Will mice harm my little toy 12 wk old poodle

Hello All..

I notice a have small mices around the house, I am scared to traps because of my little poodle. Do you think the mice could harm her? I am very scared. :?
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How about keeping your dog crated or in a gated area until the mice are caught. We placed ours in places our dog wouldn't go. It was the kind where the mice just stick to the pad.

And, I would think your dog moves around too much for a mouse to come close?
You might consider buying these live traps for mice...
http://www.havahart.com/store/product.a ... dept_id=17

I found some locally at a feed store and they were cheaper. I use them to catch and rehome the pesky critters in the yard. If they're coming into the house, you need to find out where they're coming in so you can close up the access. Good luck!
I just moved this response to condense to one thread:
jcc9797 wrote:
As long as you are careful with the placement of the traps, and watch your pup I think you should be fine. They also make glue traps (are these poisenous????) that could possibly be a good option.
Thanks! I was wondering where my post went.
Joahaeyo wrote:
How about keeping your dog crated or in a gated area until the mice are caught. We placed ours in places our dog wouldn't go. It was the kind where the mice just stick to the pad.

And, I would think your dog moves around too much for a mouse to come close?

My Maltese has a TERRIBLE habit of eating mice poop :cow: so I was especially worried when we had our mice infestation. The poop does carry disease. We used the stickey traps that Mrs. J mention, BUT BE FOREWARNED...................... the stickey trap is a safe alternative to the mouse trap but the mice are not dead. They wriggle and writhe on the trap for hours.

We were told to put the traps around the foundation of the house, they did a great job of trapping the mice but also caught assorted frogs, moles and even a rat :excited: It was NOT a pretty sight.
They wriggle and writhe on the trap for hours.

Eeeeeew, icky, patooey... NOT a pretty picture.

But I suppose you're sure to be rid of them that way. I wonder if wild birds would be trapped on them too :(

My husband told me we should paint numbers on the backs of voles I remove to see if they come back :?
I can't kill anything. :roll:
glue traps leave mice to die a slow and painful death, really not a nice thing.

the humane traps are great, they work, and they are reusable. plus you poodle wouldnt be able to get to something trapped inside it.
get a cat :D
Like many of the other people posting, I just am unable to kill anything....even a mouse (although my cats are more than willing to take on the task). Nor was I willing to place anything around which could hurt the dogs or the cats (poisen etc). So, when I had to catch some mice in our garage I used a "Tip Trap Live Mouse Trap". I baited it with peanut butter and ended up catching 3 mice which we (ok, my husband) let go, far away from the house.

I picked this trap up at the local hardware store. However, you can probably search for it on-line if none is available locally.

Good Luck
Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
While I know all of our members are well aware of this, some casual readers might not know that a mouse that has died of poisoning might be poisonous to a dog or a cat.

Choosing to use poison to kill mice requires incredible vigilance if you have a dog or a cat around who might eat it.
Thanks Ron...you took the words right out of my mouth.
When my niece was living with her grandma..They had mice. Together they decided on glue traps. They caught one and my niece, who was seventeen at the time could not stand by and watch the mouse suffer. Don't ask me how but she freed it from the glue and took it out to the field and let it loose. That was the last of the glue traps. My ex-husband and I went on a trip to the Bahamas and found out we had mice in our room(oh yeah) and he went out and bought spring loaded mouse traps. That night he went down to the bar and I was in the room alone and a mouse got caught in the trap and started screaming. I flew out of the room and down to the bar and dragged him up to the room to take care of this mouse and the poor thing was still not dead and was moaning. That was the end of the spring loaded traps.
ej wrote:
get a cat :D

I think you should get a cat ..
Get a Yorkshire terrier they are made to hunt rats and mice
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