Marie is in labor!

Hi guys,

I just wanted to let you know that our Ragdoll, Marie, is in labor, no actual pushing contractions yet. She has stayed in her box for quite a few hours now. Panting and meowing. I can tell it is a different meow than her many, many others. LOL I will let you know when I can how things are going. Marie picked a bad day, because of Ashlan, my daughter, being sick. Ashlan is running high temps, coughing, and vomiting. Lucky me. Everyone needs me today. Lucky enough, CJ is off work today and tomorrow. Marie must have waited to get Daddy home. LOL At least that's what he thinks.
Anyway, updates later. Stormi and co. (with more company coming) :wink:
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Woohoo! Hope the delivery is smooth and all the kittens healthy! Good luck with everything, and hope your daughter gets better... Stomach flu is no fun! Make sure to post pics :)

goodluckhope everything runs smoothley hope your daughter feels better soon
Quick update.....she is having visible contractions. She is doing well, I suspect in the next few minutes to a half hour. Woohoo! I think my daughter must have known and decided to stay here and see babies. J/K, she really is sick. Thanks for the well wishes. I will check in soon.
Marie has 2 perfect babies. 2 boys so far. According to x-ray she has one baby left. I hope this one is a girl. She has slowed down and is nursing her babies. You can still feel wiggling inside. I am taking pictures and video, so I will post pics soon.
We have 3 healthy babies. Baby A..male...10:13, 81gr. Baby B..male...10:22, 84gr. Baby C..female...11:21..87gr......
We had to cut the umbillical on Baby A, but she ate the rest the way she was supposed to. She is worn out, but has her babies nursing and 2 are dry and a beautiful white. The third baby she is still licking and cleaning. Ragdolls are born totally white and start getting a bit of color around 3-5 days old. They reach the full color maturity at 2 years. I will post pictures soon. It has been a pretty sleepless weekend thinking for the past 3 days that the time was near. LOL I can't tell you how excited we are. :wink: Stormi and co.
Surprise, surprise! Baby D was born at 12:52. The largest girl at 94grams. I kept telling CJ there was another one. He kept saying no the x-ray said only 3. I said yes, but they said there was a possible skull further up, that it wasn't clear, but it could be. Well, she was there. LOL
SO, Miss Marie had a litter of 4 babies. 2 boys and 2 girls. We keep things equal around here. LOL
Again, I will send pics soon. They are beautiful! And Marie is doing a great job keeping them nursed and cleaning them. She is purring very loud. Thanks for letting me share. The kids were able to watch the last 2 being born, they sat on our bed which looks down into the birthing box. They enjoyed it and didn't get grossed out by any of the fluids. We talked a lot about the birth and kittens the last couple of months though. Well, TTFN (ta ta for now) Stormi and more co. :wink:
well done to all of you :D :D :D
Yay! Babies! I just got home from work so I didn't see any of it till now.... and hey! Didn't I say there would be 4 and that they would be born on the 13th? :wink:
Congrats Stormi! *hugs*
Yep, Stacey was right on. She said 4 and the date. I think Marie must have been sneaking on and PM her to tell her how many and when she was planning on having them. There is a conspiracy here. :wink:
They are all doing well tonight. Baby D, is having a little trouble latching on. I hope by tomorrow that she is doing a little better. Momma Marie is doing great. I have sit for hours just looking on in awe of these babies and their mom. Marie made sure that we couldn't leave her side. She is ok as long as one of us stay in the bedroom with her, but if we both leave she comes and yells at us to come back. CJ and I are taking turns with her and taking care of Ash. She went to the doctor and has strep throat and an ear infection. She got the great pink stuff, so I hope she is feeling better soon. It is hard watching my baby so sick. This is her first time ever with strep throat and it is keeping her down. :(
Jack and Annabelle have been pouting because they can't get into our bedroom with Marie and her kittens. Although Marie has came out a few times and laid down for Jack to give her a complete bath. It is really sweet, but she is really wet after he gets done. Jack lays at the bedroom door and cries. I can't wait until Jack and Annabelle get to play with the kittens in a few weeks. I think the official aunt and uncle will love letting the kittens crawl all over them.
I have a lot of pictures, and if you don't believe me ask Stacey, she will verify. LOL I really will post them soon. Warning though they are too cute for their own good. LOL TTFN, Stormi and co.
Hoorah! 4 baby kittens! Congrats to all, Stormi and Marie!! I have to say- I have a soft spot for baby kittens- especially any baby ktten that happens to resemble my two (Birmans and Ragdolls are fairly similar breeds, I beleive). I couldn't be happier for you Stormi!! Quick question- You were starting a cattery (right word?) correct? Is this your first litter then? How exciting! Can't wait to see the pics! (And strep throat AND and an ear infection?! Oof... your poor daughter!) Much love to all and keep us updated!

