s'more still has soft stools

Okay- so this is our first dog~ that being said, how normal should your dogs BM be?
Some days she is fine-
Other days- GROSS- super soft

We have had 2 rounds of metazaondfznie (some kind of medicine) and Flora Forna (by purina)

We have never had her on anything but good foods- Blue Buffalo large breed puppy and solid gold wolfcub

She doesn't get fed table food at all- well other than brown rice that we add to her food (dry kibble)

Now last time she was in the vet, he said that she had a lot of Fat in her stool like she was eating too much table food, but I am really stuck on how to fix her. Sometimes it's okay other times soupy.

What do you all think?

I am wondering what
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needed to finish that last thought-
I am wondering if she could have an enzyme imbalance---

has anyone tried yogurt on their dog?

panda just had a bout with over bacterial growth...ph way off....7 days of antibotics did the trick :D
I use yogurt daily. They get between 1tsp -2 tablespoons - depending on the size of the dog. I use the big tubs of vanilla - from Walmart. (I would get the plain, but I like to eat it, and I hate the plain stuff.)

Maybe the food is too rich for her. Maybe try something with lower fat and protein. Or, the servings are too much. Chewie gets loose stools when I try and increase the amt of food he gets. He needs to gain weight, so we are doing more small meals - so far its working better.
I am going to try yogurt--
I am wondering after reading another post if we are over feeding her.
She eats 3 times a day- about a 16oz plastic solo cup full each time.

Could that make her stomach / bowels uneasy?

Can you tell that I am clueless

So she gets 2 cups, three times a day? I can't get that much in Chewie!

The most he will eat is 2 1/2 cups at a feeding. Usually only 2 cups. Then the 2nd feeding I give him another 2 cups. He eats it most of the time.
No table scraps, the occasional treat ( he has to share treats with 5 others, so no one ever gets too many!).

When I did get him eating 5 cups/day, he had horrible gas and loose stools. :roll:
I would say that she's eating close to 6 cups of food a day---
I think I am going to eliminate lunch for a while and see if that helps.

To think that I might be causing my own problem is too funny! Duh!

Any other suggestions would be helpful.

I ahve to take her to the vet next week so that I can see how much she weights for her heartworm and flea and tick medicine. I will ask him what he thinks too.

That is a huge amount of food. How old is she?
Scarlet is 19 weeks and she will only eat 2 1/2 -3 cups a day total
I feed Iams smart puppy and Eukanuba medium breed puppy. If she eats more, she just squirts it out (yeah I know GROSS) :oops:
I agree with Dawn, sometimes even a really great food won't be really great for your dog. Sometimes it's just too rich and everything gets soft and yucky. Overfeeding has the same effect.
I agree with Dawn and Jill. Oscar ate Solid Gold Wolf Cub as a puppy, one of the dozen foods we tried, and it was just too rich for his system.

And it does sound like you might be overfeeding as well. (Remember, the recommended feeding amounts on the bag of dog food come from the manufacturer, who is trying to sell more dog food! :wink: ) How old is S'more? If she's under 9 months old, you might want to keep feeding her three times a day, just cut back on how much each time, in order to prevent bloat. If she's over 9 months, eliminating the middle meal sounds good.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Oscar started up with the soft stool, etc. again. I realized that he was getting waaaaay too much of his food in treats. I simply cut back the handfuls to a few each time, and his stool went back to normal immediately.

FYI.....I tried yogurt with Oscar and it made him much worse.

Laurie and Oscar
Ask your vet for a starting amount on the food your feeding. I agree with what's been said... too much food going through a puppy will make for soupy poops. I've found the recommended feedings listed on dog food bags have always been way too much food for my pack and it leads to diarrhea and obesity.
derby had it for the first 6 months go to the vet and get him some hills id in a can try that i tryed everything he did have alot of parisites it takes along time for their tummy to get back to normal
Thanks guys-
I love that you are all here with "specific" information.

She's 6 months old now- a month ago she weighted 42 pounds.
I don't know if that's a normal amount or not. The vet said she looked great. He said that for a female she was large and would be 70-75 pounds fully grown.

I cut back on her dinner tonight and will cut back on her meals tomorrow.

As for treats, I don't give her too many of those at all. So that can't be it.

Thanks again for all your help!
I feed my seven month old, 72 pound puppy two cups in the morning, one in the afternoon and two at night. Sometimes he gobbles it up and sometimes he doesn't finish. I add a dab or two of plain yogurt or cottage cheese to breakfast and dinner...I also hold back his water for about half and hour after he eats...suppose to help the digestive enzymes work. He gets fresh water freely through out the day except for meal time.

Six cups a day sounds like alot...the Vet can give you a better idea of daily caloric intake and it should say on the bag how many calories per cup...probably about 450 or so...
Princess S'more wrote:

She's 6 months old now- a month ago she weighted 42 pounds.
I don't know if that's a normal amount or not. The vet said she looked great. He said that for a female she was large and would be 70-75 pounds fully grown.

I would get her vet checked again.....if she is eating 6 cups of food a day and was 42 pounds at 5 months old....something doesn't add up (to me)

Scarlet eats about 1/2 that amount and at 17 weeks she was 38 pounds 8O

Have you taken her stool sample in for a check? Here the dogs have gone thru 2 bouts of worms in the spring and that certainly made everyones poop 'soupy'
I'd take her back in for a stool check too. Some of those parasites can be hard to find-better to be safe than sorry.

Oliver eats a lot too. He is 20 weeks old and about 50 pounds.
I'm just jumping in here..Fozzie had very soft stools for quite some time as a pup. At about 8 months, the vet suggested we switch from puppy food to adult food. Poof! No more soft poops unless we eat too much grass :roll:

On yea, he eats 4 cups of food per day (2 cups in the AM, 2 cups in the PM).
At 17 weeks, which is about 4 months plus a bit, at 38 pounds and S'more at five months at 42 pounds...that isn't all that far off. My pup was about 48 pounds at four months, gained some weight slowly and then at about 5 and a half months had a growth spurt...He is now 7 months and 72 pounds...

S'more doesn't sound like she'ss off weight wise all that much...thin is always better anyway...But still sounds like alot of food...have the stool checked to be sure she doesn't have a tape worm or another parasite...they are hard to detect sometime...nothing to be worried about really but if she has something, it needs to be take care of as she is growing...
Ashley wrote:
At 17 weeks, which is about 4 months plus a bit, at 38 pounds and S'more at five months at 42 pounds...that isn't all that far off.

My point was and is....S'more is eating TWICE the amount that Scarlet is, yet weighs only a small amount more at an older age. At 38 pounds at 17 weeks, my vet said Scarlet was 'boney', but she will not eat more than the 3 cups most days.
Since S'more is eating 6 cups a day and has loose stools and is not huge, I would think parasites might be the cause. Avalon had tapeworms, which caused her to be ravenous(no matter how much she was fed, she wanted more) and she had loose stools. Tapeworms are not always easy to detect by the vet either. Nor are they easy to get rid of.
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