Things Really Do Happen in 3's

When someone tells you that bad/unpleasant things happen in 3's.... believe them!!!

Back up to 4 weeks ago.... Troy (my other 1/2) is FINALLY getting around to building stairs off the deck, anyone who knows me.. knows I have very little patience.. but I've been patience for 7 months.. waiting for stairs to my back the mean time, I have been going out the front door aroundddddddd the house to get to the back yard for the dogs...royal pain in the @$$, but I haven’t been complaining to much as he has had a lot on his plate with the basement renovatations so a family member can live there.

So I get home on a Friday after work.. and he building my stairs, Yeahhhhhh.. finally.... at about 8 o'clock he comes in and says.. I got some bad pain in my side.. I said… are you finished my stairs.. he says no.. I said.. here’s 2 Buffrin… you probably just pulled something.. finish my stairs…he finishes the stairs and comes in the house.. at about 2’oclock in the morning he wakes me up… I need to go to the hospital.. the pain is real bad.. I said.. you are going to have to drive your self…cause Tanner is in bed, and I didn’t want to wake him…. So he drives himself to the hospital. I wake up about 8:30 the following morning.. and Troy is not home.. I think hmmmmmmm.. wonder what is up.. so I call Jen, my friend and explain what has happened and would she go to the hospital to check on him.. and see when he is coming home, cause he has the truck and I wanted to take the dogs to the park. Jen calls me about an hour later.. they were prepping him for surgery.. his appendix burst…

Last Thursday Troy (I am starting to see a pattern in all three of these occurrence) decides that he wants deep fried French Fries for supper, I said.. fill your boots buddy.. I’m going to mow the lawn……he changes the grease in the fryer.. (it was time).. put the old stuff in a bucket and put it on the side deck. Usually.. both Dud and Murph hang with me in the backyard when I mow… Murphy was no where to be seen.. hummmmm.. better check this out. I go up my newly constructed back stairs and there’s Murphy… head in bucket.. drinking like there is no tomorrow. “Troy .. do you see what your sheepdog is doing?????” and think to myself.. this isn’t going to be pretty later. Sure enough just when you get settled in bed with the lights out.. you hear the heaving sounds…sounds that strike fear in the hearts of women who just had their area rugs cleaned….out of bed I jump.. to late.. cleanup the mess .. back into bed I get.. awake to the desperate whining of a dog that needs to go out NOW.. to late.. didn’t get out the door in time.. explosive dieherria .. cleaned that mess up.. then the light bulb went off in my head.. who left the bucket of grease on the deck … Troy…..he was on vomit and poop duty the rest of the night…

As a result of Troy leaving the bucket of grease on the deck instead of disposing of it properly… Murphy was vomiting and had the bad poops all Thursday night and into Friday morning… Troy stayed home from work cause he felt bad (or guilty???). Well he decides to keep Tanner home instead of him going to the sitters, the boys could hang he said… I get a call at 12:00 at work.. it’s Troy… I need to come home.. we have to go to the hospital.. I though oh cripes.. Murphy is really sick……… nooo not Murphy.. Tanner.. he slipped in the backyard on some remnants of dieherria, while throwing the football around with his father and broke his wrist. Tanner is all excited about going back to school next week with a cool cast on his arm.

There, that’s it.. the dreaded “things happen in 3s” is over.….

As Borat would say NOT!!!!

While Troy and I are at the hospital with Tanner, Dudley and Murphy are downstairs with the family member that lives in our basement. She has cats.. cats = cat toys.. small teeny tiny toys that are very appealing to a Bernese Mountain Dog named Dudley. I have to say in Denise (basement dwellers) defense.. she is very diligent about putting the toys away when Dudley comes down.. but we were just so panicked about getting to the hospital.. that we didn’t think.. So 6 hours later we get home from the hospital with cast boy, Denise say.. ummmmmmmmmm I think Dudley ate a cat toy mouse, I can’t find the lime green one that is usually laying around…... to late for peroxide.. Troy says “why don’t we get some deep fryer grease.. it seem to work on Murphy.. everything just sailed right on though and out his bum”…for a split second I thought about it….then I gave my head a shake….so instead I consulted the Magic 8 Ball…

“Did Dud eat the Lime green mouse” shake shake shake .. All Signs Point to Yes
“Will Dudley pass it.. shake shake shake…All signs point to yes.

