Coffee Maker what kind should I get?

Our coffee maker just died today. It was a Krups and lasted several years. Need to buy a new one tomorrow. Thank goodness we have a french press to get us by for tomorrow. I've also had a Mr. Coffee before but that didn't last as long.

Has to have all the bells and whistles to suit hubby.

Any suggestions?
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I would get another Krups -- or maybe Braun -- they make the best coffee.

Whatever you do, don't get KitchenAid. I have a beautiful red Kitchen Aid coffeemaker and once in a while it makes a good cup of coffee but mostly it ends up full of grounds because the device that let's you take the pot out while it is filling does not fit properly so all the water piles up and the hole is blocked, then it overflows with the grounds into the pot. I have tried everything to avoid the problem and it is just unreliable.Every single day this week, and many days for the past several months, I have meant to get new machine and I keep forgetting. And so today I am probably going to have another crappy cup of coffee.
This is the one we have. We've had it since we got married 2 years ago and I really like it. It's a Cuisinart ... y=celtcfei
I have a Braun that's lasted for years and still works great. I switched to tea a couple of years ago though so it doesn't get the use that it used to.
I just bought the kind barney linked for the in-laws. We don't like Krups products. Always have bad luck so stick to braun and cruisinart.
same thing happened to me....i had a krups....the problem i had is that i didnt want a clock, a timer , etc...good luck finding just a plain jane one....i ended up with a mr coffee...i dont like it but oh well, i at least have more than one cup of coffee now :roll:
Mr. Coffee is lousy. Actually, I think all drip coffee makers (like Mr. Coffee) stink. When mine dies (which should be in about 2 months), I'm getting a percolator. Or maybe the Suisinart Steph linked to but I still don't like dripolaters. They don't last and the coffee is weak.
dont forget...there is always starbucks, plain black coffee....yummmmmmm...way better than my crappy mr coffee...
What about Keurig machines?

They sell these little single-serving cups with a gazillion flavors. The cups resemble huge creamer cups, but have a built-in filter and some coffee. I know this because I've cut'em open and looked.

You stick the K-cup as they are called into the machine and close the lid which punctures the cup top and bottom. The water is heated by the machine (some is kept heated and ready all the time if you like) then forced through the cup under pressure.

It makes a cup of coffee in mere seconds.

Lots of offices use a model that is plumbed into a water supply. Nobody ever has to make another pot of coffee, and the waste is fairly well self contained. My dad's has a reservoir that holds, ohhh maybe 3 or 4 large cups.
Darcy wrote:
dont forget...there is always starbucks, plain black coffee....yummmmmmm...way better than my crappy mr coffee...

Dunkin Donut's Coffee is so much better than Starbucks!!
Now I am craving DD's coffee again. :roll:

I've had both Krups and Braun and no luck with either. :(
We have a GE now with programmable clock and timer.
It works really well.
No Dunkies nearby in California?
Ron wrote:
No Dunkies nearby in California?

Closest one is in Phoenix, AZ. :(
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Dunkin Donut's Coffee is so much better than Starbucks!!
Now I am craving DD's coffee again. :roll:

It really is. the few times I drink coffee anymore, it has to be Dunkin' Donuts. I think Starbucks coffee has a harsher flavor. DD is nice and smooth.

You can buy it by the bag now though, Elissa, and grind it at home. You don't have to go there anymore!
I also love DD coffee. . . I agree Starbucks is unpleasantly bitter. I think they do it on purpose in a misguided attempt to seem superior.
ButtersStotch wrote:
You can buy it by the bag now though, Elissa, and grind it at home. You don't have to go there anymore!

My best friend brought two pounds for us from NJ when she came out in June. Only 1 lbs left. It's good, but not the same as when you get it in the store. :(
Everything's better when you don't have to do it yourself. :)
Ours is a "Bunn" - 15 years old- stays in the pantry when not in use, beause is it so old and in no way shape or form matches my decor at this point... BUT- the coffee is WONDERFUL each and every time. Not even sure they still make the Bunns that drip. :?
And the winner is :

Cuisinart 12 cup Black chrome series

Should go great with the WHITE appliances 8O What can I say? Hubby had a medical procedure today and wasn't in his right mind. Poor guy, how could I not let him have his way?

We went to Lowe's and they did not have Braun. The Krups they had was a thermal carafe which wouldn't work for us. I didn't see the post about Bunn before we went. They did have Bunn but since I hadn't heard of it didn't even consider. Is that the brand they have in restaurants? Abuckie if you want to replace your Bunn go to Lowe's.

Didn't have Keurig. But we looked at the only one that made a cup on demand by Cuisinart and they were out of them. I was kind of wanting that kind just for a change. And he likes his coffee a lot stronger than I do so I thought that might be a great choice.

I thought I was the only one that thought Starbucks has bitter coffee.

Saw that red kitchenaid though it was sharp looking.

Thanks for the advice! It was invaluable and really narrowed it down for us.
Ron wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I know you got yours, but I have to put a vote in for the Hamilton Beach BrewStation.
It makes a decent cup of coffee, but the best part is no carafe! It has a push button like an ice/water dispenser on your fridge. No more messy pouring or broken carafes. Todd has had his for over 3 years and it works great. :D
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