Karen :)
Oh wow!!!! I have been out of the loop and am sitting here catching on to all the posts!!!! I am soooo happy for you! Four kittens! Oh gosh!!!!! I am so glad that she is doing well! Oh, poor baby girl! How is she doing? (your daughter, that is LOL) Kids aren't good at being sick, I feel for you! I want pictures emailed to me, too!!!!! I know ron will flinch, but its marley at sohn, period, org. I can't wait!!!!
Thanks for all of your kind words. Prayers would be appreciated right now. One baby, the last one who was having some respitory problems right after she was born isn't latching on very well and has slipped in weight from the 94 grams when she was born to 87 grams. All the other's gained between 10 and 20 grams. We called our vet who wasn't too concerned yet, we are just to supplement KMR for a bit. We are using a syringe to feed her, because she refuses the bottle. We have weighed her again tonight and she gained all the weight back that she lost and is back to her original 94 grams. The sucking reflex just doesn't seem to be there yet. Yes, this is my first litter as well as Marie's. She is doing better than I am, she doesn't seem as worried me. LOL We chose the name Familytime Rags, for our cattery. The word cattery is a little bit of an overstatement. We plan on staying very small and never using cages. Our boy Berlioz will spray if we let him have the run of the entire house, but our bedroom and our utility room he won't. When Marie is not in heat, Berlioz and Marie are best friends who hang out together, and when she is in heat. We put a cat tree, bed, food, water, and toys in the utility room and we put either Berlioz or Marie in for 4 hours at a time and then we switch, so that they don't feel left out. They seem to enjoy the room with no complaints.
My alter will be in a show in Kansas coming up in November. I have found a few wonderful mentors to help me with my breeding program and have learned so much from them.
My daughter is doing better. The pink stuff never ceases to amaze me. She was by no means her happy, sweet, bouncy self. (She sounds like a sheepdog, doesn't she. LOL) Her fever has broke and she was able to keep a little food and water down today. Ashlan is actually a wonderful sick kid, she just lays around and cuddles. Joey, on the other hand, is a holy terror. (I really do mean that affectionately.) When Joey doesn't feel good, there isn't anyone who feels good. LOL Luckily, they don't get sick to often. Marley, I wrote down your email address, you could edit it off of there now, if you are worried. And yes, I will send you pics of them too. Thanks all for letting me brag and worry on here. :wink:
Stormi and co.
Marie and baby A
This is Baby A and B. Both boys. They were born just a few minutes apart.
And then there were 3! :D
So here are all 4 babies......Image
Close up of Baby A.
Ok, last one.....LOL. This picture they are one day old. In order, C girl, A boy, D girl, B boy. They look like little white pigs in a blanket. Baby D is up 4 grams to 98. She seems to be doing better. I will post more of the wee ones when they are a few days older and color starts coming in. Image

Thanks for indulging me. LOL Stormi and co.
WOW!!! They are so beautiful!!
Thanks for the pictures, they really are all white at birth. It will be fun watching the colors develoop.
Oh, they are just wonderful! Your Marie is just gorgeous- I love seal points (almost as much as I love blue points :) ) What colors are you anticipating the babies might be? Karen :)
Oh my!!!! They are just adorable! Its amazing how tiny they are! Babies never ceaze to amaze me! Hope to have one soon! A human one, not a kitten! LOL I want MORE pictures!!! :lol:
This is the Daddy of the kittens, Berlioz. He is only 10 months old in this picture.

