I said NO to puppies!!

Well not exactly right away of course...here's what happened.

Small animal rescue I volunteer for..already fostering Arthur and William (2 pound bunny and Guinea pig) , then took home three more bunnies that were getting picked on at the shelter..meant extending and adding even larger addition to "extreme bunny home".

Got a call from SPCA hospital to foster Broken Pelvis kitty. I placed her with Dusty so she wouldn't get lonely. Then recieved desperate call to socialize 3 semi feral 8 wk old kittens. Meant more rearanging of rooms. Also caused me to do major cleanup under my porch so that some of the fosters can be placed in downstairs bedroom and have access to enclosed porch area. (still have to do reno on that.) Meant checking Craigs List for freebee wood (also was checking for a slider door too as mine had shattered),
I've been blessed with hundreds of dollars of FREE building material when people knew what I needed it it for!! No door yet but oh well I'm still thinking i'm lucky.

Then my OWN vet called and said we recieved a call from SPCA hosptial as they are desperate! They had a puppy mill seizure that went through the night before and desperately need a foster home for pregnant Shihtzu and we were asked who is one of our best clients (LOL) and we recommended you. Now it's pretty ironic as my vet is located in a different municipality than the SPCA hospital and even more so when I said I am already fostering broken pelvis kitty for the SPCA hospital and broken jaw kitty previously.

So now I'm searching around and realize yes I do have room for the mom and impending pups (7 according to ultrasound). However my first priority is to those I have in my home and through some negotiations with another foster mom whom really wanted puppies (I did too but had to question how much time I could give them and didn't want to be selfish). I ended up with her foster kittens and she got the canine mom and everyone is happy. Sigh I was soooo tempted ...sigh puppies.

I'm totally exhausted from doing the additions, feeding, cleaning, socializing, but no complaints as I'm doing what I always dreamt of doing.

Of course I'm up from early in the morning to very late in the evening taking care of all these little creatures..16 I think. I'm also feeding the 41 rabbits at the bunny shelter a few times a week. Think it's cause I said "I'm taking the entire summer off to get some much needed rest!". :roll:


PS Oh imagine how cute those little gaffers would have been...sigh.
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Marianne you are amazing ! :ghug:
I wish I could do that :lol:
:lol: That's our girl! As my mom always says "Be nice and share!" I'm sure other foster mom is delighted, and you can always take time out (somehow) and visit, right???

It's a veritable ark at Marianne's!
Gee, guess there's no need for forwarding your name to people who just busted a Newfoundland puppy mill and have 18 dogs to foster and rehome............just kidding :lol:
SheepieBoss wrote:
Gee, guess there's no need for forwarding your name to people who just busted a Newfoundland puppy mill and have 18 dogs to foster and rehome............just kidding :lol:


Marianne, you are such a wonderful person! :D
:oops: Aw shucks! No need for accolades as I know any of you given the opportunity would do it too. It's their eyes...the way they look up.

It is such a sense of accomplishment too when you have little feral kittens that spat and hiss, run away but with patience and many wounds..you know you've made a difference when they start to trust and purr finally.

My local SPCA has no feral program unlike some of the other shelters and cats and even kittens as young as 8 wks are euthenized if too feral. You know darn well I'm going to try my hardest to socialize them.

To fail means euthenizing. :cry:

If the kittens are fostered young and socialized they have a chance they will be adopted, just sadly not enough foster parents. So yes I'm a sucker for the seniors, special needs and feral pets.

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