Happy 4th of July

The 4th of July has always been a very special holiday for me. As a kid, my parents always had a huge party, probably around 100 guests. My mother would cook all week. A lot of the guests (who lived in the neighborhood) dragged their grills with.

We probably had 20 grills going in the driveway!

It is one of my favorite memories. We all worked so hard, ate so hard, laughed so hard. The kids were pretty much left to themselves. Cousin Tommy always brought firecrackers.

There were always hollowed out watermelons, filled with various delicous fruits, and tiny American Flags around the top.

Great, great memories.

Our 4ths, these days, are much lower keyed. The kids, and maybe a neighbor couple or two. But the spirit, that pride still lives in the kid in me.

So...have a wonderful holiday...have a safe holiday, and, let freedom ring!
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HAPPY 4th of July from Boston!

For about 10 years they broadcast the Boston Pops concert and fireworks from the Boston Esplanade alongside the Charles river on A&E nationally. The one year we were in Barrow Alaska, they were showing New York (or someplace else?) instead. That was kind of sad for us!

It's an amazing event with perhaps 500,000 people along the banks of the river, and in boats anchored in the water

Sadly I am not up to hanging out all day (You have to be there at the opening for any hope to actually see the Hatch shell (the stage where the orchestra is)) but if I was, I would this year! The fireworks show is one of the best in the country, and is financed by one guy (or was until recently) a wealthy man by the name of David Mugar.

I hope the weather holds off just long enough for the show.

Everyone enjoy!
I hope for a quiet day. My brother and his wife are coming for a "cookout"........ I guess I can't serve them PB&J so I guess I'll need to do cooking of some sort!!

Have a great (& SAFE) Holiday.
Happy Fourth of July !

Hope you that are celebrating the event enjoy the barbeques and all the delicious food that goes with it! Have a great day everyone!

Happy 4th everybpdy! It's a traditional 4th for us- parade, barbeque and fireworks over the mississippi for us tomorrow. (One of the benefits of living in a river town!)

I hope everyone has a wonderful, joyful holdiay.
We have a big 4th of July party at our house.
Family and friends come over and hang out. Todd and a couple friends are the pyrotechnic crew and set off the fireworks out in the pasture. Our closest neighbors also do a huge fireworks display too, so our gravel road ROCKS! Between us we do more than some towns do. 8O
Happy 4th!
When I lived in Chicago this was one of my favorite holidays. The Taste of Chicago festival runs the week before the 4th and I lived 2 blocks away from the park, so I could walk by after work and sample all the great food! The fireworks in downtown Chicago are on the night of July 3rd, synchronized with the Chicago Symphony performing the 1812 Overture and other classics. We would either stake out a spot on the grass to watch the show, or if it was too hot we would watch from my apartment.

This year we're attending a party thrown by a friend - she was naturalized as a citizen on July 4th seven years ago, so this is her big anniversary party!
Have a great day all and Happy 4th July. :cheer:
Hope all who celebrate July 4th have a GREAT day :D
Happy 4th everyone! :)
Our huge city of Moss Beach (population 420) has a 4th of July parade. It is so cool because everybody in the community is in the parade and there is noone to watch... :clappurple:
http://www.hallmark.com/ECardWeb/ECV.js ... roduct_id=


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
That was cute!
Love the card Deb! Our 4th is going to be low keyed this year.

Happy 4th of July to all.
We're off to a family BBQ. It's my Dad's side of the family, but my Dad never goes. So, Steve, me and Mom go every year. It's kind of sad though as there's only one sibling left from my Grandpa's generation and he won't be there this year due to myasthenia gravis...he can't move any limbs :( Us younger generations aren't as "tight knit".
It's raining here (since yesterday). Last night I had a weird dream that Katie Holmes needed a place to sleep, so I offered our extra room downstairs. I then heard lots of thumping coming from downstairs and thought she was throwing a tennis ball against the wall. Well, I woke up and realized the noise was real. Scared to death, I went downstairs to see if someone was messing with our house. I saw nothing and went crazy trying to figure out what this thumping sound was..