I will try to get an updated of O'Malley soon. He feels left out. :cry:

Stormi and co.
Stormi! They are beautiful! Wow! I am impressed! So fluffy and the color is just amazing! Yes, pleeeaaaase, more pictures! :P
Ooh!!! Soo cute. I just fall for those little white cat paws every time! I always pick up my Iris and stroke her paws- I just love them!! They're just lovely, all three of them! Which is the one being shown right now? The boy that you have the pic up of, or the boy that you don't?

Karen :)
Hi Karen,

Thanks. :D Toulouse is the one who will be shown in an alter class. He is seal mitted with diamond blaze. Berlioz is seal bicolor, and Marie is seal mitted with hourglass blaze. This is the first breeding so I know the chance is there to throw out blues, but whether they are actually carrying the blue recessive gene is not yet known. I am also waiting to find out if the chocolate recessive is there as well. The kittens are starting to get a slight faintness of color. It is so light that I don't know yet.
I am hoping that one of the kittens show up with perfect markings, but at the same time I hope that a few throw out blazes. Blazes aren't DQ, but they have to be very even. That doesn't happen too often, but Toulouse is a good example of it, I believe.
If we keep a girl for showing we want to name her Miss Maries Hersheys Kiss. I haven't came up with a boys name yet.
Baby D has struggled for a couple of days of losing weight. We are happy to report that after a few tries with a bottle and a syringe that she happily takes a medicine dropper. She learned how the sucking reflex. We fed her most of her feedings to get her weight put back on and she was given to mom for feeding last night. She picked her spot and is doing as well as the others. They are gaining 10-20 grams in a 24 hour period. They are getting rounder and fluffier. So cute.
Stormi and co.
question: why is daddy not as fluffy as momma and uncle? i know little (internet reading after hearing about yours) about ragdolls, was just wondering. i love the colors, but can't have fluffy cats due to allegies. yet if these gorgeous guys come "not so fluffy", hmmmm..... i wonder :)
Hi Marley,

You should see O'Malley then he has the fur of a himilayan very long and he sheds all the time. LOL Well, mostly Berlioz doesn't have a good coat as he is used as a stud. They say that a stud cat worries himself so much about a female that he loses some of his hair. I don't know how true that is yet. I can tell you that Ragdolls lose the very long hair in the summer and they grow it back longer and thicker in winter. I am still in high hopes that Berz gets his full coat in, because his marking our perfect and I really want to show him. I guess time will tell. When doing research on Ragdolls, you will sometimes stumble onto a myth such as Ragdolls feel no pain. :roll: It isn't true. Some will relax and go limp in your arms like a ragdoll if they are secure enough with you. All of mine will, except O'Malley. Some say that the hunting instinct has been bred out of them. In my experience with Ragdolls, O'Malley was the best mouser. Toulouse caught our parakeet a year or so ago and we no longer have a parakeet. :cry: I don't know about Berz and Merz. I have never seen an instinct to hunt, but wouldn't hold it past them. Some say that they don't shed. HA, they should come to my house and see me vacuum twice a day. Of course, I blame the dogs for part of the hair. :wink: I think they shed a LOT less than most breeds including short hairs and persians. It is very minimal. If they are close to breed standard though, there is no matting. O'Malley will mat if you look at him. The rest of them have wonderful managable coats. I can't think of any other myths right now, but there are quite a few. If you are ever interested in getting a Ragdoll, I know several reputable breeders in your area. They have beautiful champion cats that are exactly of breed standard.
Stormi and co.
I'm not the expert on ragdolls- but I do know that with Birmans, which look very similar (I know, I know, I'm working on pics of my girls!) That the coat length is dependent on whether they are fixed or not. For instance- the coat on Iris' mom was on the shorter side, as were the other 2 queens that the breeder had. However, Iris' coat is long and beautiful and fluffy (The shorter coats were pretty too, just a different texture). I don't know, however, if the coat texture would change on a cat that was altered as an adult... Maybe Ragdolls are similar?

