Please keep Tucker in your thoughts...

As many of you know Tucker has been battling a staph infection for a few months now.... he has been through every test imaginable at least twice, 3 or 4 times for some.
He has been on just about every antibiotic, other combinations of meds, antiinflammatories, painkillers etc...
Last week we ran a battery of tests and sent them to Guelph again, they said it is indeed staphylococcus intermedius, what we have been treating all along, but a very resistant form. It is resistant to everything we've given him and there are only 3 drugs available in the world that might treat it.
He is on 2 of those new drugs now, he has had 3 doses so far.
Today though he broke out with new abcesses and lesions and spiked a fever of 106 :(
I'm not sure if it's not working, or if it hasn't had enough time, but it's got me very scared.
I dumped him in an ice bath and got his temp down to 104, the vet said no more drugs. We cannot mix anything with the 2 he is on :(
Basically he has to fight this now, or not :(
I love this dog so much, it is just killing me feeling so helpless... I just want him to be ok, and I'm very scared that he won't be. :cry:
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Poor Tucker :(

Sending him hugs and well wishes :ghug:
Oh no :cry: I love Tucker so much as well, so definitely will be crossing my fingers and toes that he pulls through. I can't believe staph infections can be so deadly. I also have trouble believing this is happening to him. Why are so many bad things happening lately!!

Big Hugs to Tucker who is sick and to you!
Oh no!! I had no idea this was still affecting him! Poor sweet baby! What a crazy fluke incident to have such serious repercussions. I am rooting for Tucker to get well soon. Hang in there Stacey!!
Oh Stacey.. I hope Tucker is strong enough to fight this on his own.. He is I hate knowing he is sick.

Hugs to him from me.
Oh dear - I did not know he was still battling this either. Poor Tucker. He is such a sweet & handsome fellow. His personality alwasy shines in his pictures. I will defintely be thinking of you both and praying he beats this thing.
Stacey my thoughts and prayers are with you and Tucker :ghug:

All of my good postive thoughts are with you and Tuck, Tuck, Tucker!

Is there any other course of action they can take? Or is it just let the body fight the infection? Could they do an Iv of the meds to make it work quicker?

I am so sorry you are going thru this.....Im here for you!
Stacey, I'm so sorry to hear of Tucker's illness. Fortunately he is a young man and will be strong enough to fight this. He and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh no! Poor Tucker! I had no idea...I'm thinking good thoughts for him.
Oh Stacey, I am sorry you are going through this. :(
I agree with Mrs. J . What is going on lately? To many bad things.

I am saying a pray for Tucker.This is so sad that he is going through this. Is there something natural to help build up his immune system ?
Maybe getting off all the Med's he will do better.Like the old saying goes sometimes less is more.

I know how hard this is when they are sick and you just can't think about anything else.My boys turned me Gray the last few weeks but they made it through,so think positive thoughts. Tucker is young and that is a BIG plus!

Please give Tucker a big cuddle from me............ :ghug:

Come on Tucker! You can beat this. It's tough, but you are tougher!

Positive thoughts coiming your way.
Oh Dear :( I'm so sorry you are still going through this.
Poor Tucker, Poor you :( Resistant staph strains are becoming more and more common in people so I guess it follows that they would appear in animals.

Hoping Tucker will be improving fast.
Stacey: I am so sorry to hear that Tucker is going through this. My heart goes out to both of you. I will keep you both in my prays as Tucker will make a recovery. :ghug:
Poor Tucker. I am so sorry to hear that he is going through this. Please give him a big hug for me.
Oh no. Poor baby. Please know that I'm thinking of you both. Get well soon Tucker.
Poor Tucker! And Poor Stacey, this must be so hard on you. My prayers are with you!
He is at the vet's now... on IV, in ice to bring his temp down as it continues to spike everytime we take him out of the ice.
It was over 106, and at 107 it's game over :(

My vets, and several vets from Guelph, are working together on this to save him.... but my vet said it does not look good. :(
Stacey-I am sooooo sorry you are going through this. I will be thinking of both of you. Stay positive.
Oh no! :(
Be strong Tucker!!
Stacey - I am hoping Tucker beats this. I had no idea it was still so bad for him! We all are pulling for him. :hearts:
Oh no!

Poor Tucker :( :( :(

Be strong boy -- you can do it!
will pray for tucker
Oh no, poor poor Tucker....... :cry:
Stacey, we are all praying for your Tucker.
Stay strong......
We are here if you need us.
Oh Stacey... I just saw this post. I know how terribly worried and upset you must be.

Panda had a bacteria that was very difficult to treat last year and we were told that if she did not respond to the pill form she would have to be admitted for a stronger IV version of the drug.

