I am bored

Here I am at work and I can't get anything done because I'm waiting on other people to get back to me and


They moved Mr. Snoring Man, so I don't even have him for entertainment. LOL, though the thought of that day does make me laugh. :D
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This sounds like a good opportunity to learn how to juggle. Or take a nap.
cat juggling!
Friday always seems like the longest day of the week when you're at work. I always take unnecessary breaks to chit chat when I'm bored or hit the "send and receive" button 1000 times in hopes i have new email. :D

Pre-season football started, so life couldn't be better for me.
Ooh, or what about balancing things on your head? you know like those guys that can put chairs on their foreheads and walk around. You would be the life of the party-- and the office!
Speaking of cat juggling, here's a woman who has 130 cats in a 2 brdrm appt.

i would shoot myself
http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=48325 ... &GT1=10252
I've done that with the send/receive button already today. It's not working. :roll:

I did just balance a paperclip dispenser, a ruler, a copy stamp and a staple remover on my forehead. If I had a bigger ruler I could put more things on it!

I think I'll leave at noon.
That sounds like the best idea yet. Heck, maybe I should leave at noon!
Page yourself over the PA system.

That should be good for a laugh, and to kill about 5 seconds!

Then go to www.bored.com. Some amusing stuff there.

(I hate Fridays...they go too slowly!)
Sounds like a good opportunity to get into some trouble. Maybe fill someone's office with styrofoam peanuts while they're out to lunch? Or cover their office in post it notes? :twisted:
I think EVERYONE should leave at noon!!!

Deb, we don't have a PA system or I would do that.

Dang, people are starting to bother me with silly questions.
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Sounds like a good opportunity to get into some trouble. Maybe fill someone's office with styrofoam peanuts while they're out to lunch? Or cover their office in post it notes? :twisted:

I have lots of empty Diet Dew cans . . . . . :twisted:
There you go! Put them neatly all over the floor so he can't walk into the office. :twisted: :lol:

Now, I'm going to find out how to I/C everyone; there MUST be a way . . . .
Well, Jo, at least those cats seem healthy . . . I want to know how many litter boxes she has!? 8O
You can always pull the fire alarm if you want to leave early....

Maybe you can start calling your colleague's extensions and then hang up. My guys here start doing that when they are bored and are in a mood to annoy each other... :roll:
Page yourself over the PA system.

That's great. I love it.

I'm bored today too. Next Friday is my last day at this job, so I don't have anything to do. Can't start any new projects, have finished my old ones, and anything I can think of doing, I might as well put off until next week.

I'm going to leave at noon, great idea.
Let me know how your noon leaving goes...

I'm in same spot you are now, I'll be leaving in 2 Fridays... In the meantime I have time to plan my exit. :twisted:
shame on you! you should have brought a dvd.....so you can catch up!! :twisted:
When I was driving Hayley to school this morning they said on the radio it was National Lazy day today?
So you are allowed to slack off and do no work, I think leaving early would be just fine. :wink:
Saulmr Wrote:

In the meantime I have time to plan my exit.

Oh, what are you going to do? Throw books at your boss and storm out? Tell them to take the job and shove it? Throw coffee on HR?
Hummm... those are great ideas! I'm giving great consideration to filling my boss' office with Styrofoam peanuts!

I have a couple of cherry bombs I haven't been able to put to a good use... salt on the Coffee, just to see if your taste buds still work... And I have an screwdriver and there's someone I don't like. Maybe I could unscrew his char just a little bit :mrgreen:
Saul, I like the idea of filling your boss's office with styrofoam peanuts. Is there a back door???

Jil, bring some stamping stuff to work and stash it in your desk. Thne when you are bored, get creative!!!!!!!!
If you're bored you could start a thread on Pet Insurance with your detailed experiences if you have any... costs, how they paid you, how they screwed you, whatever.

(I'm trying to write a nice article about it and could use some examples and "testimonials".)

Maybe even if you're not bored.... ;)
Paula O. wrote:
Saul, I like the idea of filling your boss's office with Styrofoam peanuts. Is there a back door???

I think I saw a red door labeled "Fire Exit" or something. I think using it to escape if I get caught will guarantee that I leave with a bang!...

I wish something interesting happened today, I'm falling asleeeeeep at my keeeeeeeeeboaaaaaaard.... zzzzz... zzzz....
Was a busy morning so I'm just catching up with this thread. Being as this is my last day before vacation, I can't WAIT to get out of here!! Hmmm, maybe if I spill my soda on the keyboard, they'd let me go home. :roll:
You could mentally pack and unpack everything
you own. That's what I'm doing, and I'm not even
bored. I just can't physically do it today.

I think you should take your empty cans and booby trap
all the other desks. Or tie them together and tie it to
somebody's bumper and then leave before them.

Shellie wrote:
I think you should take your empty cans and booby trap
all the other desks. Or tie them together and tie it to
somebody's bumper and then leave before them.

Yay!!! :excited: :excited:
I wasn't bored but I was inspired by your ideas of mischief and hijinks. Our busybody secretary is on vacation so I wiggled her monitor cable loose so when she goes to turn the computer on on Monday, hilarity will ensue.

Turning the computer on is a feat in itself for her so I expect she'll have to call the IT guys for this one. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
You guys are fun!!!

I did leave at noon. I got home and started mowing the lawn and then the lawn mower just slowed down to nothing. I managed to finish the front and then the fertilizer guy came. He helped me check teh stupid thing and the air filter was a mess so I had to go get a new one. Now I might as well change the spark plug too while I'm watering the fertilizer in.

Boo got out of the yard while we were looking at the mower and had a field day. Not only was the lawn guy here, but there were some city workers out and Boo was bouncing all over the place. We finally tricked him into the van and then I couldn't get him out!

At least I'm not bored. Irritated, but not bored.

Paula, that place is NOT conducive to anything remotely creative. :roll:

Shellie - I hate packing. I still have 20-30 boxes in the garage that I haven't unpacked from moving 5 years ago!

Saul & Jcc, I'm not talking to you. I'm looking for a new job and not having much luck. :P

Chris - have a GREAT vacation!!! Only 4 more working days till mine!! Spill the soda, it couldn't hurt!

Elissa - National Lazy Day?? What the heck am I doing mowing the lawn???

Darcy - guess what I'm watching while I try to find my spark plug thing? :D
I have to be WAAAAY bored to be motivated to mow the lawn just because I felt like it. At least you got out at noon. I'm stuck here looking at my monitor and planning mischief in my cage... err.. I mean, cubicle until 5:00 :(
I am so happy to report that I have had a WONDERFUL afternoon. I went and had pizza for lunch, came home, fell asleep watching TV, and woke up with a sheepie head on my shoulder.

Augh, having the afternoon off...poor Saul
(Sticking my tongue at you... Pbbbbtttt!!!!) I hate it when happy people rub in your face how happy they are.
Hi Jil,
Maybe you could post the pictures you took at the picnic :lol:
Cheap trick there Laurie, but you're right. I just hao figure out where I put the camera. :roll:
Still bored?

Jill you can paint...watch it dry!

You can boil water...it will never boil if you watch it.


Hey just had a thought :idea:
How can you be bored if you live with a sheepie? :banana:

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