Hip problems -- Where can I get good vitamin supplements?

Hello to all sheepie mother!
My Jewel showing signs of hips problem lately. Last two weeks ago we take her to the vet and he was'nt for sure yet if it's hips dyslapsia. He gave us a medicine. Now jewel finished her medication still limping. She's having mild difficulty standing up and hop when she runs. Is this the possible signs of dyslapsia? We will take her to the vet for x-ray if this get worse. It sadden me seeing her in this condition. She's only 8 months old and very active joyful pup.

I'm thinking to get her a vitamin supplement that good for joint, is there anyone can advice where can i get. I look at in Dr Foster&Smith, cherrybrook & 1-800petmed.
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I have he same problem with my Magnum. He is 7 mnths old, and we took him for Xrays, and he has HD both left and right.. Its absolutely
heartbraking to seem them lie this..

Please get Jewel Xrayed asap, don't wait, otherwise it will get worse, and will be too late.. I wish you all the best. Did you tell your breeder about his yet?

Please have the vet do x-rays on Jewel's hips. The symptoms you are describing sound like hip dysplasia. :(

One of the supplements that helps most is glucosomine and chrondrotin (check my spellings). :D There are other options for helping her live without pain, too, which I am sure your vet will discuss with you.

Good luck. :)
I give my old dog Flexicose and it's done wonders for her mobility.
Thank you to all for you concerns. We're trying to get appointment on her vet this weekend and do the x-ray. I hope it not that bad yet.

thanks again.
I'm sorry for her troubles!

We give Barney glucosamine that we get at Costco (it's for humans and it is a berry flavored liquid). It is in the pharmacy area at Costco and I think it's called Glucoflex or something like that and is in a very colorful bottle.
Even if it turns out that your dog does not have HD, the supplement doesn't hurt them.

I also give Drez Flexicose, and have been giving it to her for about 2 yrs now. Although there is nothing that will cure her HD, it definitely helps. You can check out their website at: www.flexicose.com.

Good luck!
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Even if it turns out that your dog does not have HD, the supplement doesn't hurt them.

I also give Drez Flexicose, and have been giving it to her for about 2 yrs now. Although there is nothing that will cure her HD, it definitely helps. You can check out their website at: www.flexicose.com.

Good luck!

I bought mine from eBay and it was only $13 shipped. I don't think the web site was unreasonable in price, I just didn't want to join their monthly club!
I'm glad you're going for the x-rays... it's so important to do x-rays early if you suspect HD. Without them, a diagnosis is only a guess.

My rescue's hips looked like this at 9 months of age (before we adopted her). It was too late by the time she flew to us for her to have a Triple Pelvic Osteotomy which would have given her the best chances at a normal life. http://oesusa.com/MadisonXray.jpg

This is what the femoral head and cup should look like-

If you visit the Penn Hip website you'll find a list of these HD symptoms-

An affected dog may have one or any combination of the following clinical signs:

* Presentation: 5 months to 12 months for the severe form of hip dysplasia; later for the chronic form
* Abnormal Gait
* Bunny-hopping When Running
* Thigh Muscle Atrophy (loss of muscle mass)
* Pain
* Low Exercise Tolerance
* Reluctance to Climb Stairs
* Audible "click" When Walking
* Increased Intertrochanteric Width ("points of hips" are wider than normal)

This was Panda when she arrived almost 2 years ago... http://oesusa.com/Panda2005.jpg

So far, this particular sheepie hasn't required FHO surgery and is doing well with an adult buffered aspirin every morning, Cosequin DS twice daily and vitamin C (1000mg taken at night to control a urinary ph problem). I can't really tell you the reason for the positive changes other than possibly the glucosamine supplement, better muscle mass and simply the dog learning to compensate for what's lacking in the back half.


Not all dogs respond as well as Panda has... so far anyway. She'll be 3 come the end of October.

Best wishes to your sheepie-girl. Please let us know what they find.
Thank you to all for all the advice given. Jewel had her x-ray today and it's not really a good news. She had a bad hip dyslapsia on left rear. Accdg. to the doctor it will just get worse and worse as she grew older. He advise surgery that they do in Houston to kind a slow it down but still it's there. It's been really diffucult now that i knew she will not be the same Jewel i'll know. We will take Jinky too for x-ray one of this days to know if she will have the problem in the future too coz they are on the same litter.

It's so depressing. I never love a pet like this before.

Again, thank you to all.

I'm a so sorry about the diagnosis. :cry:

Did the vet recommend any glucosamine supplement like Cosequin DS, Glycofex, etc. and dog-safe pain reliever? The glucoseamine is said to help cushion the joints and usually takes a couple of months to see any results.

It's usually said that a dog with hip dysplasia should avoid fast start/stop exercise like fetch where they change directions quickly. They should not be taken out for a run... 5-10 minute walk would be better (shorter if the dog shows signs of pain like sitting, reluctance to continue the walk, limping, etc.). Avoid stairs when possible. Keep her at a healthy LEAN weight... extra weight on bad hips causes extra stress on the joints which is not good. If you have tile or wood floors, consider putting down throw rugs so she can stand easier. Swimming is said to be a great exercise for dogs with hip dysplasia... it keeps muscles in condition.

Contact the breeder you purchased your pups from today... they need to know this health problem has occurred in one of their puppies. You can also find out if any others in the litter have been affected.

Please keep us posted on how your baby is doing and if you'll go ahead with any surgery. I know this was not the news you had hoped for.
Hugs to you and Jewel.
I am so sorry to hear about your Jewel. I hope Jinky is OK.
You have gotten very good advice.
I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis was not good. You've got great advise here about treatment options. Hopefully you will find the best way to keep her pain free and healthy for a long time.
I am so sorry to hear of the recent diagnosis. I completely understand how sad you are especially since I just went through the same thing with my 7 year old. You can see the thread: Hip dysplasia diagnosed at 7.
We were given Chrondroflex by the vet. I'm going to check into the flexicose and other stuff too to see the differences. We also have a lot of minerals in our tap water here so we were told to not give tap water as it could lead to calcium deposits in her joints.

It is really difficult when they display symptoms and you have to witness it!

Some good news is we had another sheepie with hip dysplasia and she had a very happy life!

You're not alone dealing with this we truly understand. :ghug:
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