Cell phone society

We went out to dinner last night for OUR ANNIVERSARY :go: :clappurple: :cheer: :kiss: :yay: :kiss: :excited: :!:

A guy on his cell phone driving in the parking lot ignoring pedestrians.

Go into eat. A lady at a close table is on her cell phone loud enough for us to catch her conversation if we so chose. Stayed on her cell phone for 3/4 of the entire time of her meal. She of course was joined by the guy from the parking lot on the cell phone :roll: :lol: Big surprise there. They also had what looked to be their grown daughter with them.

She only got off her cell phone to have dessert. And the maybe daughter left almost when she got off her phone.

I'm thinking how many people would love to spend time with their family? How sad to miss quality time with your family.

Almost every where you go at least here anyway people have no regard for the people they are interacting with in person but instead are focusing on a cell phone conversation.

Kind of drives me nuts. 8O :evil:
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When my best friend was visiting me a few months back I think she was on her cell phone more often than not on it. Her phone was constantly ringing. I thought it was VERY rude that she just talked and talked away!
It's such normal behavior for them, younger people have NO idea that they're even being rude either. My assistant, her friend and I went out to lunch. Her friend was on the phone from the time we walked in, all through the line, the exchange with the cashier and until we sat down. We sat down and I said "Get off the phone, you're being rude and I don't want to hear another conversation while I'm eating." She was nice about hanging up but really did not understand how paying zero attention to the people around you was being rude. I found it difficult to even explain it seemed so obvious. *sigh*
It annoys the heck out of me, I even told someone off in a restaurant as his mobile was ringing all the time and he was answering it and chatting the whole time near our table. It got too much in the end, said take it outside buddy or put your phone on silence, you can always ring back AFTER with the missed calls. Surely you can live without that glued to your ear for a little while.

He turned bright red and stopped till he left the restaurant. I am a nasty bitch when I get annoyed. :twisted: You pay good money for a nice meal and service at a restaurant so the last thing you want is Yak Yak Yak of others persons conversations on their phones or a multitude of ring tones going off all over the place while you are there. Notice too how loud they speak on there cell phones you can hear everything there saying :roll:

I think rules for cell phone eticate should be listed on windows of restaurants or just a big sign TURN OFF THE DAM CELL PHONES TILL YOU LEAVE THE PREMISES. :wink:
I see this a lot, too. Drives me crazy, especially when you nearly get run over by someone talking on the phone. :evil: The only time I indulge in the habit of ignoring everyone else around while I'm on the phone is when its hubby calling. When hubby calls, the world stops. My closest friend is the same way. If we are shopping, the one not on the phone goes off while the other one talks, and the talker catches up eventually. With the military, you never know when you will get to talk to your loved one, and you never know when it could be the last time, so you make them the center of your attention. And yes, we pull over and sit if we are driving when they call. :D
I was in the grocery store...THE GROCERY STORE! and some woman was on the cell phone giving details of her OB-GYN appointment!!!!

It was GROSS.

Are these people idiots? They are not in a frickin' phone booth!!! They are in public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris & I were fine dining on vacation once and this guy at the table next us had one of those Nextel phones which act like a walkie-talkie and each time you talk back & forth the thing chirps. Luckily the guy took it well when we asked him to refrain. It was really ruining our dinner.

A lot of places have no cell phone signs posted and I love it. I hope the trend continues.
VerveUp wrote:
Chris & I were fine dining on vacation once and this guy at the table next us had one of those Nextel phones which act like a walkie-talkie and each time you talk back & forth the thing chirps. Luckily the guy took it well when we asked him to refrain. It was really ruining our dinner.

A lot of places have no cell phone signs posted and I love it. I hope the trend continues.

Argggggh. Those freakin' Nextel walkies are the worst! All the kids on campus where I work are constantly using them. Nothing like hearing 50 conversations at once interrupted by high pitched beeping.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!! hope you guys made up for it later..hehe

hey jill, arentcha supposed to be TAKING your lunch to work??????? That lunch coulda been a nice cold beverage on your fantastic vacation...lol......... :twisted:
DON'T GET ME STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

I hate cell phones. They have the magical ability to turn the user into rude inconsiderate idiots!!!! I have had a cell phone way back to the days of the old bag phones that weighed 5lbs each. BUT I HAVE NEVER done the things people with cell phones do now.

Tuesday night I started my class and about midway through class the guy behind me had his cell phone ring. Without even thinking he stood up in the middle of class told the teacher: "I have to take this call: and stepped out of the room. When he returned she handed out the paper that said in BOLD FACE, "TURN ALL CELL PHONES OFF".

I routinely have patients come in for appointments and in the midst of their appointment their cell phone rings AND THEY TAKE THE CALL, it makes me absolutely CRAZY.

Every third driver on the road has a cell phone in their ear (despite the fact that in my state it's against the law). You can't get through the grocery store without having to stop for someone who thinks the grocery isle has magically become their personal phone booth. I was waiting in line at Sears the other day and all transactions had to come to a stop because the women in fron t of me got a call.

MAKES ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!

I love those ear pieces...I was standing next to a guy in line at the gas station and I thought he was talking to me~~ :lol: :lol: :lol:

Everytime he "talked" I kept turning around. I hate THEM!!!

This couple I know bought their 6 year old an AMIGO. It's a phone thats preprogrammed with mom,dad,grandparents,etc. Child cannot dial out on his own. I saw them last week and now the 6 year old has a RAZOR phone--- :cry: :cry: He got one before I was able to afford one :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Having said this, I DO think they are good for certain situations.....My granddaughter has one, she is seven---She only gets it when she goes on vacation with her dad.They are divorced. My daughter wanted Haley to be able to call her if she was having problems since "dad" won't let Haley call home often.
Good thing my husband did not see this. This is a BIG petpeave.