Hey Stormi- do your Ragdolls "wuffle" when they get agitated with each other? I was wondering 'cause I know Iris has a distinctive Birman wuffle when she's mad at Bell, and since Birmans are part of the Ragdoll foundation (At least, that's what one of the R.D. breeders I met told me...) I was wondering if they do they "wuffle" too? The first time I heard Iris do it, I thought she was sick, and called my vet (Who, by the way, was also my breeder!). I was sure she had a cold or something, because she was making a snorting sound.. Turns out it's a Birman domination thing...

Ok, sorry, I'm going on and on again! It's just so much fun to share, and I don't have any sheepie tales to tell yet!

Karen :)
This is a picture of all 4 babies nursing, you can see the coloring on the ears and tails coming in. They are 1 week old now. Woo hoo!

This is a picture of kitten B. You can see the coloring coming in there as well.

Stormi and co.
Stormi, those pics sure take me back... wow... thank you :)
Have you had much experience telling the difference between seals and blues and lilacs and chocolates etc? If you need some help, I'd be happy to! :)
Willowsprite- what kinds of kitties did/do you have? Just curious! The pics are just adorable!!! How's the 2nd little girl doing? Gaining weight like she should?

2nd question for the sake of curiosity- how common are the blazes in ragdolls? Do you expect your kittens to have them? Is it a dominant gene do you know? Sorry, just nosy I guess :wink:

Karen :)
I used to raise siamese mostly, but also had himalayans, and tonkinese and burmese. Well, one burmese, and one tonk, and 3 himalayans. I don't anymore. I stopped a few years ago because it seemed there were simply too many kittens out there, I did volunteer work for shelters and rescues for a while instead. I would someday like to raise kittens again, either siamese, or ragdolls.
My first cat was a siamese mix- he was such a pretty boy! Do you see a big difference in the (c)attitudes of the different breeds you had? Siamese always came off a little too intense for me, I like a more laid back, dare I say, somehwat softer voiced :) breed. That's one of the reasons I chose Birmans, all of the good looks of a pointed cat, plus fluffy factor (I have a soft spot for fluffy, big surprise, huh), and a little less coat work. Anyhow, we had thought about getting a Burmese at one point, but ended up with a British Shorthair instead- couldn't pass up that teddy bear face!

I was wondering how you'd compare the siamese against the burmese? Are they pretty comparable, or are the burmese more laid back?
Siamese definitely have attitude. LOL And they are very vocal, it's who they are. I love that about them, but they're not the cat for everyone. They are more demanding at times, but the rewards are just as great.
Burmese are a totally different cat. They have that little bear look too, built solidly, and such cute faces. Their temperment is affectionate and loving too, but they are more laid back and less vocal. Tonkinese are just a cross between siamese and burmese, so they often have traits of both. Himalyans vary from cat to cat. They can be laid back and friendly, or more aloof and nervous. I had dollface himalayans and the modern squished faced himmies. The squashed face himmies I never bred, I wasn't happy with the breed itself and after seeing how mine had constant eye goop, difficulty breathing and eating and cleaning, I just decided I preferred the old fashioned doll faced himmies. Not show standard currently, but it was in my opinion that I was doing what was best for the cats in the long run.
Birmans and ragdolls sound like the breed for you... temperment, looks and care wise. What is your British Shorthair like in temperment?
Hi Stacey,

Yes, I think we are figuring out the colors. It looks to me like we have 2 seals and 2 blues. I also see slight shading going on the nose. If I am right on that as well, I have 2 bicolors and 2 mitteds. It is exciting getting to see the color develop. They are 193 grams, 164 g, 201g, and 180g. In order from A-D.

The blazes were not very common a few years ago, but are becoming more popular. They can be shown, but the blaze needs to be very even and not entering the nose or lip area. Marie's blaze will show up in her kittens, but not neccisarily in the large hourglass that she has. It might be smaller, more like Toulouse's, and some kittens might not develop a blaze at all. Just as far as my preference goes, I LOVE the blazes.

