Rest in Peace Daisy

Our brave Daisy girl finally decided that she needed to go to sleep on Monday evening July 2nd. She had been really poorly just lately with upset tummy,an eye infection, swollen hind leg just one thing after another. We had booked, six months ago, to go on a Meditterranean cruise with our friends and the nearer the time came to go, the more I didn't want to leave Daisy but everyone assured me that Daisy would be well looked after at the kennells and, having nursed her for so long, that I needed the break too. We went on Friday 29th June and I rang the kennells every day for a progress report. Each day the news was great - she was eating well and seemed to thrive on the kennell routine, lots of walks and interaction with the other dogs and I had started to relax a little and enjoy my holiday.

It was such a shock then to hear that on Monday evening after being fine on her walk at 6pm the kennell owners made their final checks for the night at 9pm to find Daisy was curled up in her bed and had passed away. Because we were at sea overnight with no mobile signal they couldn't contact us until we docked on Tuesday morning but called my daughter who was frantic trying to contact us, even trying to call the ship's telephone but to no avail.

The kennells took her to our vets who arranged her cremation for us. I had wanted them to keep her body so I could say my goodbyes properly but they explained that to do that, she would have to be deep frozen and I didn't want that for my baby. My daughter visited Daisy at the vets to give her a last kiss and cuddle from us all but I will never forgive myself for not being there to do do this for myself. She cut a lock of hair for us to keep.

We got back on Friday and instead of collecting our Daisy from the kennels we had to collect her ashes from the crematorium instead. The house is so empty without her. It would have been her 11th birthday yesterday which made it even harder to bear.

Daisy was such a fighter, going through 3 operations for cancer, chemotherapy, an emergency spay for pyometra but this was all in the last six months. We had almost 11 years of wonderful, happy times and we will miss the fun she brought into our lives. She is free from pain now and running with her brother Frugal and our cat Mog at the bridge.

We miss you Daisy, I only wish I could have been there for you at the end but we were with you in spirit, I'm sure you know that. Rest in Peace.
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My eyes teared up reading your story and I'm so sorry about your loss. I know you wished you had been there. I once read, research showed very few ever pass away with their loved ones right beside them unless they are taken to the vets for the final goodbye. Daisy knew she was loved - no doubt about that.

I know you are grieving for Daisy and your heart is heavy. We are here for you! Perhaps in time when you are ready you'll be able to share events and memories of your beautiful girl.

May Daisy now be running happily and pain free at the rainbow bridge.

Karen, I am so sorry about the loss of your Daisy.

Try not to beat yourself up over being away I am sure she went in peace. How wonderful that you have a lock of her hair. We also did that with Mopsy and it was a great comfort. Hugs to you and your sweet girl. It sounds like she had endured a lot in her last years and now she is playing with all the other sheepies over the rainbow bridge.
Karen im crying as I type... Ive just read yr post Daisy had a good mom & dad that loved her very much! And did everythink they could and she knew that..... Shes been a brave girl though a lot and has done well!! She had a great time at our sheepie day! we have lovely pictures of her and now she is going to play with my girls Ellie and amie

we are here for you!

we are sending you :ghug: xxxxxx
I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your beautiful sheepie girl, Daisy! You are very lucky to have spent the last 11 years with this treasure of a sheepie. My heart is with you as you grieve for your loss.

I am so sorry you lost your Daisy. :cry:

It sounds like she died in her sleep - you can't get any luckier than that. With all that she had been through lately, it could have been a lot worse for her. I feel bad you were gone - that is hard. Thankfully your daughter was able to be contacted.

:ghug: from our house.

Play in doggie heaven Daisy, with our boys too.
Karen, I am so sorry. Daisy had a wonderful life with you. I'm sorry you weren't able to be with her at the end, but I'm glad she was able to have what sounds like a great time at a puppy camp (that's what I call them). And I'm glad that you didn't have to make the decision it was time for her to go.

Remember the wonderful times her and how happy she made you - and how happy she was with you. I'm doing the crying for you.
I am so sorry for your loss. :(

Daisy was a fighter! Wonderfully, it sounds like she went peacefully in her sleep while thoroughly enjoying her vacation!

Maybe it is a good thank for you to remember her as full of life and as the fighter that she was.

Cherish her memory, and know we're here for you.
I am very sorry for the loss of your sweet Daisy.
I am so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts are with you at this time, please feel free to reach out to us whenever you need to. :ghug:
This is very sad news but I am glad she passed peacefully. Daisy was much loved and I am sorry that she is gone. What a brave, sweet girl. :(
Karen I am so very sorry. Daisy was a lovely girl and so brave.

She knew you loved her and loved you too. She left peacefully and with dignity, after her long fight.

I hope you know that we are all here for you whenever you need us.

Hugs to you and Tony.
I am so very sorry to hear about Daisy's passing. She went through so much and you were so good to take such great care of her.

