Possible hip problems at 3 months

Oh no! Paco may be showing signs of hip dysplasia at only 3 months old. At first I thought I was being overly sensitive, but after compiling a list of observations I realized that he should be checked out by our vet. Over the last few weeks he has shown the following signs of hip problems:

1. He sits and lays down frequently during short walks.
2. He does not sit up straight. He sits on one side with the leg on the other side sticking out.
3. When walking, one of his hind legs pushes outward slightly.
4. His gait is stiff.
5. He does the bunny hop when running.
6. He does not stand or sit for long periods of time.
7. Sometimes when standing he bites at his hip.

Well, I took him for x-rays today and the vet did observe some possible hip dysplasia. He isn't completely sure since Paco is so young, but he is referring us to a specialist. He also did some pulling on Paco's legs, which did cause him some pain. On the other hand, Paco often lays in the frog position which is supposed to be a sign of hip flexibility.

I'm pretty upset, but I'm trying not to get too worked up until I get some definite answers. After all, maybe he is just having growing pains. On the bright side, if there is a problem it will likely work in Paco's favor that it was discovered early.

Has anyone else had experience with hip dysplasia in such a young puppy? From what I've read, it doesn't seem like puppies begin exhibiting problems until 5 months at the earliest.
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I'm sorry that you and Paco are going through this. I am hoping it's just a stage or a phase.

At such a young age, a lot of things can be done...

Good luck!
From what I've read, hip dysplasia can appear at a younger age. With the Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis surgery they mention that it's best done between the ages of 4 and 5 months.


Over the next year, I'd watch him closely and redo x-rays to monitor his hips. When Panda was 9 months old, her hips were already bad... these are x-rays her previous owner had done- http://oesusa.com/MadisonXray.jpg She arrived from rescue at 10 1/2 months and we immediately looked into having Triple Pelvic Osteotomy surgery. Unfortunately, it was no longer an option for her due to the progression of her condition.
http://www.vmth.ucdavis.edu/vmth/client ... ofaq.shtml

There is often only a small window of opportunity to have either the JPS and TPO done but I've read that these give a pup the best chances.

It's great that you're so observant. Please let us know how Paco does at the specialists.
Gee, my 9 month old sits with one foot sticking out and runs with a slight bunny hop sometimes and I never even thought about the hips 8O And at 3 months old resting while taking walks doesn't seem too unusual...at that young age they do tire easily and quickly...

It is best to keep a watch on him but I'm hoping for you its only a growth spurt. Are you in contact with the breeder? Were the parents certified? Since you are being so careful, if there is any problem I'm sure at this young age the success rate is high.

Good luck. Hope it works out.
Good luck.
I'm sorry you are maybe facing that. I understand how upset you may feel!

Our 7 year old just was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. We found out the hard way that the only way to accurately know is by an x-ray, since she had been checked throughout her life but never by x-ray. She was always able to sit in unusual positions too and never bunny hopped until just recently.

We also had another dog, Katrina who we found out as a puppy by an x-ray that she had it. And she did well for the most part until towards the end.

I wish I had had the expertise of the forum and internet at that earlier time.

We are currently giving our Hannah Chondroflex II (don't give on an empty stomach) and doing some other things as well. We will be checking into options more extensively and will post as we receive info.

There are so many options and I think even more so the younger they are.

I know you will enjoy your beautiful puppy regardless and it sounds as though your puppy is very lucky to have such a concerned mom. I'm hoping he is just having a healthy growth spurt!

Keep us updated! I'll be hoping for the best outcome for you!
Thanks for the support and advice. My vet is consulting with a specialist about Paco's x-rays to see if he should be evaluated more thoroughly. I will keep you posted on what happens. We just got back from puppy class and Paco definitely walks and sits differently than the other puppies. However, I must say that he is the best behaved of the group. I couldn't imagine a dog with a better personality and temperament. That said, I will do anything to make sure he lives a happy, pain-free life. Thanks again everyone!
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