Infected Ears - Crying

Hendrix has had ear infections before, I'd even go as far to say their chronic and never ending. He went to the groomer on Saturday and I don't think they dryed out one of his ears because it's totally infected. Even to the touch he cries out.

We already have the solution for his ears and when we put it in he cries. Then when we put kleenex in his ear to wipe out the rusted red residue he cries... I would even say he is screaming in pain. Do you think an infection could happen that fast from his ears not being dryed just 3 days ago? Has anyone else ever had it this bad? He keeps shaking his ear like something is stuck in it.

Needless to say, back to the vet we go. I told my husband the vet will just tell us to put the medication we already have in his ears, but he insists we go. I go to the vet more then anyone I know! The vet should be called "The house that Hendrix built." My vet has told me Hendrix's ears are warmer then any dogs she's ever seen because his ears flap down and just fuel warmth and thus moisture. Does anyone clip their dogs ears back to get some air in there? If so, what do you use?
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oh you poor baby Hendrix :cry: I would tell the groomer that they need to be more careful :x
We put cotton balls in their ears for a bath.
After a bath, I towel dry the ears and then use a rubber band to keep their ears up on top of their head. They hate it. I do try to dry out what i can with a cotton ball.

See if the vet can give him something for pain. I had a severe ear infection as an adult and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life - that includes labor, broken bone, and surgery when the local aneshetic failed. 8O
Yikes that is painful! I've had ear infections when I was a kid, but I don't remember them being so sensitive to the touch.

Next time I bring him into the groomer I'll remind them to do a better drying job and I'll do it myself.
On both Bear and Clyde, I take out almost all the hair on the inside of the ear flap except the stuff around the edges that hangs below the flap. Keeping that hair short just seems to keep everything cleaner and easier to maintain and, I assume, encourages more air circulation. Clyde will let me use clippers right in his ear so he makes it easy. Bear doesn't care much for clippers or scissors so I do a little here and there to get rid of the hair. I don't know if I'm fooling myself into thinking it helps more than it does but neither of them get ear infections.
You might ask the vet about putting a drying agent in his ears each time he comes home from the groomer as a preventative. Maybe for a day or two after too.

I keep the fur short below the ear and the hair by the ear opening trimmed short... just don't allow any clippings to fall inside the ear canal. I also trim a bit at the back of the ear flap (OBVIOUSLY my dogs are not show dogs!). It allows for better air flow. I usually use electric clippers but it depends on how the dog responds. A trainer told me he does the same thing with his Newfie. Whey you see him lying down, you can also flip the ear flap open so it will air out.

And yup... ask your vet for a pain med or if even aspirin would help. It's got to be pretty ouchie :(
6Girls wrote:
You might ask the vet about putting a drying agent in his ears each time he comes home from the groomer as a preventative. Maybe for a day or two after too.

I keep the fur short below the ear and the hair by the ear opening trimmed short... just don't allow any clippings to fall inside the ear canal.

Good point, Jaci. I didn't mention that. When I use the clippers near the ear, as funny as it sounds, I stick my finger in his ear just far enough to keep the hair from getting in. Then, when I pull my finger back, I quickly wipe all the hair away that has fallen around it. At the end of everything, I put a little powder in each ear and search for hair to pluck so if any clipping escaped, I get them then.

Isn't it funny how much of a process it sounds like when you write it out but ear maintenance is one of those things you just do?
Mom of 3 wrote:
See if the vet can give him something for pain. I had a severe ear infection as an adult and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life - that includes labor, broken bone, and surgery when the local aneshetic failed. 8O

Same here. I never had ear infections as a kid but I had one as an adult and it was excruciating. I was in tears, sobbing, while waiting for my doctor's appointment. I was in bed for a week from it. It was MUCH more painful that my broken foot and broken leg and even more painful that the knee post-surgery pain. Definitely that is the most physically painful thing I have experienced. Ouch!

I hope Hendrix gets well soon.
That oto-max (antibiotic/antifungal/steroid) should at least calm it down within a few hours while you're waiting to see the vet.


Poor Hendrix. :(
I've often thought of braiding their ears to the hear on their upper necks......I know clips don't work, they get pulled out.

Too too keep the ears as hair free as possible both in the canal and along the flap. Additionally I shave below the ear hoping to get a bit more air circulation.

Some dogs are just more prone. Of all the many dogs we've had with flop ears and long hair, only two had ear problems; one quite severe, the other moderate. In both cases the ears would bleed, dogs would cry, just terrible.
My 13 year old Cocker, Andy. Has had chronic ear infections his whole life. We have tried every ear cleaner under the sun that our vet's have recommended through the years. Our present vet (whom we love) prescribed him "Corium 20". Ever since I have been using this to clean Andy's ears (about 3 weeks on the Corium)...his ears have improved alot. I told her that other cleaners I have used...seems to hurt him. He doesn't cry out...but he would shake his head like it hurt. The Corium doesn't contain alchohol which causes the burning. You might try and see if your vet carries this. It smells really clean too.

I hope this helps!

Here's the scoop... the vet couldn't get near Hendrix's ear and when she did he screamed. She said, "this is really bad." She was afraid that the tight room he was in wasn't helping him relax nor was our flinching and jumping at him screaming. So, she and 2 assistances took him outside to check his ear. She said she couldn't even get her scope down there he was in so much pain. She quickly got a swab of his ear but he was a shaking mess afterwards.

She checked it under the microscope and said he has a very bad bacterial infection and hopefully it hasn't infected his ear drum or hearing. She put him on a different ear drops and 2 other medications. We go back on Monday to see if she'll let him check his ear in the scope. If he doesn't, she wants to knock him out to do it and she'll even put us in a room as they put a camera down his ear to check it all out. God help me on that one! I'm praying it clears up in the next 5 days so I'm no dropping down more money.

I'll keep you posted!
Poor Hendrix! :( Hope he's feeling better really soon.
Poor baby! I would be a shaking mess right beside him. I hate it when our babies are in pain. Did you ask the Vet if it could be something the groomer may have done ie dirty grooming tools.
My sympathies to you Hendrix and Mom. My boy Ollie was a walking ear infection. A camera in the ear canal is a great thing to do as it can identify any issues that might keep you spending more money down the road if it's not addressed.

Buff has difficulty with his ears after the groomer plucks them. I started using the ear cleaner Willowsprite posted,, and have seen a great improvement. I use it once a week now and he has stopped worrying his ears!
Poor Hendrix that sounds horrible!
Is Hendrix feeling any beter today?
Poor boy! I hope his ears feel better soon :cry:
Poor Hendrix! Due to allergies, my hubby suffers from ear problems and has had to have his ear drums pierced a couple of times to release infection behind them. He said is is soooooooo painful. It's no wonder poor Hendrix doesn't want anyone touching him.

It might be the best thing to have him knocked out, so the vet can really get things clean in there.

Poor pup!

We're hoping he's doing better.

Hi how is he doing? I feel for him. My one dog had bad ear infections too and she was in so much pain. She hasn't had any in a couple years (knock on wood) maybe try a heating pad on his ear it was very southing to my dog Hershey.
Bless his little heart! :pupeyes: That boy has had enough aches & pains! :(

How's he doing since being on the meds for a few days? I sure hope he's feeling better and doesn't have to be put under today for treatment. :?
Keep us posted.
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