This is the.....

This is the 2 foot holes to place the 6 poles to hold up the porch, that Marianne dug

This is the six bags of concrete that Marianne lifted to pour in the holes to hold up the porch to support the poles.

This is the rocks that Marianne gathered including the six bags she purchased and the 10 buckets of pea gravel she loaded in her van to support the sand to place the bricks.

This is under the porch that needed support, that needed the holes, that needed the concrete that needed the post, that needed the rocks, that needed the sand, that needed the bricks that Marianne started building.

This is the start

This is the finished result of digging the holes to pour the cement to place the poles to build the foundation, to lay the rocks to pour the sand to lay the bricks to build the enclosure that Marianne built!

This is the before which drove me crazy as the grade leaned Towards the house and flooded the basement...Image

This is the AFTER (still working on this)

More to follow but don't want to bore you guys to death! :D

Tired Marianne
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LOL Love the story Marianne wrote :lol:
You need a vacation. When does school start? :lol:
I swear, you're such a busy woman!!! Oh my gosh, that's some work!
That is not boring. I am amazed by how level the brick patio looks! You did an amazing job. I think you could get a side job being a "handy woman".
WOW when are you visiting me 8)


Wish my boys could do what you do, come on over and give them advice on HOW TO!!. :wink: :lol: Spare bed now :wink:
OMG, you did that so quickly!
It looks awesome!! Great job, Marianne! :clappurple:
That was so quick 8O and it looks great!! Really professional 8) :go:
And is the Marianne
that dug the holes to pour the cement to place the poles to build the foundation, to lay the rocks to pour the sand to lay the bricks to build the enclosure that Marianne built! :phew:

That was so clever and entertaining!
Fantastic job, Marianne
GREAT job Marianne, you are soooo talented!!!!!!!!!!!
Great job Marianne! :phew:
You are such an inspiration! I cannot imagine where you get all that energy. 8O :lol:
So multitalented! Not only does she do such amazing hard work, she creatively writes about it!

You're awesome!
Marianne - this is soooo not boring me!
You have really made a lot of progress - I love the
progression of pictures. I feel a little weiny for
complaining about finishing up our painting and
What an inspiration!

lol....brian would LOVE you... :D
What a job, what a job!

OK, so you dug 6 holes, but I see 7 poles?
Were they just sitting on the ground before without any kind of footing?

We have to go down at least 4 feet for footings here to get below the frost line, otherwise they get pushed up when the ground freezes in the winter.
Thanks everyone for the comments..been working aprox 16 hours a day all week to get it finished. Of course I took breaks cuddling with little kittens and playing with the dogs in between. I go back to work the day after Labor Day...trying to time it so that I'm finished and get a few days rest before I go back to work. I had lung surgery in 99 and only have 40% lung capacity and flu season in the winters I often have pnuemonia (sp?) which limits my breathing even more and as a result I'm often fatiqued.

Usually I work other jobs in the summer but this summer took time off for my son's surgery( still waiting for that) and now finally had the time to do long awaited projects. I was on a deadline!

Ooops Ron you're right! I dug five holes as there were already two existing post holding up the porch. Musta been confused as I dug several more when I built Extreme Bunny Home. I did check with builders in my area I was told 2 ft is fine. We are on the West Coast so rarely gets past freezing even during our harshest winters. I was measuring to make sure the hole was deep enough, filled it with gravel, poured the concrete and then added the post.

Our problem here is the constant rain and what's been known as "Leaky Condos". It's so bad that every home being sold has to have a clause that it's not a leaky condo..caused by rot due to our heavy rains.

I couldn't afford to rent or buy a power washer so had a bucket and scrub brush and cleaned all those railings and stairs of that horrible green algea that accumulates over the rainy season. Has taken me all summer and still have a bit more to do. Also want to install railings down the stairs and with enough pavers left over to build a much needed walkway from the back gate to the stairs. A womans work is never done!

I did have a free consult one time with a carpenter (when my back stairs fell off the header) and he said everything else was fine..whew! It was only the header that had rotted, Thank gawd as a new porch is estimated in the thousands! With the free stuff I got from Craigs List and other friends..I've only spent 40 dollars!!!! Killed me to spend even that on 6 stupid bags of rocks..ha ha! Rocks!!! Although I collected buckets full when digging..still needed more.

I just wanted to reinforce the porch and using the post to eventually enclose that area for some daytime fresh air for the foster kitties such as Broken Pelvis kitty who is not allowed to jump for 6-7 weeks. Poor thing!

I still have more to complete want to be sure the grade now moves away from the I made that area a lot higher than the yard..still have to get rocks in the sand area for drainage. Before the area under the porch was just dirt which would turn into mud ..yucky mess!

For a few years people said they'd help me out with renos and financially I couldn't afford to hire someone. I got tired of waiting and things were falling apart. Spend winters watching home reno shows in b/w and fuzzy as I don't get that channel but the reception comes through a little. So I really did do it all on my own..carrying those 55 bag of concrete, buckets of rocks, bricks and while it took me lots of trips I was motivated. My son is sick and unable to lift anything over a few pounds.

Moving to a condo is not an option with my multitude of furballs and they are my biggest I'd like to start off by thanking them...LOL
Grabs Handywoman trophy and stops rambling... :sidestep:

PS You guys too are my motivators..I really appreciate all the comments and they inspire me too!
I think you are way cool and an inspiration to me. You are my Hero. I try to think of my self as handy but no where near as you :lol: It's like you inspire me to do more :lol:
Your posts and under deck patio look great. :D :D

I was worried about the post depth too - we need to be at least 3 foot to counteract the frezzing/thawing here. It may be even deeper than that for building codes.

After being out in Washington state in the Puget Sound area on vacation this week, I know what you mean about the constant moisture. It would slowly drive me crazy!!! Not getting the really cold weather is a bonus though. :D
Thats amazing Marianne, you have inspired me to get the things I needed to do sorted out before we move. When my feet are aching now I just think of you and I get more energy to carry on!

I'm gonna be like you when I grow up :D
WWAAAhhhooooo! You're doing a great job!
Wow! Great Job Marianne! I'm STILL trying to get the area around my pond level and put the weed fabric down so we can get the area graveled! But I can do it!!! Tlak about inspiration.

so when are you inviting us over for the patio party???
It looks great! I wish I lived closer, Walter and I would come by and help!
:D Splendid work! Now I see what you meant about the poles! Wow! :cheer:
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