I had a himi as well and it was one with a small nose left. I don't care for the squashed faces either. Even with a nose left, he still got eye sproblems.
How big are your Birmans? I would love to see pictures. They have very round eyes, don't they? I love the eyes if I am picturing it right.
I don't mind you asking question, if I don't know the answer then it is something I need to find out. LOL Stormi and co.
Very cute. Have fun with the kitties.
My Birman Iris normally weighs in around 8 lbs, which is what my vet says is a perfect weight for a female Birman. She looks much bigger than that, due to having a very fluffy coat. She is just a smidge taller than Bell, my British Shorthair, when they are sitting upright. I would say they are both medium sized cats- not as huge as say an American Coon (love those cats!!!) but definitely not petite breeds either :)

Birmans are supposed to have a nice even china blue eye, kind of an open almond shape, I'd say the british shoprthairs have a more rounded eye. Naturally, Iris' eye color is a little washed out at the edges, with the middle being darker. She's a beautiful girl, and would have been show quality... in fact I wanted to show her in the alter class when I purchased her. She has beautiful evenly marked paws, and her points are outstanding. Unfortunately, while she was at the breeder, she had a very nasty encounter with the couch corner while chasing one of her siblings, which left her with a small amount of facial damage, including some nerve damage in her whiskers, and what I affectionately term- the snaggle tooth. You wouldn't know it to look at her casually, but a knowledgable eye can see it, so no shows for her! She's still such a pretty girl though!

As for Bell- she is much less food driven then Iris, and hmm... I guess I'd call it a bit flighty. Absolutely a sweet heart every inch of her, loves to cuddle, but on her terms, not yours (particularly at 3am when I'm sleeping :lol: ), worships the ground Iris walks on, and enjoys running at top speed around the house, constantly. Just give her an excuse! She's also very pretty, like a big steel colored teddy bear with copper colored eyes. British Blues have very light voices, which is one of the reasons we ended up calling her Bell- she has a very musical voive, and will talk to you. :wink: British Shorthairs in general need a lot of personal attention when little to become cudlly bunnies though- if they don't get picked up and held, bothered, socialized, etc. when little, they can get standoffish- this happened w/my moms Brit. (The breeder was ill when she was little, and the kittens didn't get the attention they needed)

I'll try to post pics when I get home this evening! Thanks for letting me brag a little!

Karen :)
This is a picture of baby boy B. They are 9 days old today. Growing like weeds. He is the only one with his eyes open. There is no pigment on his nose, he is a bicolor, maybe he will look like his dad.

This is Baby girl D, the one who wanted to give me some early gray hairs. She is getting more color everyday. You can see the color on her nose, she is a mitted.


Stormi and co.
Oh, oh, oh!!! Baby blue mitted girl, I love you!!! 'Course, that wouldn't be because you remind me of baby Iris or anything :D Is this the little one your daughter is keeping, or is that the other little girl?

Karen :)
LOL, Karen! :D Actually, I have put the picture up of Ash's baby girl yet. She is keeping a blue bicolor. So far, she has perfect markings, but they are still too young to figure out if the marking will stay that way. I am hoping though. I know baby A, seems to be developing a blaze that looks to be running into the nose just like his mom. So, I know he will be beautiful, but not show quality. Baby D, so far is having even mitts, so my hopes are high for her. It is so much fun seeing them change day by day. The colors change a little more every day, and baby Duchess has already learned how to purr. So far she is the only one. Jack is the protector of them. He sits guarding the box. He used to never be out of my sight, now when I go looking for him he is either sitting looking in the box or laying next to it. Marie doesn't mind, so I have let the big lug stay. Annabelle will go over and look at them, but she comes back. I can't wait until the kittens are older and getting to play with Uncle Jack. LOL
Stormi and co.
That's so sweet, I think if it were Dancer they'd be lunch. LOL
:D Aaahhh! They are soo precious! The little faces! And the little paws!!! Gosh I love babies! Stormi they are adorable!! You did good! Marie did good! I love them!!!! Post more pictures, pleeeaaaase!!! Hope the kids are feeling better... :P Stacey, LOL Lunch! Yeah, I have a feeling that would be MOpsey too! Although she saw a little baby girl today, about 2 years old, I think, and she came up to her, sat down, (no jumping or anything) and gave her a HUGE lick on the face! I almost died, cause I thought the mother was going to get upset, but the kid giggled and mom laughed, so it was all good! LOL So cute!
Hi Stacey and Marley,