So there you go…the 8 ball has spoken.. although I think the 8 ball lied.. it’s been 5 days and he is pooping and peeing and eating and drinking fine.. maybe he didn’t eat the lime green cat toy………but to be on the safe side.. I've been coating his food with mineral oil...........

PS.. I have officially change my name to Black Cloud Hovering
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lol....that is just WAAAAY too much, too soon.......deep breath Bren, August is almost over and I hear that September is a great month!!

Did you REALLY make the poor guy drive himself to the hospital with a ruptured appendix?????????

Hmmmmm, do you belive in KARMA :twisted:
I know Ginny.. it's gonna come back to bite me.....But trust me when I say.. he's been milking it for all it's worth..

Did you hear.. my wife made me drive to the hosptial all by myself...
tell troy that I feel sorry for him....i know all about those family members that refuse to take you to the hospital when your appendix is about to mom and dad thought i had a bad bout of gas 8O im still making them pay :twisted:
That is really a BAD story!! :D 8O

My dad had that same pain in his 20's. He went to work, hoping it would pass. Instead, it ruptured while he was in the elevator (alone) going to his floor. Imagine the mass hysteria when the elevator opened and there was a body laying in it when it opened!!! 8O

He had passed out from the pain, and had a huge incision as a result of the rupture.
Wow, I'm glad Troy is okay. I have heard how painful that is. :( I agree on the fact that at least you have hope for a better month now that this one is closing. You deserve a round of good luck and good things! :)
Yowsa!! Poor Troy. 8O I can't believe you made him finish your steps AND drive himself to the hospital. :lol: You'll never live this one down. :lol:

Hope that he, Tanner, Murphy & Dudley are all feeling better now. :D

I had to laugh at the phrase "Denise (the basement dweller)" :lol: :lol:
makes her sound like she's from some new made-for-scifi-tv- species. :lol: :lol:
Dudster wrote:
I know Ginny.. it's gonna come back to bite me.....But trust me when I say.. he's been milking it for all it's worth..

Did you hear.. my wife made me drive to the hosptial all by myself...

HaHAHAHAHAHAAH, you didn't think WE would give you slack did you????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Here's hoping for a great September for you :lol:
Oh my gosh, glad that's all over.

I would NEVER live it down if my husband had to drive himself to the hospital. NEVER NEVER NEVER live it down. :lol:

Hope everything improves and only gets better for your family!
I'm so sorry and hope all the boys are feeling better.
I can totally sympathize with the grease. A few years back Harley and Pepsi drank Peanut Oil. My couch is still stained with an oil slick from where Harley threw up on it. :roll:
The black cloud should be turning to sunshine, according to the latest forcast. :lol:

With all that has happened you should be right for awhile we hope :plead:

Lucky your dogs did not have a Pancreatitis attack as well after that fatty treat. 8) Then that would of been vet hospital visit as well. 8O :roll:

Glad troy is OK, hope duds mice mystery is solved :lol: and tanner, well he will be way cool for school, except he will have to make up a better story to tell his mates how he broke his wrist, I don't think he should say he slipped on runny poops 8O :lol:

Anyway one good thing your stairs are done YAY. :wink:
Hey isn't there always a rainbow at the end of a storm?

OMG!! Reading your post makes me think my small inconviences were nothing compared to what you've gone through!!

Sigh I could relate regarding the back stairs as mine had broke off the header a few months ago and not a nice thing with dogs in the house! Glad Troy was able to get it finished and appendix..oh poor guy! How's he doing? Poor Tanner and Murphy too! Sheesh you must be dishing out lots of Hugs and TLC these days!

Sending you hugs and well wishes.

Wow, what a month!! I know the feeling, but I must say, you make it all sound so much more entertaining :lol:

Lets hope no more of this crap for any of us!
OMG, what a story!! I can't believe you made Troy drive himself to the hospital either! If I had done that, I would be paying for it for life!

Poor Murphy! :cry: I hope everything's settled with him now. So now you have something to make Troy pay back!!