I'm praying they can find something to help Tucker or that his system can beat this on it's own. Please keep us posted on how your baby is doing.
Hang in there Tucker and Stacey...
This is not the update I expected at all. 8O :( I can't imagine a dog's temp so high and doing things like putting him in ice. Poor Tuck.. Big hugs to you Stacy. I know this is probably the last thing you needed right now :(

((((big hug))))

Don't know what to say but I truly am sad by the news. Hoping for a turn around!
Stacey.....huge prayers are being said as I type.....Tuck, you hang in there big guy...Aunt Darcy loves you!!!!
Come on Tucker! I'm praying as hard as I can.
Hi' Stacey,
so sorry to read this post our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. Tucker is a beautiful boy.
Take Care
C'mon Tucker, you really need to pull through this.

Stacey, I am so sorry to hear that he's so sick. My thoughts are with you & your family.
Oh Stacey,

That is a complete shock to know this is happening. Come on Tucker we love you and you have to beat this thing!

My 87 year old Mother in law just beat a staph infection in her foot.

OMG Stacey, I had no idea Tucker was so sick. :(
Tucker will be in my prayers! :ghug:
I'm so sorry about Tucker........... have you been in touch with his breeder Stacey? I know SHE must be worried sick too........
Oh, no! C'mon Tucker - you can beat this!! :plead:

Stacey, I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers as Tucker fights his little heart out to win this battle! :ghug:
Stacey, I am so sorry to hear that Tucker's staph has taken a turn for the worst. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Laurie and Oscar
Oh no, I'm so sorry, Stacey. I hope he fights this off and starts doing better soon. We'll be thinking about you guys.
Thank you all for the support...

The last update from the vet is still guarded but a little more hopeful... they were finally able to get his temp down to 103, and he actually ate a bit which is a very good sign.

I'm really hoping the morning will bring good news...
I'm so glad to see an optimistic update, we're keeping paws, fingers, etc. crossed

Tucker you're a strong boy- we know you can pull through!!!
Praying for Tucker!!!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful :D
WTG Tucker! Get lots of good rest tonight. Use that temp to beat off the stupid Staph!
Go Tucker, go!
Thanks for the update Stacy.
I hope he's doing even better this morning.
Good news!!!!

They said Tucker is doing very well this morning, his temp is down to normal, he's eating, drinking and walking around.... they said he appears to be feeling much better :)

I cannot describe how happy I am.... I haven't slept, I've been on pins and needles all night waiting to hear how he is doing and it is such a HUGE relief to hear good news :):):)

He is going to stay hospitalized til Monday, to keep those iv drugs going through his system.
YAY Tucker.....
we are all SO relieved his fever is gone...... :banana:
now the boy can work on getting rid of his nasty staph infection....
I am so glad to hear that Tucker is on the road to recovery. I will keep both of you in my prayers. Hope he is all well very soon. :D :D :D
:clappurple: :banana: :yay: :ghug: yaa TUCKER :ghug: :yay: :banana: :clappurple:
:phew: I was sooo afraid for him.
Thanks for taking time to give us this fantastic update.
Give your precious sheepie-boy a big hug from all of us.
thank god!!!! As soon as I woke up I came straight online to see how he was doin. Stacey please give Tucker a hug for me and then tell him never to scare us all like that again!
Yay!! I went straight to the bottom of this post and I was thrilled to see the dancing bananas!! Hooray for Tucker and for your wonderful Vet. I am so happy for this good news.
OMG Stacey,
I just read this. I can't imagine how hard this has been for you.
I'm glad to hear Tucker is doing better. My thoughts are with you guys.
Last night sounded soooo rough that I'm SO GLAD there's good news today! Way to go Tucker!
Yea Tucker! Good boy!
I 'm so happy!
Stacey, I am so relieved to hear that Tucker is doing better. GOOD JOB TUCKER (oh and the Vet too :) )
Sometimes it's good to come into a post late!! Sorry to hear that Tucker was so ill but glad to hear that he is on the mend!
Great news!!!

We all knew that Tucker was a fighter! (and a lover)

Keep up the good work Tuck! Can't wait to hear that you are home!
Yey Tuck!!!!! I said so many prayers last night....

Im glad he's doing much better! Give that boy a big hug from me!!!!
I'm so glad he's doing better. He is a fighter - must be
something in the name :wink:

I can't believe this all happened in such a short time - I
didn't even know there was anything going on 8O

So very glad he is doing better
Gentle hugs to sheepie {{Tucker}} & mama {{Stacey}}
We will be glad to hear :plead: he is home
Diane & the 3shaggies
My Thoughts & prayers are wilth the both of you! :ghug:
Poor baby - my prayers and best wishes are with you Stacey and Tucker
Great news Stacey! I knew he was a fighter. :D
Stacey: Great news about Tucker!!!!! Tucker is a good ol'e boy and is strong and WILL pull through. Stacey you have always taken such great care of him..... My prayers are with both of you. Thank you for the update.

