Has anyone ever used Acupuncture for their dog

I was at the vets the other day with flannigan and was talking about how Cinde legs are getting so bad. One of the Dr's does acupuncture said she has about a 90 % rate of dogs feeling much better. Would love to hear from someone who has tried this.
Thanks, Deana
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There is a guy down the street from me that used it on his senior dog for years for arthritis. He swore by it, and the dog lived into his twenties.
I'm a believer! It kept my boy running strong without meds, as his hip sockets slowly disintegrated. I highly recommend acupuncture and chiropractic as an alternative to heavy medication and on occassion, surgery.

You can find a vet in your area here;
http://www.ahvma.org/displaycommon.cfm? ... iclenbr=12

Just like any new vet, ask lots of questions.
We tried it for our big guy with both hip dysplasia and degenerative myelopathy, and had no success.
Last year when Ty had his patella surgery the Vet Hospital used accupuncture in addition to medication for pain control. It was short term while he was "inpatient" so I can't really express an opinion on the effectiveness but the Vet group swears by it.
I am a believer in both acupuncture and chiropractic care for my pets. I wasn't originally, but my American Eskimo was having problems with arthritis and was unable to keep up with Baxter and Cassiopia (my old english sheepdogs). After one chiropractic session, I saw a BIG difference. He now goes to the chiropractor every 6 weeks to get help for his arthritis...and it really helps him keep up with Baxter and Cassiopia (we walk 2 miles every morning).

We used both chiropractic sessions and acupuncture, as well as hydrotherapy on Cassiopia when she injured her shoulder last year.

As for Baxter, he went for several acupuncture treatments earlier this year after he injured his back. The pain killers the conventional vet had given us for him didn't seem to be helping much. Our holistic doctor spent an hour working on him - both chiropractic and acupuncture. It really helped as he was finally (after a very long weekend when he was in a lot of pain) able to sleep without pain.

Good luck

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
I tried it with Chumley. It seemed to make her so relaxed that she was even more wobbly and unstable. She was like jello. Certainly worth a try though to see if it helps Cinder.

Swimming has been much more helpful for Chumley in building the strength she needs to get up and to walk with less discomfort. She was not been swimming this summer due to concern that she had a spinal injury but she will be starting back up again today.
Yes, but we use the kind with no needles called electroaccuscope.

I swear by it. It is done by our regular vet who also does all the extra holistic stuff. She also does chiropractic which really came in handy when Hannah twisted her pelvis.

I have seen dogs that were paralyzed walk because of this treatment. And also it helped give us have more time with our dog with hip dysplasia. I believe we had an extra year with her in part because of this treatment.
Valerie wrote:
I tried it with Chumley. It seemed to make her so relaxed that she was even more wobbly and unstable. She was like jello.

We called our boy "Gumby" after his sessions. He was so relaxed he could bend and twist however he wanted.
We used acupuncture with Sydney, when she was anout 11 to 12. She had a couple of bad disks and the vet thought it might help the pain and her movement. I believe that it helped he, it did not hurt her at any rate. She lived to be 14, when her back finally gave out completely. We only did it may be a half a dozen times in three years. I'm still open on the Idea as to how much good it did but I;d do it agin in the same circumstances.
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