How old is Tanner? My son started his 5th grade year with a cast on him arm. Broke his thumb falling off his bike. Of course, it was his right hand thumb, and he's right-handed. :roll:

Knowing Dudley's track record of eating stuff he's not supposed to, I really hope this green mouse toy appears soon. :pupeyes:

Enough is enough, Bren! Go into hiding for awhile so the bad karma aura can pass over you! :sidestep:
When I look back all that has happened in August, I find it extremely funny......

Please don't all think I am an uncaring partner...I love Troy to pieces.. but he's a hypochondriac.... if he's got a headache.. he's gonna have a stroke.. pain in arm, means heart attack and so on and so on... so when he complained about his side pain.. I figured.. the fool has just spent all day BY HIMSELF.. lifting posts, building stairs without help.. (not that it hasn't been offered).. he's just pulled something......have a Buffrin.....believe me, EVERYONE has been rubbing it in to me.

Lucky your dogs did not have a Pancreatitis attack as well after that fatty treat. Then that would of been vet hospital visit as well.

Murphy is fine now... everything has turned or come out okay with him, although when he burbs.. I smell french fries.

How old is Tanner? My son started his 5th grade year with a cast on him arm.

Tanner is 9 and going into grade 4. He has to go to the Children's hospital the afternoon of his first day of school to get his permanent cast on.. one that he can get signatures on.. He has figured out the most important thing to a 9 year old with a cast.. how to hold the controls for his video games.....

Knowing Dudley's track record of eating stuff he's not supposed to, I really hope this green mouse toy appears soon.

Dudley is fine.. he has pooped and peed with out problems since Saturday.. so I am hoping (fingers crossed) that Denise (basement dweller.... that's for you Tammy!!!!) JUST can't find the lime green mouse in her house (heheheh). Surely to gosh if he ate it.. it would be out by now...

I'm wondering if I should tempt fate and stand on newly constructed stairs on Saturday (1st of September).. and howl at the moon "Bring it On".
I know this post is an old .. from August.. but I just wanted to let everyone know that Dudley threw up the cat toy... last FRIDAY

It has been in his belly for 5 months..

Dudster wrote:
While Troy and I are at the hospital with Tanner, Dudley and Murphy are downstairs with the family member that lives in our basement. She has cats.. cats = cat toys.. small teeny tiny toys that are very appealing to a Bernese Mountain Dog named Dudley. I have to say in Denise (basement dwellers) defense.. she is very diligent about putting the toys away when Dudley comes down.. but we were just so panicked about getting to the hospital.. that we didn’t think.. So 6 hours later we get home from the hospital with cast boy, Denise say.. ummmmmmmmmm I think Dudley ate a cat toy mouse, I can’t find the lime green one that is usually laying around…... to late for peroxide.[/b]
8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
bet that smelled pretty!!!

I've seen stories about dogs that eat rocks and the rock accumulate in their belly for years.
I cleaned it up real good and gave it back to Denise (the basement dweller).
that is what friends are for!!
Dudster wrote:
I cleaned it up real good and gave it back to Denise (the basement dweller).

8O Oh my word!! 8O

:lol: That's funny. :lol:
Wow! Now that's a durable toy! 8O
poor baby, i bet he's had a tummy ache for the last 5 months too.....

bet your basement dweller thanked you for the question is ....will the cat touch it???
It is pretty scuzzy... Dudley has been banned from the basement since the incident.
8O 8O 8O 8O Magic 8 ball wasn't too clear on what end and when!!
I know.. last time I consult that lying 8 ball...
Ha HA! 5 months. They just don't make stomach acid like they used to. What's that thing made out of, Chinese lead?
Dudster wrote:
I cleaned it up real good and gave it back to Denise (the basement dweller).

I hope she said thank you! :lol:

I had no idea that stuff would stay in there so long. 8O

I'll have to bookmark your post and reread it from time to time to realize when I'm having a bad day...or's probably nothing compared to what you went through in late Aug!

Cat mouse turned up 5 months later...poor boy!!

LOL - that is quite the toy! 8O
:D Just read the story : Wow! 8O Do you think that the moon has anything to do with these runs of misfortune? :?
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