Smoke Alarms - kids not waking up

It actually is a great news story about how regular smoke alarms wake up adults, but kids sleep through them. Very scary.

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I believe it. I remember as a kid my older sister was sneaking in after a date and she set off the house alarm and my brother didn't even budge. I've heard that talking alarms work--ones that have the parents' voices recorded saying Johnny, get up...
Try this link:

It's actually a story from several years ago. I think the research came from a different source, but I can't remember where.
It certainly makes you rethink having a home with the master bedroom on the opposite side of the house from the kid's rooms.
My friends 9 yr. old daughter is that way. She doesn't budge and there is an alarm right outside her bedroom door. It is very scary!!
My brother was such a sound sleeper that he slept right through a 6.0 earthquake! Me, on the other hand, I'm the lightest sleeper--I'd wake up if the smoke alarm was as loud as a cricket.
Thanks Ron, I will send it to you.

Yes, they did a test of 5 kids in 2 different families. None woke up - even after 2-3 minutes of it blaring!

Then they tested the same kids with the recordable smoke alarms - and the kids woke up to their parents recorded voices. It was very eye opening.
Pretty scarey.
That's amazing that after 2-3 min. of the noise, they didn't wake up!!!!!
I slept through a hurricane that downed 30 something trees in our yard when I was a kid. One even went into the house. 8O
Fire Alarms are a totally different story though. At least as an adult.
Ours never went off when I was a kid...except when Mom set it off with her terrible cooking.
We had a fire in my dorm in College. Most of the time it was false alarms being set off my students..... then we had an actual fire on my floor.
I knew when I woke up and smelled the smoke that this was the real deal this time. We got dressed, grabbed the cat and got out of there very quickly.
I was so freaked out after that! My boyfriend and I were staying in a hotel that summer and the fire alarm went off. We were the only two people that evacuated the building. Everyone else was standing in their doorways looking down the hall. We were dressed and out the door in a minute flat. I kind of felt like we were idiots.... but better safe than sorry.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
.... but better safe than sorry.

Always! We lived in an upstairs apartment, and a neighbor knocked on the door to let us know the building was on fire. I closed the door, we got dressed, hubby grabbed the baby, and gave me a towel to cover my mouth and nose with.

When we opened the door again, I couldn't believe how thick the smoke had gotten in only a couple of minutes!!! I got scared when I saw the change, and forgot to cover my mouth and nose, until I realized I couldn't breath. DUH!

This hall was not very long, but if it had been twice as long, with nothing to put over your face, I think the smoke would overcome you before you managed to get out.

Had we not known which direction to go, we could've easily become lost in that smoke. The only thing that helped us see our way out was the light at the end of the hall.

Always be safe, even if others aren't!
Anonymous wrote:
We lived in an upstairs apartment, and a neighbor knocked on the door to let us know the building was on fire. I closed the door, we got dressed, hubby grabbed the baby, and gave me a towel to cover my mouth and nose with.

When we opened the door again, I couldn't believe how thick the smoke had gotten in only a couple of minutes!!! I got scared when I saw the change, and forgot to cover my mouth and nose, until I realized I couldn't breath. DUH!

This hall was not very long, but if it had been twice as long, with nothing to put over your face, I think the smoke would overcome you before you managed to get out.

Had we not known which direction to go, we could've easily become lost in that smoke. The only thing that helped us see our way out was the light at the end of the hall.

If your place is on fire GET OUT! Don't go back for ANYTHING! As you saw things happen very quickly in a fire, more quickly than you could possibly imagine. GET OUT! Don't save the pictures, your wallet, whatever. GET OUT! Don't try to fight the fire. GET OUT! NOW!!!

Thank you for posting this story.
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