Update on Chumley

I took her to see a neurologist today and he confirmed that she has pretty serious spinal pain in her lower spine/hips region consistent with a neurological trauma (bulging disc, spinal cord compression, spinal cord inflammation, etc.)

The doctor is not sure if her problem is an isolated injury to that area because she is also showing signs of muscle atropy and lowered reflexes in her front legs. Her neck (where she had surgery before) is not painful and she still has a full range of motion, so that is good.

She actually seems a bit better than she did 2 weeks ago so it is possibly an inflammation that will settle down with more rest. She will go back on prednisone to see if that helps. I know pred is awful for some dogs but she has done well on it in the past.

I should have a better sense of things in a week or so.
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Poor Chummie! It's amazing that she's such a good natured girl with all of her aches and pains. I hope she continues to show improvement.
I hope the prednisone helps and that she'll be up and around again soon. Poor thing. She made so much progress, I just want her to be all right and able to relax and feel good for awhile.
Yeah, she is a big sweetie but she can get surly and she will snap if prodded. The docs and staff were all admiring her "happy muzzle." Then the joked about how people can't believe their dogs would ever bite and how they always say the dog never has done so before but they are offended if the docs want to use a muzzle. I said, my sweet Chumley will definitely bite so I always bring a muzzle but I like having it be a pretty one because she is not a bad dog - she just hurts.

But still, she is a pretty agreeable dog.

Right now, she is enjoying sitting in the car with the doors open.
Hopefully she is just inflamed and this will ease in a few weeks...

Fingers crossed for her

Brenda, Dudley and Murphy (mom says I'm getting a muzzle)
Poor Chummie :(

years ago he snapped at a VET when they were digging in his infected ear and now the ofice makes him wear a muzzle when he comes in.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Poor Chummie :(

years ago he snapped at a VET when they were digging in his infected ear and now the ofice makes him wear a muzzle when he comes in.

Awww! Every single time? That stinks. Even Chum only has to wear a muzzle during certain portions of her exam that they know are going to be painful. Still there is a very handsome blue geometric Happy Muzzle that would look great on Tasker!
yea :evil: Somebody slapped a "may bite" sticker on his chart and all the Vet Techs freak out when we come in.

But the Vet loves him and as soon as he come in the room the muzzle comes off. I almost left the practice over it but finally decided not to.

I like the CHERRy on :lol:
The cherries are nice! It really does make a positive difference when you can smile at your cute dog wearing a pretty muzzle. It just feels better.
Poor Chummie. :( :( :cry: :( :(
Does the dr think that any of this is related to the attack a few weeks back? Still have the guy's phone number?

Poor Chummie! :cry: :cry: That little girl has been through SO much and has come through like such a trooper, I really hate hearing that she's in pain. Hopefully the pred will help her, and soon. Gentle hugs to that sweet girl from me, please!
Poor Chum. I hope she sees some improvement with the pred. Fingers are still crossed!!

I like her happy muzzle - very cheery and fun. :D
Aww. Poor girl! I hope the pred helps and she feels better.
Poor sweetie, keeping those fingers and paws crossed the pred kicks in and helps settle things down. :ghug:
Gosh - if we all had her spirit!
I don't know a dog on this board we all feel so attached to as we do with Chummie!! Poor thing, but I believe she is a true trooper!
Poor Chummie! :( Hope the prednisone works wonders for her!!
Joahaeyo wrote:
I don't know a dog on this board we all feel so attached to as we do with Chummie!! Poor thing, but I believe she is a true trooper!

Awwww. . . . thanks. :kiss:

I think they are all so special. I just write about Chumley's ups and downs more than most. I really get so much lift from the support and encouragement. It helps me stay motivated.
Don't forget

I :hearts: Chummie!
Ron wrote:
Don't forget

I :hearts: Chummie!

I couldn't forget that! It means alot to me.
Ron wrote:
Don't forget

I :hearts: Chummie!

