
WHy am I reading on some sites that OES shed so much?? I thought they were known not to?
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They shed their puppy coat where you have to brush alot, lots of hair, and again a youth coat. Not sure when this happens,not there yet. this. They do not shed like other dogs where you run your hand across them and have hair everywhere. But during their blowing their coat it seems to happen over nite and wow. But does not last that long. My girl started around 7-8 months, shes 9 months now and not bad at all.
Even when they shed their puppy coat, I did not experience any "hair shedding." This was more extreme matts from hair falling off but STAYING on their body. You have to brush them daily during this period OR shave them down. I didn't have any extra hair in my house and I'm an extreme clean freak who HATES any sort of hair (even shave my cats).

The best way to describe it is looking at the hair a girl w/long hair sheds. Normally you'll find lots of hair in the bathroom from where she brushes her hair and in her bed where she spends all her time tossing and turning. But you wouldn't say "girls shed." Well depending on how long you grow their hair, it's the same thing but they have a lot more hair on their head/body.

My husband always has hair on his hat for work, but he's a retard and let's our dog sleep on it. I do not have more than 1-2 strands of hair on me if I'm wearing black and decide to pet our dog before we go out.
They really do not shed. As Joaheyo says - you really have to work to get the hair OFF the dog. My basset and rat terrier shed, my cat too. :(

But not my OES. Chewie has a long coat, and I still can wear black when around him. With the others, it is a different story.
I would definitely question the credibility of any other information you find on an OES web site that says OES shed. It's a pretty basic OES thing so if they're getting that wrong, what else is wrong.
ButtersStotch wrote:
I would definitely question the credibility of any other information you find on an OES web site that says OES shed. It's a pretty basic OES thing so if they're getting that wrong, what else is wrong.


I have two OES and they do not shed. They lose broken hair here and there like humans do, but for sure they do not shed like shedding breeds.
OES have "hair" like Poodles, Schnauzers and other Non Shedding breeds.
At least you eventualy found the info you needed in the right place!

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I keep coming across this too, it's amazing how many breed info pages seem to be cut & pasted from a bad source.

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