My first dog Shaggy passed away in his sleep too, I will always be so thankful for that.

Daisy will be very missed -hugs to you and your family!
I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet Daisy.
I am so sorry you lost your Daisy.:cry:
A big :ghug: from Norway
Daisy was a brave girl, a fighter for her life. How nice the angels came for her, quietly while she slept and not while she was in great pain. You have your wonderful memories, cherish them and she will live on in your heart. My condolences to you and your family.
So sorry for your Daisy.

Hugs from Nova Scotia
I'm so sorry :(
I am so sorry for your terrible loss. I hope you find some peace in knowing that Daisy is at the bridge romping with all those who have gone before.
I am so sorry .

Very sorry to hear about Daisy. She is much better now that she has conquered her long battle with sickness. My heart goes out to you and your family.
:( I'm sorry to hear about Daisy.

I am so sorry for your loss. Its so hard when you lose your best friend.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Daisy. :(
She was definitely a fighter. She had gone through so much recently.
Now she is at peace.
I am so sorry for your loss
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know it doesn't lessen the hurt, but at least she was able to choose her own time to go and peacefully. I always hope that my old girl will choose her time that way.
I'm crying. So sorry. What a lovely life she had. Lovely to meet you on Sheepie day....We sould call it Daisy day from now on...Be strong and think about the good me ted george and robxxx
Oh Karen ... please don't beat yourself up about this, I suspect that even at home, Daisey would of wandered off to her bed and passed peacefully as she did at the kennels. She knew just how much you loved her and that you'd of done anything you could....she was just too tired. I'm just glad I had the opportunity and pleasure to meet her. My heart and warm wishes go out to you and your family xxxxxxxxx :cry:
Karen what an amazing princess daisy was, I am so terribly sorry for your loss, it is never easy when they do go, daisy has left you a legacy of love, determination, devotion & blessed memories for you to always remember her by and keep close to you in your heart forever.

Bless your special girl daisy. And so sad for your loss, we are thinking of you all.
Oh gosh I only just read this. Daisy was such a sweet old girl, we are glad we got to meet her :hearts:

It's lovely that she passed away peacefully in her sleep instead of in pain, especially with all she had been through.

Our thoughts are with you.
Cassie & Greg xx
Karen, I'm so sorry about your Daisy :( . I've often thought about you both and had hoped she was continuing to improve. She is pain free now, and watching over you as you grieve.

lindy wrote:
Lovely to meet you on Sheepie day....We sould call it Daisy day from now on...

What a lovely idea- I think we should too.
I'm so sorry...
Karen, I am so sorry for your loss of your precious girl Daisy. Rest assured she knew how much you loved her. Her poor little body had been through so much but it's a great testament to you that you did everything you could to prolong her life and lessen her pain. God bless you for that.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult grieving time.
I'm so sorry to hear about Daisy. I'm sad for your loss. :cry:
Just been crying myself over my Katy and have now started again for you. We weren't with Katy when she died at the vets, her temperature shot up and the vet said she just passed away. Katy was almost six.

I wonder if the Rainbow Bridge is the same bridge for the whole world? I would like to think so wouldn't you? When does it stop hurting and the tears stop?
I am sorry for your loss-
I loved looking at your pictures and sharing your "puppy"

I hope that your heart heals fast.

Oh Karen... I just read the post. I'm so very sorry about Daisy.
You gave her a great life. Hugs to you during this very sad time.
Karen, Daisy was obviously loved very much. What a fighter she was.....may she rest in peace.
I am so sorry you lost your dear dear Daisy. What an inspirational sheepie she was with all that she had been through and continued to fight against.

I know a great many consider passing away in your sleep a great blessing albeit a person or dog.

I know how empty it is when they are no longer there. I am so sorry again for your loss!
So very sorry for your loss, I feel your pain at not being there with her, I know it would have broken my heart. But know she probably was enjoying the cruise right along with you in spirit...
Karen - I am so very sorry for your loss. I can imagine how much you miss her. She was a precious girl and was well loved.
Karen I just read this about Daisy, Im sorry, I missed it !! :cry:

Ooh I cant believe it, I met her on the Sheepie day ... and what a lovely girl she was and she walked all this long way and even twice!! :hearts:

All my heart and thoughts go to you and I feel very very sad for your loss of Daisy!! :cry: :cry:

I send you loads of big huggies and we're here for you!! :ghug:

Charlie is sending kisses to Daisy :hearts:
This is too sad. I can't imagine how hard this has been for you.
Take comfort in the wonderful life daisy lived. damn.
Karen, we were so sorry to hear this. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved family member when you were not able to be with them, as the same thing happened with my Quincy Bear. We just comfort ourselves that they went peacefully, and knew they were loved.

RIP Daisy Girl.

Laurie and Oscar
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