I hear Twilight Zone Music!

Remember that show?

Before I start..apologies for not been on lately, as new used comp died and now have yet another replacement...missed you all!

Now for my weird story:

I see an ad for a sliding back door..YES! I still need one so I was praying that it still hadn't been sold. The ad was placed by a fellow named Jarod.

I make the call and speak to a nice woman with an english accent who says she's his wife and can answer any questions. I confirm the measurements with her and she speaks to her husband to verify them. She tells me her name and I say did you use to live at........St? I heard silence at the other end and then she says "How did you know that?"

I say I bought your house 10 years ago and remember your names! We had a bit of a chuckle as the door I wish to purchase will go to their previous home. What are the chances with 3.2 million people living in my area and I call the people whose house I purchased 10 years previously?

I explain I have been having van problems and am worried about it not starting if I drive to their house. Turns out they live 5 blocks away from me and he teaches mechanics at the local college.

In case you're wondering I didn't buy the door as it came with the frame and he told me it would be a 4-5 hour job..and I just need one panel. But...they had a panel for sliding doors with a pet door!!!!! I bought that!
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SPOOKY!!! :lol:
Totally weird, but awesome that they had what you needed. :D
I bet they would be so impressed if they saw what you have done with the house.
It is because you are good person and have good karma . :lol:
So, he teaches mechanics at the school... if it is automobile auto mechanics, can they work on your van?
Oh that's a good one. I had a recent Twilight Zone encounter too...not quite as bizarre as yours, but I'll share it anyway:

Back story - one of my best friends from OKC moved to Dallas last year. This is the same area as several other friends, and near my aunt and uncle I visit often. I never go to see this friend though - which sounds bad, but she's in OKC for her job all the time and she brings her kids, so there's really no need. In all honesty, I hardly feel like she's moved. LOL So, I didn't go to her childrens' birthday parties a few weeks ago.

Anyway, I found some office furniture on craigslist in Dallas that I decided to buy. SO, I loaded up a trailer, and drove there to pick it up (about a 3 hour drive). Met the guy and his family, his business partner and his wife, chatted, loaded furniture and left. Then I spent the night at my aunt's house and when I got there that night, I had an email from the guy whose furniture I bought. He sent me his e-zine for his business, which has a headshot of him on it.

So, then I got home the next night, and when I checked emails, my girlfriend in Frisco had emailed me the pictures from her daughters' birthday parties.

Guess who and who's children were in the pictures?!?!

I emailed her back and said, "WHAT IS THAT MAN'S NAME?"

I told her "I met him last night. I bought furniture from him." She said, "No, you did not. That can't be the same guy." I said, "Call him! Ask him." She did and then called me..."OMG, How bizarre! He's our neighbor and we hang out with him and his wife all the time - they're great friends of ours!"

I told her she could have saved us both a lot of trouble if she'd have just put 2 and 2 together and brought me his furniture when she came to the city again. :lol:
I have a Twilight Zone happening this week too.

We are heading over to the Milwaukee area Thursday for Bassetfest - the big get-together and fund raiser for our Basset rescue that is held this weekend.

Tood and a friend went outside for cigarette on Monday afternoon, another of the big storms that have been hitting us all week had just passed. Todd notices a wet pigeon on his garage roof. It looked terrible - near death. They catch it, because they can see it has bands on it's legs - it's someone's racing pigeon. Todd has 2 brothers who have racing pigeons, so they call his brother Gregg. Gregg doesn't recognize the bands from any of the local guys - says he will call the chapter secretary and have him run a search on the band numbers.

Meanwhile, they put the poor bird in a dog crate in the garage and give it feed and water. It eats all the food and perks up, also starts pooping.
The next day Gregg calls back - the bird was traced to a guy living in .............
Yes - Milwaukee!

Todd calls the guy and explains we are coming from Mankato MN, and going out near Milwaukee this week and does he want us to bring his bird with???
He was shocked, needless to say, and we are planning on meeting him and handing off the very misplaced pigeon on Thursday!!

How's that for a wierd story? 8O
WOW Maz 8O Scarier is my youngest is Jarod, except I speak with an aussie accent. :wink: :lol:

How amazing is that the previous owners of your house, de ja vou or the Twilight zone 8O

Thanks, now I have that music from the twilight zone running through my head at the moment. :P :roll:
I loved listening to your stories as well!

Amazing isn't it how sometimes the weirdest karma goes on!

RDF - LOL how funny your story was and you as well must have had a chuckle getting the photos of the same birthday!

Got Sheep that pigeon also must have known that you were the perfect people to seek help from, least that's what I think! Your story was amazing too!

Ron, - Murphy's Law prevailed, when I went to visit Jarod the mechanic instructor, the van started no problem..lol. He did tell me that it may be a fuel filter which needed replacement and so I had that changed the following day. He said if that didn't solve the problem it may be my fuel pump..groan! (Still having problems starting it sometimes and unfortunately Jarod is also doing home renos so too busy to work on vehicles at the moment).

Another interesting tidbit is I wouldn't have remembered their names having only met them once, 10 years previously, if I hadn't looked at my original morgage papers only the week before.
Wow, all of your stories are amazing. Marianne, I am so happy you finally found your door, and with a doggie door on it how much more could you ask for. Yes, we have noticed you haven't been on and am glad you're on again. Welcome back!
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