pass us and he flings himself at the windows, even though he is seat belted in! Insane behavior... but I suppose this is what you get from a puppy mill/rescue dog. I wish I new how to fix this, what do you do?

Bob also hates it when you blow in his face. He turn and walks away. It's become our way of getting out of our space. lol
what's up with sheepies thinking they're small in size? London and Tony thinks theres room for them no matter where we sit, go or sleep. :) is very interesting to hear that our sheepies share so many traits. I have a Siberian Husky who does none of these, so I really think it is a sheepie thing.

Here is what you guys have said your sheepies do that mine also does.

Sit on the couch or curb with his butt on the couch/curb but all four paws on the ground/street. He also does this when riding in the car.

After he eats dinner he runs into whatever room everyone is in and furiously wipes his mouth all over the carpet with his butt in the air. Or if he gets a drink, he wipes it on the corner cushions of my couch or down the hall wall.

Barks at the Vaccum and at the lawnmower. Even before they are turned on.

Loves his bum scratched and arches his back as if to be in heaven enjoying it.

If I spray air freshener or basically any aerosol spray he goes nuts. He runs, slides across the floor, then rubs his face on the carpet .

When I sneeze, he goes nuts.

When he lays down on his back with all four paws in the floor and kicks his legs in the air as if he was air riding a bicycle.

One of my favorites is when he is just being silly and wants attention and rolls around on the floor just doing that cute thing and happens to glance over at you like, can we play now and are you looking?

Or especially when he gets in trouble and I correct him, he digs his face in the carpet like, gee...I'm soooo sorry!

Aren't Sheepies GREAT!!!
Sit on the couch or curb with his butt on the couch/curb but all four paws on the ground/street.

Loves his bum scratched and arches his back as if to be in heaven enjoying it.

When he lays down on his back with all four paws in the floor and kicks his legs in the air as if he was air riding a bicycle.
One of my previous dogs, Oliver, used to watch TV intently for hours. He hated certain commercials— I think it was the commercial jingles. I remember a particular Budweiser jingle particularly. If it came on before I could hit the mute button he would go off, jumping up and barking and looking at my wife and I like we were supposed to do something about it for about 15 minutes, and until he had let everyone in the neighborhood know his opinion of Budweiser. He was so fast that after even one or two notes he could tell what commercial was coming. Eventually he would finally settle down and resume watching whatever was on. I could never watch the Super Bowl in its entirety with Oliver around.
Shaggy loves to help doing things. In the morning I tell him, "Let's get the paper!" And we go out front and he picks up the newspaper and I tell him to bring it to the kitchen. He brings it to the kitchen and drops it...waiting for his "cookie"!! We're still working on him giving me the paper in my hands, but he gets so excited!!

And he does the same with the mail, he runs to the mailbox and waits for me to open it and hand him something to bring in! Also with groceries, we try to find something he can carry in his mouth and he'll help bring it in. It's great! :D

I've posted some new pics since it's been awhile since I put any in. He's now 9 mos. old and getting huge!! And he's still a sweetheart!!
Duch does all the usual sheepie things but the most unusual is when I answer or use the phone she always attacks my feet :cry:
Chopin will sit at the side of the bed and stare at me until I wake up. He does this at night when I don't intend to wake up--in the morning he just likes me to wake me up so he seems to know the difference. It was unnerving at first but now it is so funny to open my eyes and see this big grinning furry face boring down on me just waiting for me to open my eyes and play with him.
Fiona likes to be held like she is still 10 pounds or so in your arms and bends backwards to look at the room, or whatever is around her upside down...just hangs there looking, pops up, back down. I guess she thinks that it is this magically different looks familiar, butttttttt
somehow different.
Gus Gus has come into many fantastically strange behaviors in his 3 1/2 months so far, but here are a few of my favorites:

1) He barks into the carpet. It's like he knows he's not supposed to, so when he's carrying on he points his mouth down and stuffs his face into the floor!

2) His nightly "freak out" where he runs the large circle through our dining room/kitchen/hallway and into the living room where he leaps onto the couch, bounces off, barks, and continues on his way!

3) Wall and door licking. I have NO idea what this is about, but he'll lie down next to a wall, look at you, let his tongue hang out very long and then every so slowly lick the wall as long as he can. STRANGE!

I love this dog, I'm so happy we bought a sheepie!
Hi Gus's Mama!

Gus Gus sounds cute!

Be sure to start a new topic in the "Introductions" section and tells us all about Gus and you!

Obe will swat his paw over and over again when he wants something (attention). When we are outside, only in the back yard he will go crazy if I sit down in one of the chairs. That means I am relaxing and not playing. If I stand he is fine. Some reason he thinks I cant throw the ball while sitting.
Laika licks her chest and legs after she eats or burps. So then she gets more air and burps then licks. It is never ending until I tell her to stop.
Hi spacegirl21 - welcome back. I haven't seen you here in awhile. We have a fellow sheepdog friend from Nova Scotia that we saw at the nationals last month, and it made me think about you and Laika. I hope all is going well. :D
Thanks works has been so super busy. :cry:
Oh I know the work feeling, my job has been crazy this past month, ugggg
Goofy Beaufy (as he is now called), likes to jump on the sofa and then he will dig and dig and do headstands until he has the pillows, cushions and blanket on the floor. Its a funny sight to watch. Then once everything is on the floor he will lay on the sofa and go to sleep. You would think it would be hard and uncomfortable. He also likes to lay on the air conditioning when the sofa is taken.
every time my boyfriend and i hug he crys and trys to come between us.. my daytona hates anything that is loud blow dryer, vacumn cleaner just barks and attacks it
Everyone's sheepie quirks are so funny! My first OES, Sid, would play tug of war with anyone's pants legs... but only if they were wearing jeans. She also fell into a big hole in the yard one time where they were repairing a water line... and then walked around the spot where the hole had been for the next two years.

Gabby, my second OES, used to cut through the back yards to the end of the block then scratch at some friends' back screen to see if her best bud, Alf, another sheepie, could come out and play. Of course the sceen was soon shredded!

Lucy, the OES laying down in my avatar, likes to run as fast as she can and then slide on a patch of ice! She'll do it over and over and over...

Donna S
Cubby barks at the vacuum cleaner every time I use it, he tries to bite it but he is not successful . He likes to lift his 2 front legs up like a horse and bark at the same time when he wants attention. Also, he brings his food bowl when he really wants food
Fozzie barks and attacks the handheld Dust Buster and the link roller :roll: He also humps Mommy if she tries to dance :roll:

Annie picks up her front legs so her "pits" can be scratched.
Fetch likes to chew on Jalepeno peppers! We are picking end of the season vegatables and cleaning up the garden and he keeps stealing the hot peppers. You would think that once he bit into one he would drop it like a hot potato but he seems to like them!
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