slow bonding

Hi from Orrville, Ohio!
We are the owners of a year and one half old O.E.S
I wonder if anyone can relate to my story? We lost our beloved Lab in March& 2 weeks later brought home Maudie, our rescue. I should back up& tell you that we had Shiloh for 11 years! I love Maudie to pieces,but it's slow going for my husband ,who was devoted to Shiloh.
This morning I saw the look on his face when he found Shiloh's leash that had been in our camper since last summer. I wouldn't give Maudie up for ANYTHING, but I think I jumped the gun& didn't let my husband grieve long enough. I loved Shiloh also, but thought a new dog would help us to not be so sad. Now what? Will this ever get better?
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it will get better. give him time. everyone grieves differently and for different periods of time. i dont know a sheepdog that hasnt wormed their way into even a reluctant owners heart :hearts:
Thank you! I need to hear that!
I know what you are feelig. For some of us it takes longer than others to grieve. We had to put our first OES rescuse down at age 12. It took one year for us to get our 2nd oes rescue who we have now. We also took in from a breeder a puppy oes that was born with a bad heart. She died at 6 1/2 months but had the best life we could. We now have a 5 month old perfect OES puppy named Darcy. but it did take us a year and half to want to try again. Some want a replacement right away. So you and hubby are alittle different. It will get better with time. Good luck! :lol:

Welcome to the fourm. You will get lots of info and freinds here.
A house with no dog in it was WAY too depressing!
I agree, I forgot to say we also have another dog rescue from a pup. He was 8 weeks old and now 10 yrs. He is a golden retrev/cocker. and just a great dog. His name is Flannigan. all other have been girls.
I know how your husband feels :( . I think if you give it more time Maudie herself will take care of the problem, not very many people can resist a goofy sheepie for long. Your husband may feel he would be disloyal to the memorty of Shiloh if he showed interest in her, when his grieving subsides he will realize Maudie can help him heal.
Maudie's muddy paws will forever be on my heart.........................
and everything else I own! :roll:
I'm so sorry for you both.


I understand the pain. Remind him that you still miss her too. Maybe a little quiet time away from the pup just bringing her up and chatting about something you remember fondly.
Thank you!
I definitely feel getting another dog helped my family.
If it wasn't for that I think we all would have been much more depressed than we were. Don't feel that you replaced Shiloh because that is not what you did. You did it so you could smile again at a silly dog face and heal. Nothing wrong with that!
We knew our German Shepherd was dying and we got another dog a week before we put him down. We rescued a Sheepie in honor of Harley's (German Shepherd, he was also a rescue) life.
It did take my husband a while to bond as he was constantly comparing the two dogs. Once he stopped that, he bonded BIG TIME with her. Though he does still compare the two every know and then.... Even though they were totally different breeds and one was a male and one is a female.
I have two Labs and they are wonderful, I am sorry for your loss. My moms name is Maude so I love the name Maudie :D Shiloh is a pretty name also. I always think my dogs that have passed would be happy that we have another dog (well I know they would be) you are still grieving , Maudie will help with that I am sure. and welcome from Maryland
Just going to put my two pennyworth in.....when Polly our oes cross died aged about 13 my hubby was devastated but she was old and ill. He wanted another dog but I had a really old grumpy yorkie. Anyway we waited 6 months hubby decided the yorkie wasn't ready to depart so he got an oes. The yorkie lived another 3 years and really taught the oes manners.

I got another yorkie within 3 weeks of losing my old one. Now our oes has just died really unexpectedly and far too young, I realise men react so differently to women in the grieving process. Hubby cried when we got the news but that was it. I have cried every day and am starting now. But men bottle it up I caught him the other day just sitting and he was thinking about Katy. Your husband has probably not cried enough. Men are funny things.

I am sure your husband will come to see that your new dog is not a replacement, nor a substitute but another dog to love.
We lost a rescued puppy not long ago. Even with three other sheepies in the house, our home was not complete without the thunder of little puppy feet.
Even though we miss all of our previous sheepies, the 'new' ones gladen our hearts with their antics, their love and their unique personalities.

Bless you both.
We will be experiencing our 1st camping experience without Shiloh, in 11 years. I'll be thinking of all of your kind encouragement!
As for Maudie's name.............................Well, she looks like a Maudie,what can I say? Her middle name is diamond. I lost the diamond from my wedding ring (26 yrs.!) My husband was sweet enough to offer to replace it, but I said was "I'd really rather have a dog!!! :D Some days he wishes he'd opted for the diamond!! :roll:
Hi & welcome. Sorry to hear about your loss :cry: My husband is the same way. It's hard when you find something that reminds of the your dog that has past :D . I still keep the blanket of my old sheepy Barkley..she died 10 years ago August 9th. Hold on to your memories...that will help you and your husband get through it. You will love this forum. Everyone seems to understand exactly how you feel
Our camping rip with Maudie was outstanding!
Did you take pictures?
Glad you had a good time. :D
I have MANY pictures still wating to be developed on my camera!
Just DOING IT is the problem!
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