Me too she is my heroine, she just melts my heart and I just admire her so much and her special qualities and determination she has in her spirit and will and of course her wonderful mommy as well. :kiss: :D
val and chummie, i am so sorry i have not kept up with you. it's been a bit busy here. i hope you feel better soon and Val next time you take her up North let me know.......... please.

Ron wrote:
Don't forget

I :hearts: Chummie!

Me too! :hearts:

She's been through so much :( I hope she's feeling better soon...crossing my fingers for the new med.
Ron wrote:
Don't forget

I :hearts: Chummie!

Me too!
Chummie really seems to hold up well with her age and all the things that she has endured in the last couple of weeks. I'm sure she is thankful that she has you, Val.
Oh Chummie :( - We are so hoping the meds help your pain and healing.

The sentiments of others echo what we feel - LOVE THAT CHUMMIE- She is a hero and inspiration to us!!

Our best to Chummie, and to you too Val, for your continued dedication and love for your sweet girl.

Oh I hope she'll be like a puppy on the prednisone. It gives such a lift usually.
Ron wrote:
Oh I hope she'll be like a puppy on the prednisone. It gives such a lift usually.

It has definitely given her a lift! She popped out of bed wiggling her butt this morning. She's doing much better on the stairs and her general level of activity is improved. She ran down the street to greet Baggins yeterday. She's still struggling on the slippery floors and overall a bit tentative but she is already obviously feeling better.

Thanks for all the support! It gives me such a lift.
I learned the secret to getting Chum to pop up like a puppy.

Psst...the trick is to open a bag from Three Dog Bakery with treats in it and ask Chum "Want a treat?". You should see her move. :lol:

She is indeed special Val. Give her a big kiss and hug from me.
LOL that is true Wyn!! No matter how she is feeling, offering a treat will perk her right up.

It is also hilarious to see her move when Maggie has wandered off and abandoned a treat -- :sidestep: chum is there in a flash to steal it.

Even at times when she is unable to get up on her own, she is able to growl Maggie off from 10 feet away lying helpless on the ground. When I help her get up, she runs to get the goodies.

I usually give them each a pretty good treat at bedtime (bone, cowtail, trachea, etc.) and after Maggie nibbles a little, Chum ends up with both of them. Greedy girl!
She has the "spunk" quality of Drez!! I just love that girl and hope I get to see her again at some point.

Gentle hugs to that sweetie from me, please! And let's not forget Maggie! Hugs to her too! :ghug: :ghug:
Oh Chummie, we hope that you get to rest alot and that the meds help you get better. :hearts:

...and belly rubs to you too Maggie!

Val, you take such good care of her! She is so blessed to have you for a Mommy!
I hope Chummie is feeling better soon. Give her a treat from me!
Hi I love reading your stories and hope she is doing better soon. Give her a kiss from all of us :lol:
I'm sorry to hear Chum is having a hard time again... I hope she is feeling better and comfortable :)
Orignal Poster-Hope all is well with your doggie and the "babe" (dog,lol) and you are doing good!
How's Chum doing, Val? I've had to be away from the board these past two weeks, so I'm just finding out about her most recent treatments. I'm glad to hear the prednisone is helping her feel better. That girl is such an inspiration. :hearts:

Is she going through a course of prednisone and then being re-evaluated?
Chumley is doing much better after a few days on Prednisone. She looks cheerful and is more mobile -- going up and downstairs more willingly and sometimes able to get up on slippery floors. That's still a struggle though. She is not quite back to where she had been but much better. I am supposed to keep an eye on her and follow up with the docs next week.
I almost forgot -- the other day, we were out in the front yard and suddenly a giant hunk of crusty bread dropped out of the sky. Chum dove for it like she was a youngster. It must've fallen from the clutches of a bird or a squirrel but to Chumley, it was a gift from heaven. Sadly, I made her leave it because it looked kinda gross. . . but then she got a handful of treats.
Valerie wrote:
Chum dove for it like she was a youngster. to Chumley, it was a gift from heaven.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's so funny! If that were Drez, she would have had it swallowed before you could get the words out of your mouth!!

