Hi all

Hello everyone....
I just wanted to apologize for not replying to many posts... I have still been reading the forum as often as I can, but haven't had a lot of energy to post much.
Congrats to all with good news, and I'm sorry for those with sad news:(

It just never seems to end around here....
On Saturday the police came to my door to let me know my youngest son (almost 12) was hurt and was en route to the hospital in an ambulance. They said he had fallen off an old railway bridge, a 20 foot drop, landing on pavement.
I rushed up to the hospital with every nightmare scenario running through my head, and when I arrived they wouldn't let me see him yet as they were still assessing him. When they finally let me in to see him, he was strapped to the backboard still, wires and monitors hooked up, head taped down and a neck brace on still. He wasn't crying, or moving, and it was the scariest moment of my life.
Then he said "Hi Mom" :)
He seemed ok, but they were still concerned as he was not feeling any pain. They xrayed every inch of his body, thinking surely he must have a lot of broken bones, and the ER doc said he only had one broken foot. Everyone thought it was a miracle he was alive, and definitely very lucky not to have had more injuries. One nurse said he must have had a guardian angel.... the first thought that came to our minds of course was Tucker :hearts:
We went to the orthopedic surgeon today, who reviewed the xrays and said both of his feet and legs are broken in several places, the joints are impacted and surgery cannot fix it. He should heal up fine though, he's a strong little kid :) He may always have some problems with his left leg though, it is the worst. (He landed on his feet)

I'm just so grateful he is alive and not more seriously injured.

So, I'm off work again for a bit, not sure how long, he is completely dependant on me for now, he can't use crutches yet and must be carried.

Sorry for the long post... just thought I'd pop in....

Take care everyone.....
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Oh, I am so happy to hear your son is okay!!! (well, for the most part)

I know I'd be terrified seeing my son strapped down with all that stuff. Boy, have you been through a lot lately!!!

Glad you're hanging in there! :)
I didn't realize that you had gone back to work-- that sucks. When did that start again? What crappy circumstances to get a day off.
Give him a hair tousle for me!

I guess he'll just be a regular Canadian... leaning a little to the left for a while.
Oh Stacey - how scary. 8O
I bet your heart just stopped.

How is he doing? Do they have some good pain killers for him? I bet he is miserable. Those impacted fractures bite. No weight bearing for a real long time. :(

:ghug: to all of you. And Chewie is more than happy to send a nice sheepie kiss to your son too!
Stacey I'm so sorry! That really sucks. I'm glad he's okay (or will be). Hopefully things will be looking up...And I can't imagine carrying around an 11 year old boy--good thing you have big dogs to have built up your muscles!

Im so glad that it wasnt any worse than it was....that thought is just scarey enough.......

hope he feels better soon and panda sends wet ones too!
Stacey: I am so sorry to hear about your son's accident. Boy or boy. I hope he heals quickly and bad luck leaves your doorstep. Hang in there.

OMG Stacey :( :( :(

Thank god your kiddo is going to be ok....but wow...I cant imagine the terror you must have been feeling! 8O

I love the image of sweet Tucker as his guardian angel.

Hang in there, statistically if NOTHING else, this year has GOT to start getting better for you! :pupeyes: :ghug:
So so sorry you had this happen to you and your son. Glad to hear he is okay for the most part. I can imagine Tucker being his gardian angel.
I know how scary it is to see your son all strapped to a backboard. Been there done that twice with the same son and his best friend both times. Keep your chin up and hang in there. It will are work out for the best. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Hi Stace,

I'm so sorry to hear of your son's accident. I can imagine how terrified you must have been. All in all this has been one monstrously sucktastic month!

Thank God he is ok! My sister suffered a similar break to her spine. It was scary, but I'm really amazed what good physical therapy can do. I'm sure your son will be healing in no time.

Give him a huge hug from me, I'm thinking of you guys.
OMG, Stacy! How horribly scary!! :pupeyes: I can't even imagine how your mind was racing on the way to the hospital, then not being to see him right away, then to see him as you did. Wow! 8O

I am SO glad he wasn't more seriously injured. Can he stay in a wheel chair and be pushed around, or do his legs and body need to be in a straight line?

Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. :ghug:
As if you have not had enough on your plate. I am glad your son will be ok. Prayers and hugs to all of your family :ghug: :hearts:
So sorry Stacy,

Maybe that's why Tucker had to go so soon...I hope his recovery isn't :ghug: too hard on you all. I have a 12 and a 14 yr old...but they are girls. I strongly sympathise.
Hang in there Stacey, it is bound to get better. I am sending a :ghug: from our family. In case you need any extra sheepie sugar, Pud, Titus and Ernie send their spares that way.


What a terrible thing to go through!!!!!!!!!!! Poor fella, POOR YOU!!!!!!!!! I hope he heals fast and completely. DARN KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ouch! That sounds really scary for you and painful for him. I hope he heals quickly and recovers fully.

