Rain soak and now matted

Miley the camping dog had a great weekend camping. We have taken her several times this year and she is a top notch camp dog and guards the prerimeter of our site. The down side is this last weekend we had several down pours one on Saturday morning lasted a couple of hours.

So Miley got soaked ! I attempted to start brushing her out but she would roll on the ground. The matt fairys have taken up residents. I have been trying to work out the matts a little at a time - she is being difficult to groom right now. If I don't get to all the matts will they keep getting bigger?

We are going thru a bad spot - as her recent ear infection is causing her pain and I keep making her more unhappy about cleaning it and putting in drops. My problem is that her ears were the place I would normally start our grooming session. For whatever reason this would relax her just about put her to sleep and I could go about the rest without much trouble. Our routine is now out of whack and she is not as patient with her grooming. Normally the situtation would work itself out but the rain soaked dog with no chance to properly comb her out and dry her has added a new dimension.

I shaved her in May but I have about 3 inches of coat. I would like to try and not shave her but I know that she won't tolerate me getting the matts out all at one time. I am just wondering how big of a mess this is going to be. I was thinking about sending her to the groomers but I doubt that they will work the matts out. My guess is that they will either cut them out or suggest I shave her.

Thanks for letting me post my frustration - I have never had her this matted and am feeling a little overwhelmed.
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Yes, the mats will get worse but if they are close to the skin you can let them grow out a little before you try to break them up. If you want to keep the coat, get yourself a good mat breaker at the local pet store and spend like an hour a day going through them, separating them and brushing them out. Eventually you will catch up. Most people don't bother and then ultimately shave. Hair always grows back.
How bad is it? Are they really bad mats in a few places or a little all over? If it's just a few really bad ones, I'd get creative with the scissors and slice into them to break them apart and work them from there. If they're really tight (and I imagine they may be after getting wet) you'll never be able to work them apart with your fingers without losing a lot of hair and your mind! If it's a bunch all over the place, and you only have three inches of coat, I'd shave her now. I think it would be a lot worse to work your butt off trying to save her coat now, having it not work out and then have to shave 6 inches of coat, you know?
I tend to use my bandage scissors and cut into the mats - sometimes two or three cuts into the mat make a huge difference without losing that much coat.
And I confess to using "No More Tangles," the children's detangler on a couple of them. You have to soak the mat, so it's expensive to do a whole sheepie, even with the sorter coat. But it's an option.
Well here is the matt update - There are number of really big matts - so I have taken all your advice and went at them. I now have a 1/2 groomed girl. I took the matt spitter to the ones I could and cut out the really big ones. I also used a detangler for horses. The feet and hind legs are the worst and thats the area I cut the matts out. It took me 3 hours for 1 side but it looks a ton better. Side 2 tomorrow.

I am dropping an early xmas gift idea for a grooming table. I always use the same blanket on the floor and for the most part she knows thats grooming time.

The detangler probably should have been dilute more than I did - so I may have to bath her to get the excess out -

Thanks for the support.
Sorry, I forgot to mention the possible need for a bath after the detangler.
Glad it helped a bit.

I am the weird one here and don't use a grooming table. I got one many years ago and hated it. It was probably too short for me. I like the blanket on the floor. No lifting.
this happened to me this summer trhe kids took Sami to the river and she really had lots of fun followed by loads of matts. I did the shave thing and it was hard for me but she was one happy dog. So I think every May the fur will come off easier on everyone. AND I will not freak if they take her to the lake when i'm at work.
Mom of 3 wrote:
And I confess to using "No More Tangles," the children's detangler on a couple of them. You have to soak the mat, so it's expensive to do a whole sheepie, even with the sorter coat. But it's an option.

That stuff has worked miracles on matts under Beauie's armpits. For some reason he gets matted reallly bad there and on his belly. I cant say enough about that helpful hint. I use the store brand it's cheaper and works just as good.
Nicely done on one side - good luck with the other side!!!
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