So glad to hear Chum's feeling better, the sweet girl. Attitude is 90% of the battle, they say!
YAY the predisone is working, wonderful news, gotta luv a girl with a healthy appetite. :lol: Chum and Drez would make a good pair in the find the eats around the place. :wink: :lol:
lisaoes wrote:
Chum and Drez would make a good pair in the find the eats around the place. :wink: :lol:

Chum's appetite is a major plus. I've been playing "find it" with her where I scatter small treats on the ground. That is enough to motivate her to go up and downstairs and stay outside long enough to realize she may as well "take care of business" while she is out.

I also scatter treats in the car so she can hunt and munch while I sit on the porch. I am working to tone down her enthusiasm for being in the car. It used to be that she would bark like crazy just to see the car. Now I can walk her up to it, let her sniff around and eat some treats, and then walk her away from it. That is monumental progress from the days when I had to drag her away.
WE LOVE CHUMMIE.... :ghug:
Valerie wrote:
I also scatter treats in the car so she can hunt and munch while I sit on the porch. I am working to tone down her enthusiasm for being in the car. It used to be that she would bark like crazy just to see the car. Now I can walk her up to it, let her sniff around and eat some treats, and then walk her away from it. That is monumental progress from the days when I had to drag her away.

Wait, isn't Chum the one who had issues in the car before See the USA trip? Whining and talking to you for hours?
If so, then shush! She's just reminding you how much she loved that trip.

And if I'm wrong, well, darn it! Wrong again.
Mom of 3 wrote:
Wait, isn't Chum the one who had issues in the car before See the USA trip? Whining and talking to you for hours?
If so, then shush! She's just reminding you how much she loved that trip.

And if I'm wrong, well, darn it! Wrong again.

Yes, Chum has always had issues with the car. But unlike most dogs with issues (they usually hate the car and/or are carsick), her issue has been that she loves the car so much that she would go bonkers with excitement just at the thought of being in the car. Having her able to take treats, relax, and then walk away from the car is major progress for her. She still goes nuts if I close the doors so there's a long way to go before she would be considered a tolerable passenger (if ever).
I thought she hated the car and was complaining......I didn't realize she was happily singing the doggy version of "99 bottles of beer on the wall" or maybe "The wheels on the bus go round-and-round."

Gotta luv Chummie
lisaoes wrote:
Poor sweetie, keeping those fingers and paws crossed the pred kicks in and helps settle things down. :ghug:

SheepieBoss wrote:
I thought she hated the car and was complaining......I didn't realize she was happily singing the doggy version of "99 bottles of beer on the wall" or maybe "The wheels on the bus go round-and-round."

Gotta luv Chummie

As long as I have earplugs. . .

She wants to be in the car more than anything -- even more than treats. She will pull like an ox to get in any car with an open door. She gets all giddy when she sees me with the keys to the car. I've learned to put them in my pocket hours before I need to go anywhere so that she calms down. She used to start barking like a nutcase at the sight of the keys. With 2 years of patience and slowly building up her exposure to the car, we've progressed to where she only starts barking like a nutcase when I close the doors. She is like a kid on a rollercoaster barking with overwhelming excitement.

I guess I do admire her spirit. I just hope I can retain my hearing.
hehehehe.....even at her slow state when you came to visit, I remember her barking ...lol....and it WAS loud!!!
How do you take all that barking Val???
Does Maggie react to it at all?
Abuckie wrote:
How do you take all that barking Val???
Does Maggie react to it at all?

I keep a large container of earplugs in the car at all times. And I muzzle her, which muffles it a bit and contains the spit. Maggie hates it. She looks completely exasperated and tries to stay as far from Chum as she can.
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