Make sure he drinks lots of milk!
Oh goodness, you've had so much going on 8O.

I do hope you are enjoying your job (didn't know you'd gone back either) and it might provide a distraction.
Wow! What a rough couple of months for your family!
I'm sorry that your son is injured and thrilled that it wasn't worse, though I'm sure it is painful.
This will be good bonding time - just before he hits the teenage years!

(I have one who has a dedicated ER exam room in 3 hospitals - I swear they have his name on it! Lots of sympathy for you)
That's awful. Poor kid! I hope your son heals really soon.
Stacy, I hope everything heals all right. He's in my prayers.
Oh stacey, so glad your son is not too badly injured. You are both in our thoughts and prayers. You are right too, every mothers worse nightmare when something like that occurs.

I hope things settle down soon for you, you really do need lots of these at the moment. HUGE HUGS. :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

We are thinking of you and your family
Oh man, you have exceeded your quota of bad things happening to a really nice person.

Our best thoughts on the way for your son's fast recovery.
How terrifying! I hope your son has a speedy recovery. Tucker must be one heck of a guardian angel!!
I am so sorry you are having such a run of bad luck. Sending positive thoughts and well wishes for you and your son. As an orthopedic nurse, it's amazing to see how resilient kids are!
Hang in there :ghug:
Good thoughts heading your and your sons way Stacyalong with a :ghug:
from me and Dutch . Take care of yourself
Wow Stacey, how scary! I'm so glad your son is going to be okay!
I am so sorry that this happened to your son but, I am glad that he is in a fairly good physical state. More importantly, I am so happy to hear that you are doing alright and that this accident did not bring you more hardship.
We're sorry to hear about this accident!

Marielena, Danita, Lennon, Sofa ans Me wish a speedy recovery for your son.
Stacey, that sounds awful - and scary... But I'm glad to hear that he is doing so well, especially considering the circumstances.
Give him a hug for us - and make sure he gots lots of quality time and kisses from Tucker! :ghug:
Aw, you poor thing :( . Bad things come in 3's so you should have smooth sailing for awhile. Rosco and Luke send your son some healing treats, I hope he recovers quickly.
Sorry to hear all the bad luck you are having. I can only imagine how scary that was to find out that your son had been hurt. I hope things look up for you and there are many sunny days ahead!
Yikes Stacey!! I haven't been on much lately and was so sorry to hear of this latest crisis in your household. Tucker :hearts: truly was your son's angel and I'm so glad that he wasn't hurt worse. Give your son a hug for me. I'll be thinking of you all!

Sending you lots of hugs and kisses (big sloppy sheepie ones) :hearts: :ghug:
:ghug: to you and your son! Hang in there we are here for you!
Oh my gosh... I missed this. I am so sorry to hear about the accident. I had wondered why I hadn't seen as many posts from you so I back tracked through your posts and found this. :(

I hope your son is now on the mend and that he'll make a rapid and complete recovery.
Yeah, wow it's been 2 weeks... how are things going?
Thanks all...

He is doing ok, finally was able to get up on the crutches the other day... I made him actually, I just cannot lift him anymore.

We go back to the ortho surgeon tomorrow so hopefully things are healing well.
Glad to hear he's doing better, Stacey. You've got your hands full, that's for sure. Just know we miss you here and are thinking of you.
tell aaron that girls will help him at school with his books and everything.......that might help.......... 8)

crutches are cool!!!

my dad sold med supplies when we were kids, and lisa and i use to tie one leg up with a scarf and hobble around the basement.....that was actually safer than endusting the basement floor and play skating rink :wink:
Glad to hear he is on the mend, so hard too when they are bigger to have to try and lift and help them. That's when you wish hey why arent you still a little bloke, so much easier back when they were tinier to carry around and lift then. :lol: Glad you got him up on crutches now, how is your back holding out?

Wishing you both all good results there tomorrow at the ortho. :D
Yikes - what a roller coaster. I'm so happy that he's ok!
Stacey, I'm glad to hear your son is up and moving. I was wondering how things were going. I hope you get good news from the checkup. He is young thankfully, so he should heal up well. :D Keep us updated!!

The mom of one of Travis's high school classmates was just in a car accident last Friday. She broke both her legs. She is still in the hospital, so I will see her when I go into work tonight. They had an article in our local paper about the accident and it said she will have 2-3 months rehab in a nursing home next.
Sounds like a wierd accident too - she was crossing the 4 lane hwy in her Blazer and hit a semi...... :roll: . I don't know how you don't see a semi, but it sounds like a real bad accident. Her son was with her, but he is OK, thankfully.
:D Hugs to you and your son from us. :ghug:
I bet Tucker was looking after your son!!! 100% he was there!!! :wink: :ghug:

Good luck for your son and I hope very much he recovers well and all the best for you too!! :hearts:
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