It was fireworks outside. :roll:

Anyway, my Grandmother in law just sent a army teddybear that sings and moves along to that "...and I'm proud to be an American" song. So cute.
I will be celebrating this holiday by going to the Apple store and buying a new iPod. I got an early b-day gift yesterday and will be taking advantage of it.

Makes me proud to be an American. :twisted:

On the more patriotic side, we planned on a BBQ and fireworks but it's raining. So, the iPod wins!
I just have to chime in. My dh and I are IN the parade. This year we took the dogs. We have to line up an hour before the parade so while waiting I took the dogs for a walk. It was in the eighties and man they were hot. I brought cold water for them in a cooler and kept to the shade as much as possible. Now for the good part....my family, nieces nephews and various in-laws are usually at the parade and when we saw them Randy was stopped so I hopped out, grabbed the dogs and went over to talk. Done talking and Randy was pretty far up the road so we go walking to catch up and THE DOGS WERE THE HIT OF THE PARADE. Everyone was ohing and ahing over the dogs. They were pet, patted, and hugged every step of the way and loving every minute of it. It was like they were these exotic animals and no one has ever seen them before. It was really funny.
Our Therapy Dog chapter does several parades each summer. Some of us walk, some ride on our float/trailer. We have been doing this for over 20 years and the people still are so excited to see us with the dogs!

We have our 3rd parade of the year coming up in 2 weeks, I will try and get some pictures to post. We hand out dog treats to the dogs watching the parade, instead of candy for the kids. People are so thrilled to have their dog get a treat! It is definitely lots of fun, and good exercise too.
4th of July here in our little victorian town (less than 1250 homes) is like Christmas. Everyone decks out their house with flags & red, white & blue bunting. We have a children's parade in the morning (110th this year) and we always convince our friends to drive our old VW bus in the parade along with some vintage bikes. We then have a decent-sized BBQ here at the house but we leave it to go watch a soapbox downhill race. Then later in the afternoon, there is a raft race on the Delaware River and that's fun because people creatively make themes for their rafts, and half of them never make it to the finish line. In between each event we come back to the house to eat & drink more and then shoot off fireworks when it gets dark. The longest our party has lasted was 16 hours.

If anyone on the forum is ever in the neighborhood, you are always welcome to come!

My second favorite 4th of July place is Boston, on my Aunt's Beacon Hill roof top, that over looks the Charles River and hearing the Boston Pops live and watching the fireworks.
Tell your Aunt I'm coming over next year!

Also tell her I know how to properly pronounce "Aunt."
VerveUp wrote:
4th of July here in our little victorian town (less than 1250 homes) is like Christmas. Everyone decks out their house with flags & red, white & blue bunting. We have a children's parade in the morning (110th this year) and we always convince our friends to drive our old VW bus in the parade along with some vintage bikes. We then have a decent-sized BBQ here at the house but we leave it to go watch a soapbox downhill race. Then later in the afternoon, there is a raft race on the Delaware River and that's fun because people creatively make themes for their rafts, and half of them never make it to the finish line. In between each event we come back to the house to eat & drink more and then shoot off fireworks when it gets dark. The longest our party has lasted was 16 hours.

If anyone on the forum is ever in the neighborhood, you are always welcome to come!

My second favorite 4th of July place is Boston, on my Aunt's Beacon Hill roof top, that over looks the Charles River and hearing the Boston Pops live and watching the fireworks.

Isn't a happy anniversary in order as well?
ButtersStotch wrote:
Isn't a happy anniversary in order as well?

Awwww, thanks Jill!! # 4 officially. 8O

I forgot to tell you guys that the "World's Ugliest Dog" was in our parade marching with the local animal shelter. Apparently, you could get your photo taken with the dog for $2. (No, I didn't even see it actually, in case you were wondering.) The owner lives in a town in South Jersey about 1/2 hour from us so it is interesting that they ended up in our tiny town.

...And Ron, I'm sure my Aunt wouldn't mind you hanging out on her roof deck! Only bad thing is that she has 5 flights of stairs + July & no air conditioning. But the good news is if you make it to the top, you can also peep on Carly Simon who lives a couple doors down. :wink:
By next summer I should be able to do that! One step at a time if I have to start on the 1st! :D
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