There should a turn cells off when dinning sign, they have no smoking so why not cells. I also have a pet peave and talking in your car while driving. This week the law enforcements are on the look out for this and will be fined big time. More has to be done to stop these rude people!!!!!
If we all detailed our cell phone nightmares we'd blow this off the server.

There was a reason public phones were in glass booths, phone calls should be private!!!
We need someone to invent the cellphone Cone of Silence...
OES Mommy wrote:
I also have a pet peave and talking in your car while driving.

I have a pet peave about people talking on their cell phones in the LEFT LANE and doing like 40 mph. At least get over to the right lane for crying out loud!
In NYS it is against the law to use your cell when driving!!!
OES Mommy wrote:
In NYS it is against the law to use your cell when driving!!!

It's illegal in a lot of places now but people still do it. It's illegal in Detroit and I still see people holding up traffic, turning right from the left lane, blowing lights and being jerks-- still on the phone.
ButtersStotch wrote:
It's such normal behavior for them, younger people have NO idea that they're even being rude either.

I don't think that's true, it just depends how you were raised. In my parents house, we were not allowed to have the tv on, bring a book, or anything else to the table when it was time to eat. That was family time! And when you hadn't seen some one in a while and you got together, you hug and say "hello" and talk for a while. If you need to make a call, that is not the time to do it.

My husband's family though was not like that. They can't go through a meal without the tv, and he is ALWAYS on his stupid phone!! :evil:
I hate it when we carpool to work and he picks me up while he's in the middle of a conversation on his blackberry, and might not even say hello to me until he hangs up 20 minutes later. But to him, it's normal. To those of us who were raised to respect your time with other people, it's rude! Grrr!! (He's trying to be better about it though, but he wasn't raised like me, so he's not always aware that it hurts my feelings).

I had a friend like that, too. We hardly ever saw eachother after high school, and we would make a "shopping date" every once in a while, and she was perfectly content to spend half the time on the phone, while I was standing right there!! She even did it while we were eating in a restaurant together. It makes you want to say, "Well if there is someone else you would rather be talking to right now, let me get out of your way!"

My kids will not be like that!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's something I see all the time now - I'll be in the restroom at the airport, a cell phone will ring, and the lady will answer it - WHILE SHE'S IN THE STALL - and talk, while the toilets are flushing all around her. If I were the caller, I would rather get voice mail. Very few things in life are so important that you can't take five minutes out of your day and use the ladies room.

I'll agree with the exception for military wives - you have to take those calls when you can. But for the rest of us? The call is not that important.

Why have we lost the ability to spend time by ourselves? Why can't people take a ride in the car, or shop for groceries, or sit in a waiting room, just quietly reading a magazine? The conversations that take place are usually not urgent or life changing. Personally, I like a little quiet time.
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
It's such normal behavior for them, younger people have NO idea that they're even being rude either.

I don't think that's true, it just depends how you were raised. In my parents house, we were not allowed to have the tv on, bring a book, or anything else to the table when it was time to eat. That was family time! And when you hadn't seen some one in a while and you got together, you hug and say "hello" and talk for a while. If you need to make a call, that is not the time to do it.

My husband's family though was not like that. They can't go through a meal without the tv, and he is ALWAYS on his stupid phone!! :evil:
I hate it when we carpool to work and he picks me up while he's in the middle of a conversation on his blackberry, and might not even say hello to me until he hangs up 20 minutes later. But to him, it's normal. To those of us who were raised to respect your time with other people, it's rude! Grrr!! (He's trying to be better about it though, but he wasn't raised like me, so he's not always aware that it hurts my feelings).

I had a friend like that, too. We hardly ever saw eachother after high school, and we would make a "shopping date" every once in a while, and she was perfectly content to spend half the time on the phone, while I was standing right there!! She even did it while we were eating in a restaurant together. It makes you want to say, "Well if there is someone else you would rather be talking to right now, let me get out of your way!"

My kids will not be like that!!!!!!!!!!!

I think what you said backs up exactly what I said rather than contradicts it. They don't know they're being rude because no one is teaching them that it is and all their friends do it so they don't see a problem with it.
Yes, but maybe deep down those people have to realize that they're not being curteous (at least, I hope so). Well, I'm teaching my husband anyway. :) I told him he has to be a good example when we have kids. This probably has something to do with us younger generation people being so used to constant entertainment (video games, tv, etc.) that they have a hard time enjoying the calmer, more peaceful moments.

There's this one girl I work with who's always on her phone too. I don't know her, she's in another department, but over the last few months there have been 3 times where we're in the bathroom at the same time and on her phone!!!!!!! I'm afraid to flush during her conversation! I mean, isn't that embarassing for her? :oops:

If I was talking to someone and heard a bunch of toilets in the background, I would be grossed out! Ewwwww!
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
Yes, but maybe deep down those people have to realize that they're not being curteous (at least, I hope so).

Oh, they do! That's my whole point. They're being rude jerks and need to realize it but I'm not sure they ever will. :evil:
They're probably those same crappy people who don't tip!
Talking on the phone when one is in the bathroom is ALWAYS rude, whether it's a cell phone or land line. My friend does this to me often, we'll be talking and I can hear the echoing and can tell she's in the bathroom. I usually hang up at that point. If it's important enough, she calls back when she's out of the bathroom.

If you're in the bathroom at work and she's on her cell phone, I'd not only flush, I'd get one of those fart-machines and give her something to really talk about!! :lol:
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