I am not so worried about the kittens being lunch as I am of being stepped on or layed on by the huge lug. He is as clumsy as a typical sheepie. LOL I am waiting for the day to come when he climbs in the box with them. Right now I have a cover on it, if I ever take it off I think he would try nursing them himself. LOL Annabelle will come look at them, but seems to not have much interest in them.
What a great story about Mopsey. I hope that she gets to meet her own baby soon. I think you were saying that you are planning on starting a family soon. I wish you well.
I will post more pictures a little later, I am going to go through an delete the other pictures so that I don't take up too much space. I don't want to take up room of my kitties that should be for our sheepies. LOL
Thanks for indulging my kitty bragging. Stormi and co.
This is all 4 of the babies at 10 days old here. In order we have Baby boy A, who has a blaze like Mom. Baby B, who I think will be a seal bicolor. Baby D, who is a blue mitted, and last but not least....Duchess, blue bicolor.

Ragdoll don't achieve full color until they are 2 years old, so I think this is the color, but with this being my first litter.....I could be wrong. :wink: I will be more sure in the few weeks to come.

Stormi and co.
OOOOOOHHHH!!! They are just utterly adorable! I love them all!! It's amazing to see the little colors creeping into their fur! Iris took a full 3 years to acheive her full ticking on her back, and to lose her kitten marks (she had some linx markings from her daddy, all of which, but the "M" on her forehead have faded away). Bell's raccon markings on her tail are just fading now, and she's 2 1/2! It'll be a while before everythings all played out. (A good thing to think about for showing too!!) But isn't it a joy to watch it all unfold in front of your eyes!

Karen :)
Awwww so cute! :)
Here is baby girl D. Sleeping peacefully.

Duchess sleeping while dreaming of eating.
This is Baby B. He figured out the perks of being a Ragdoll. Flopping on your back is a trademark of the Raggies.

Oh more pics Stormi! You take great pics.... they are such beautiful babies :)
You know, I giggled out loud looking at these!!!! I LOVE them! They are so incredible! I really love the little paws!!! They look like little hands! And the faces are just too cute for words! You are so lucky to have these guys and watch them grow! Keep the pictures coming!!!
Thanks guys! We do feel great getting to watch these babies grow. It is also wonderful to see Marie being a great Mom. She is wonderful with all of them.
Ashlan is having her party tomorrow. She hasn't had fever since yesterday, but she still has her cough....same as Joey. Her cake is Disney Princess and say's Happy 7th Birthday Princess Ashlan. She should love that. I have most of the grab bags ready which is all girl stuff. I have boys coming too, so I will probably head up to the store in the morning to pick up some hot wheels to put in the boys grab bags. There was one little boy who is in Ash's class named Chase who also lives on the street behind us....he came over to find out how she was doing and let me know how he knew Ashlan loved kitties and Princess. He wanted to tell her she should name one of her baby kittens Princess. I thought it was adorable that he knew all of this stuff about my Ashlan. He said she talks a lot about her baby kittens. LOL She sounds like her Mom already.
Stormi and co.
Aaaww! That is cute! Kids are adorable! I am glad that Ashlan in better, but I don't want to jinks it! Have you heard of Oriental Trading magazine? They have great stuff for kids parties! I get all my classroom prizebox stuff from them! Too late for her birthday, but maybe for Joey's? Keep us posted! :D
The babies are too cute! I hope Ashlan has a great birthday party!! I'm soo glad she's feeling better now!

Karen :)
Oh wow! Are you a ragdoll breeder? :D Me and my fiance just love those ragdolls... they are soooo relaxed and floppy. He's always wanted one. Maybe someday... *sigh*
Three cheers for Ragdolls and Birmans from the fluffy kitty fan club!! Hoorrah! Hoorrah! Hoorah! ('Scuse me! Can you tell it's early in the morning, and I've got a bit of "want to be on my honeyoon" itis?)