Great news! I'm so glad that he's doing better.
Stacey, I was scared to come on here. I sure as heck am glad he's doing better. I will keep praying for him and hope he can get that darn staph out of his system once and for all!!! Keep up the good work Tucker.
Thinking about Tucker. Hope he starts to feel better.
Stacey my thoughts and prayers are with you and Tucker and all the
Great news you have got I'm sure he will come home soon.

Give Tucker a BIG hug from Norway :ghug:
I was afraid to look this mornig - I guess I should have! I hope Tucker continues to heal and fight this nasty infection. I bet you and family are exhausted, Stacey.

I did make a post about Tucker on my Basset Rescue forum. We in the basset world have a wonderful substance called "healing drool". :hearts: When someone needs help, we have our dogs send big drool to those in need. There was lots of drool sent your way last night - I bet it helped! :D
Glad Tucker is improving! I hope you can manage to get a little more sleep tonight, Stacey. We'll be thinking of you both.
howllllllllllllllllrayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Tucker!! Keep it going............
Ali & Norm and the crew here...........
Wow....I am so glad that I just got on the forum after 10 days and the update is good. I held my breath through the whole thread!

How totally scarey, Stacey....But I am sooo glad things are looking good.

Yeah for handsome Tucker!!!
:phew: :go: Yippee, yahoo, and hooray!! :banana: :high5: Atta boy, Tucker! We knew you could do it!! :kiss:
Thank God!!!! I am so happy .......... :clappurple:

Good boy Tucker ,we all knew you could do it !!!!!! :yay:

Stacey, get some rest now , I am sure you need it .........

I'm so happy Tuvker is doing better!

Keep fighting...we all love you :hearts:
I will keep you and Tucker in my prayers. I really hope everything turns out okay.
Thanks everyone :)

As far as I know all is still well, but I haven't gotten an update in a while. Each time I tried to call last night it was busy and then no answer.
I'll keep trying to call this morning and will post later...
We are all anxious to hear the latest!
Oh sounds good stacey !!!!!!! so glad tuckers doing well!!!
Stacey you frightened the heck out of me, I am so glad to read later in this post he is doing much better.

Hugs kiddo, we have been away and just want to send you and tucker lots of positive vibes and special cuddles for you at this stressful time, you are both in our thoughts.

Go tucker Go, you can do it mate, get well soon.
Oh Thank Goodness he's doing okay!! Whew!! :phew: That boy gave us all quite a scare!! I'm really happy, Stacey, that he's doing much better. Please post this morning when you get an update. :D
I finally got to talk to them this morning.... the tech said that he is doing well, eating, drinking, fever is sort of staying down. It is up and down I guess but not going up as high as it was.

His skin is still raw and inflamed, they have an ecollar on him because he was trying to lick where the raw patches are, which will only make it worse.

She doesn't know if he is ready to come home, and I am waiting to hear back from the vet to see what he thinks.
Thanks for the updatew, we are all worried about the little fella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi I'm so glad he is doing ok :lol:
I just got off the phone with the vet.... he has taken a turn for the worse again :(

I just don't know what to do anymore :cry:
OH STACEY, I'm so sorry.

Sending losts of positive thoughts and energy his way.
Willowsprite wrote:
I just don't know what to do anymore :cry:

Oh Stacey, I am so sorry. . . You are doing everything possible. It is a horrible situation but I am still holding out hope for dear sweet Tucker to pull through. :plead:
Go and visit, Stacey. You'll know what to do when you see him.

Give a gentle pat for me. :cry:
Fred and I are completely concerned about Tucker. I keep checking the thread for your updates. You love him with all of your heart it is expected that you would be conflicted about matters concerning him.

Ron is right, go visit him and then assess the situation.

I am praying hard for him and hope he recovers soon.
Oh Stacey,
I am so sorry :cry:
Yes, Ron is right, go and see him. It may give him strength to fight on.
Oh yes, definitely visit. That's a great idea. He'll be comforted to have you around.
Oh no. :(
It's like it comes in waves.

Go and visit, Stacey.

If it won't get him agitated, I agree.
You need to see for yourself how he's doing.

I pray he'll be okay. :plead:
OMG!!!! Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers that Tucker makes a speedy recovery!!!!
Man, what a roller coaster. I'm so sorry you guys are going through this.

I'd go see him if you have the option to do so. It could raise his spirits and aid in recovery. You never know.
Oh no! I read the update earlier this morning and thought all was well...I'm thinking of you guys...poor boy!
Deep breath. Come on Tucker! I've been praying for you and thinking about you. You are very important to us and we want you to pull through.
You can do this.

Hugs to you, Stacey. We are with you thought.
This was not the news I expected to hear this morning. Saying major prayers for you and Tucker today.

Just throwing something out there...
probably not feasible but....

