Max had surgery yesterday...

Max was neutered yesterday. I know... he is 4 years old and just having it done. :oops: But there were reasons! He had a heart murmur when he was younger, and the vet advised us to wait a bit to see if he grew out of the murmur. We had it scheduled two years ago- and had a family emergency on the day he was supposed to have surgery. It was always in the back of our minds-- just bad parents I guess. Our new Vet was very "stern" with us and encouraged the procedure before he got any older, for his long term health. So- yesterday morning he had it done. He is doing well - very well actually given his age. (4) I took a few days off to be with him, and we are just hanging out. He seems a little sore when he gets up, but as ususal he is such a trooper, we would never know if he was in pain! I did postpone his visit to the neurosurgeon until next week. Poor guy- :(
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kiss the little sore puppers for me.....right on top of his nose!!
Sending hugs to Max!
Pepsi was back to running around the day after his nothing happened at all. :lol:
I hope Max recovers quickly.
Hi hope he feels better soon :lol:
Hugs Max :ghug:
My puppy Bowie was sore too the first day or so...he hated the collar thing so wee took it off and he rested comfortably...but every now and then he cheked to see what was missing 8O Two months later, he is still looking :lol:

Really, the hardest part was trying to keep him calm and not jump around. Max will be fine. Just be sure to keep checking to make sure no infection...We send our love,
Diane & Bowie
Ok- question.... will the skin dry up or what?? 8O Right now he has an empty hmm "bag" hanging.... :oops:

Poor fellow has lost all of his dignity- wears a diaper band at night--- and now this....
An empty bag hanging? Not sure what you mean????My vet used stiches from the inside that disolved themselves. when looking at it, it looked like a bumpy circle the first few days and then it flatened out and looked like a slighly redish color circle and then it disappeared all together with just a small straight scar like...hard to explain what it looked like :? but I don't remember anything hanging loosely?

Sorry I couldn't answer more directly. Maybe somone else can chirp in...
On an older dog, they leave the scrotum because it would be more invasive to cut it off. In Max's case, he had 4 years of stretching the skin out so he should have a little while until the skin starts to recede. On little guys you never notice because they've barely had time to stretch so it pops right back.
LeAnne just had Clay done 10 days ago. He is 6. (She has only had him since March. ) He has healed up really well. No bad swelling or hematoma. He never bothered the incision, so no e-collar needed!

I have seen many older dogs neutered while working with our basset rescue. Lots of males come into rescue still intact. (Go figure - wonder why they were having behavior issues?! 8O ) There is a saggy flap of skin that hangs a bit. At least the OES get fluffy and cover it up. The bassets don't have that camoflage option!
Hope he heals fast!!!!
Best of luck to Max and hope he feels better soon
Best wishes to Max for a speedy recovery. :ghug:
Hope your sweetie gets better very soom.... Sampson will be getting done pretty soon, and I think I may do what you did and just take a few days off to spend time with him.
Thanks for the "scrotum" info! :)
Max seems to be doing very well. He has not bothered the insision at all- so - no E-collar. We are thankful for that. He is just such a good puppy....

The Vet was suprised that Max has never shown any behavior problems at all... no excessive barking ( in fact- he very rarely barks at all) no roaming- no aggressive behavior. He is so laid back we wonder how he will be now!!!!! 8O
Our Oliver (ATB) sounds just like Max. We had no male behavior issues with him either. He didn't pee on stuff, act aggressisve to males or over friendly to females, roam or any of the normal intact male issues.
We eventually had him neutered at about age 5 or 6 - and it was for a different medical reason. The poor guy had gotten scrapes and sores on his scrotum a couple different times. They required tratment with antibiotic creams and they looked like they really hurt! Even Todd agreed that being neutered would be less painful :lol: .

He had the surgery, and never anymore problems. His personality and behavior never differed abit either!
Poor Max he's a real trouper. :ghug: He's lucky to have a family that sees to his every need.
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