Karen :)
So what are your plans for the honeymoon, Karen? Where are you going? When? LOL Congratulations, by the way!!! LOL :D

I don't really consider myself a Ragdoll breeder just yet, but close. We have had our first litter and have made it almost to 2 weeks old! The babies are doing great and I can't say enough about Momma Marie, she is great! We aren't anticipating any genetic problems, but we are giving this litter to family and friends who can still allow us to watch and document the growth of the kittens. We want to see how this litter grows awhile before we go forth and breed again.
We have just received our cattery name, Familytime Rags. We have still have the rights to show any of the 4 kittens, which I hope at least one will have show markings, but won't know for a few more weeks. I don't know where you are located, but contact to get recommendations for good breeders in your area. They have a set code of conduct they stick by and you usually can't go wrong in choosing a kitten or cat from them. From time to time they have retired breeders or older alters for sale also. I have also seen several Ragdoll on petfinder if anyone would like to rescue.
Stormi and co.
LOL Karen!

The Fluffy Kitty Club, I like that. The dogs could learn to meow and could be apart of it too!
I hope you get to be on your honeymoon soon. In 9 more days my husband and I celebrate our 8th anninversary. ( We have yet to go on our honeymoon yet. :? ) We spent our last dollars just getting married and I was pregnant a month and a half after we married. A honeymoon was the last thing on our minds. Our children have never spent the night away from us yet, I hope to one of these years go on a honeymoon. Maybe when the kids get grown. LOL
Have fun getting away for awhile! Stormi and co.
They are a little over 2 weeks old and are looking cuter all the time.
I have to show our Duchess first! She is doing well. She is the largest out of the 4 of them at 280 grams.

Next, is Blazer. He is really Baby A. Weighing in at 273 grams.

Then we have Magic, Baby D(she will go to my mom as her furever home, and she and my stepdad named her.) She is doing well at 271 grams. Her eyes were looking bad from a crusty, but we have an ointment for them and they are getting better.

And last, but not least. At 2 weeks already is a people cat and loves to be with us is....Hershey, he was baby B. My dad I think is going to take both Blazer and Hershey. He has been hurt and hasn't been to see them in a bit. I know he was going to, but I don't know if he has changed his mind. My fingers are crossed though, I would still see them 2 all the time if he gets them. I don't know what their names will end up being, I have just wanted to call them something besides letters. LOL I heard my dad say Yo-Yo once, so there is no telling what the names will be. 8O

I have a ton of pics. I will stop there though. LOL

Stormi and co.
They look wonderful Stormi! You and Marie are doing such a good job!
Oh my goodness are those babies beautiful! Congrats and I love the names!!

Karen :)
I think its your fault that I will have to adopt more kittens!!! LOL I love these little guys! They are sooo cute! My baby girl isn't going to be here until Saturday... the vet in OH said that she is too underweight to travel. So hopefully we will meet her at the end of the week! I am falling in love with ragdolls, though~ :D
Woah! Your getting a kitten? What KIND of kitten! How exciting! Geez, see what I miss when I'm gone for 2 weeks!

Karen :)
that is incredible, and they're growing so fast. :)

they're beautiful. thanks for sharing. gave me a big smile.
Thank you, they are growing very fast. Our computer crashed with all the pictures, but we had them saved on disc. I was very proud of CJ for making sure he did this. We would have lost thousands of pictures. As soon as I download them back to the computer, I will post some more. They were 4 weeks old on Monday. We are starting to introduce the litter box. They like sampling a taste of the wheat litter every time they go in it. I have had a blast watching them grow so far. I think they are getting ready to make our heads spin though. They should start getting really active in the next few days and weeks to come.
Stormi and co.
Ha ha! I can just imagine "Look mom- our own giant box of wheaties!"

Now that they are a little older, make sure to pick them up, swing them around, and generally harass them as much as possible :) My breeder id that w/ Iris as a baby, and you can do anyhting to her, and she puts up with it- grooming, petting paws, carrying her around (Mike loves to harass her, and she just takes it all!) Enjoy for all of us!

Karen :)
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