I had heard of using hyperbaric oxygen therapy for some skin conditions... ... e-studies/

Sorry if it's a foolish thought... I'm want Tucker to be well again.
Oh Stacey I'm so sorry, I was expecting another happy update. If you go visit please give Tucker a hug from me :(
Give him a hug from Alabama as well. I think you will both feel better if you can go see him.
I'm so sorry. :cry:
Sending lot of thoughts and prayers to Tucker.
Maybe a visit will renew his fight.
Hugs, kisses and drool to Tucker.
Come on - hang in there! :hearts:
Oh dear. :( I hope you've been able to visit him. I agree, it will most likely bolster his spirits and give him a reason to fight.

Thinking of you both.
Oh no not the news I wanted to hear this morning, go and see him stacey it will help both of you.

Come on Tucker you can get through this. :(
Oh Stacey
So sorry to read this latest update.its not the news we were hoping
for. We agree with Ron go and visit it might perk him up.Our thougts and
prayers are with you and Tucker.

Take Care
Oh Stacey!!! :(

I just got home from being away for several days, and so only found this thread now.

I'm sending tons of prayers and good thoughts to you and sweet Tucker.

I love Tucker too...much more than I would have ever dreamed I could love a dog I've NEVER met! :wink: Please update again soon! :( :cry: :hearts:
Hi I hope everything is ok....I've read all your stories and I think you are a good and kind person. I'm so sorry you are going through this :(
Oh Gosh! We are thinking of you guys. :hearts:
Oh, Stacy.....Poor you and poor Tucker.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Please know that good wishes and prayers are coming over the net to all of you....for his return to good health...
Fingers are crossed still that good ol Tuckers gets over this difficult stage soon.
I've been checking all day for updates. . . Hope your boy is doing better. I'm so worried about him.
Just got home and ran to this post to see how Tucker is doing...I've been following the posts and was waiting to send my posts out hoping for some good news...

Tucker is in our thoughts and prayers...We are all pulling for you...
still keeping Tucker in our thoughts, just waiting patiently for the message that all is well!!!
Tucker and you are in our thoughts and prayers Stacey
:cry: OH STACEY :cry: I am sorry your baby is having this happening. I have all my animals thinking positive thought for you both. :ghug: :plead: Tell him we want him better and at home.
Keeping my fingers crossed for poor Tucker.
Please update soon.

Stacey any updates, I can't stop thinking about you and Tucker. I just wish I could give you both a huge cuddle.

I hope any update is brighter for you both :(
Oh, no! I'm so sorry poor Tucker is feeling badly still. :oops:

Keeping you and Tucker in my thoughts and prayers.
How's Tucker this morning?
Lil Walty wrote:
How's Tucker this morning?

I came here this morning with the same question front and center. I hope the sweetie had a peaceful night.
Me too. I hope everything is alright.
I check this thread continuously throughout the day.
Please get better Tucker :hearts:
He's worse... I'm going to see him today.
Oh crap! Big hugs to you Stacey. :ghug:
Oh crap.. I'm still hoping...Hugs to you.

Big Hugs to you Stacey
Come on Tucker, you can do it. Stacey, I am still praying. :ghug:
Stacey, not what any of us were hoping to hear. Hugs to you both.
Lots of positive thoughts and prayers for Tucker and you.
Oh Stacey :(
I am so sorry that the both of you are going through this and I hope that he imroves today.

Oh no. :(
I'm so sorry Stacey.

I'm still praying for Tucker too.
:cry: Poor poor Tucker :cry:
I'm so sorry Stacey, I know how much you love that boy. We are praying hard for a miracle for your Tucker.
This blows. I'm so sorry. I hate to keep repeating that but I really am. When I put myself in your place, I get sick to my stomach and I know you must be feeling much worse.

Well, I'm sending good thoughts your way. I'm gonna try to be positive. I know it's hard to do when you're in your place so we'll do it for you.
Oh no! :cry:
:cry: So sorry Stacey. I hope the visit will renew his fight.
Oh no, that is not the news to hear. :cry:
I ditto the sick to the stomach feeling.
I hope your visit gives him strength.
We are here for you Stacey :ghug:
OH Stacey
Our hearts go out to you thinking of you and Tucker;love and hugs to you both
Take Care
sending mega hugs for you and Tucker,,,,stay strong
I feel so sick right now after reading this.I just wish there was something I could do.
Everyone here is like family (better than some of my real family) and I just feel like I want to be there to help.

Stacey, my heart is with you and Tucker.

Oh no. I was so hoping to have good news this morning. I'll be keeping positive thoughts for you Stacey. I just wish there were some more tangible I could do to help.
:( :( Keeping positive thoughts for poor little Tucker. I just can't imagine what you are going through but please know that we are thinking and praying for both of you!
I'm so sorry.
God, I am so sorry Stacey...still saying prayers over here....give him gentle hugs from all of us.
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