
I think my little muffin is a drooler. :? I know that they can have wet or dry mouths...so mine seems to have a wet one...all the time! Yuk! LOL I don't think its the heat either, its around 65 F unless the furball is hot at this temp. Her mouth is now kinda brown too. I wash it twice a day, but it just gets all sloppy and wet like a minute later. Any solutions, suggestions? Oy! I have a droolly baby! LOL
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Is he still teething? Changes in teeth seem to add to the drool. Make sure he has plenty of chew toys and uses them. Mine never liked toys, they wanted big, thick bones to help with tooth extractions.

My adult sheepies only drool with excitement......especially as I prepare their dinner. On the other hand, my Pyr-Sam drools a puddle before I can ever get the bowl put down. Then he flings whatever is left all over the kitchen or house. At least he hasn't hit the ceiling like a friends' Newfoundland could :lol:
marley wrote:
I think my little muffin is a drooler. :? I know that they can have wet or dry mouths...so mine seems to have a wet one...all the time! Yuk! LOL I don't think its the heat either, its around 65 F unless the furball is hot at this temp. Her mouth is now kinda brown too. I wash it twice a day, but it just gets all sloppy and wet like a minute later. Any solutions, suggestions? Oy! I have a droolly baby! LOL

Is it drooling or being a messy drinker? Presley is a messy drinker - she gets more on her, on the floor or on me than she gets in her mouth.
Hmmm, well, she is teething...and she is a messy drinker. But, i am wondering now if just takes a long time for her beard to dry? But it just seems that she is always wet mouthed. I also noticed, when she is sitting still and watching something out the window, she leaves a little puddle on the floor. LOL I don't particularly mind the drool, its my mom who brought it to my attention. She saw me take her head, by the chin and plop a kiss on her forehead. LOL so she said "oh my how can you touch that wet drooly mouth!"... (she loves her but the drooling got to her) I didn't even notice until she mentioned it. I will keep an eye on it, just out of curiousity, to see if its is the drinking or the teething stage. Thanks to all for suggestions and input, as always its appreciated!!!! :P
I come from a family who has had basset hounds, bloodhounds, St. Bernards, etc. - a wet beard is nothing! :wink: Tell your Mother when she has to let it dry and flake it off - then that's DROOLING! :lol:

After all - you did call her MOPsey - what did you expect??? :lol:
My guy is a drooler as well. Seems to always have a wet mouth when he is excited/anxious. So most of the day his entire mouth is wet, and it seems like the moisture grows by the minute
LOL Kristen! It should of been MOPme! LOL Yeah, I dont really worry about it, i knew about the drooling before hand, and though was hoping for a dry puppy, mine turned out to be quiet wet...at both ends. The peeing has gone away (knock on wood), and now the drooling has set in. LOL I do have a feeling that its the teething. She wasn't this wet a few months ago. Its all good, though! Love the little furry bugger! Oh, and today I was officially 'mamed. Two little boys have come up to me and said "C'scuse me M'am, can we pet your bear!?" LOL I couldn't stop laughing. LOL I guess I am officially old to the little ones.
ok, i think i figured out the drooling! We had the airconditioner off for the past week, but it was very humid. When we turned the air on, the wet mouth went away!!! LOL I think because her mouth is wet after she drinks, it just wasn't drying with so much moisture in the air. Mystery solved... LOL
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