My Kitten is Smart!

This past Sunday all those who had foster kittens in their home were supposed to bring them to the Shelters Open House in hopes of getting them adopted. Lots of work as temporary kennels need to be set up on the grounds and foster parents (none of us ever leave as we all want to see who adopts OUR furkids) or answer questions about them, so means 4 hours of hanging around.

The SPCA had regular kitten viewings in which we bring out kittens in on a regular basis. The last two showings were rather dismal as NOT ONE kitten was adopted. Poor little things! The shelter tries not to have kittens in their regular room due to their lowered immune system and many have only had the one set of shots. We hold the kitten viewings outside of the shelter in a nice shaded area.

The one I brought in, a very lovable kitten (but then they all are at that age) got stung by a wasp! NOOOOO! It flew into her cage and being a kitten she swiped at it and as a result got stung. :cry: Little thing was holding up her paw and meowed pitifully. I raced into the shelter and got some medicine and did manage to pull out the stinger.

Soon she had a list of people wanting to adopt her and chosen was the very best family so that I felt good about the adoption. Next, everyone started adopting the others kittens that didn't get a chance to adopt her ..every couple mins. This was the best turnout all year..17 got homes!

Think my little one was smart and did it on purpose for the good of all the kittens there. :D

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Awwww sweet story.
sounds like she just might have, and thats wondeful that so many little ones got homes :lol:
Thanks Ron and Jean!

The most heartwarming story of the day was a huge Maine Coon cat that was in a pen with a tiny little kitten. He obviously wasn't a kitten..LOL but they had the same foster mom.

He had been in the ISO (Isolation room) recovering from a feline cold as was the kitten and so they were housed with the same foster mom. His body was shaved too due to his matted condition when he arrived at the shelter except for his head and tail. Everyone wondered what his chances of adoption would be.

Somehow the tiny kitten and the huge Maine Coon cat struck up the most precious friendship and he snuggled with his little buddy and the two would playfight. The big guy was ever so gentle with the little one. The decision was made not to seperate them for the kitten viewing.

Yeah!!!! They got adopted together!!! It made us all smile and left us feeling good. Yes, it's difficult taking in so many fosters but days like this make it worthwhile.

Glad the kitten took one for the team. hehe Worked out for the best. I can't believe SO MANY got adopted. That is awesome!
WOW! :clappurple:

great story! I especially love the part about the Maine coon and his kitten buddy! :hearts:

I'm so glad all the kittens got homes. HOORAY! i hope the baby's paw heals up ok.
It sounds like a wonderful day. Way to recharge all the batteries for the overworked foster families!!
I'm so pleased with the high number of adoptions!! Great work, Marianne! :D
17 adoptions is amazing!!! was this broken pelvis kitty?
What a great day!!!

Thanks for the comments everyone!

Nope it wasn't broken pelvis kitty as she's with me for another couple weeks. I also had three little feral kittens and one kitten that while friendly with humans even at the age of 9 wks would growl and hiss at other cats and kittens. Took about 6 days of socializing to get her to stop doing that. Unheard of for a kitten to be doing that at her age!

So she was roomed with feral kittens whom observed her running up to me with purrs and kisses. While they didn't follow suit it did make a difference as they no longer attacked me with claws. LOL! She in turn started playing with them and thus became more cat/kitten friendly. She's the one that was adopted on Sunday.

I still have the two little feral kittens whom are getting better as each day passes and hopefully I can socialize them. My local shelter will put them down if they are considered "unadoptable". :cry: No way am I going to let that happen so couple times a day I have to catch them, wrap them up in a towel with little head peeking out and pet them to get them used to human hands. They can be turned around if you get them young.

Lastly yesterday I got two more bunnies..sigh...Big Momma and Moppet.

:D Edwina is a Maine coon cat and she is very pleased that her cousin found a home. So nice to have a happy ending, Marianne!
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