I'm SO GLAD we DON'T have a video camera!!!

So yesterday the Vet called...... Tasker has been having some tests done and the Vet wanted some MORE urine :evil: (I just took a specimen in last week).

Last week I took Tasker out for a walk on leash (he's never on a leash anymore) and as soon as he squatted to pee I slipped the container in place and there you have it, specimen in hand. WELLLLLLL last night I tried the same thing but the old guy is wise to my ways and he planted his feed and refused to budge (he knew what I was up to ).

So my next plan was to go into the house and get a long handled pot. When we got outside I let Tasker off leash and followed a short distance behind with the pot. He would stop to squat (he still squats) and I would try to catch up and stick the pot in place. But as soon as I would get up to him he would stop and move (performance anxiety).

So I decided to try the sneak approach. I hid around the corner of the house, waited for him to start and once he got a full head of steam (or stream as you will) going I dashed around the corner pot in hand and managed to catch enough to satisfy the speci jar requirements.

After all was done, I happened to notice Doug up on the deck laughing his
butt off. I guess we made quite a sight, me running around behind Tasker with a pot trying to catch his pee. He said he wished we had a video camera that it would have been "You Tube" worthy :roll: 8)
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Hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :clappurple: :clappurple: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OMG! :lol: Poor Tasker! Poor you!

ROFLMAO!!! :lol: :lol:
I bet it was hilarious.... :lol: :lol:
YOU might be glad you didn't have a video camera, but I TOTALLY wish you had one! :lol:
I think that our vet charges an extra $5 to take the urine via catheter, but I love reading these stories. LOL
I can just picture this......its just so beyond funny....and they call the dogs clowns..... :roll:
Ron wrote:
I think that our vet charges an extra $5 to take the urine via catheter, but I love reading these stories. LOL

Our vet won't use the catheter unless there is no way to get the dog's sample otherwise. They will even keep the dog there and get one of their techs to try to get the sample by walking the dog, rather than use the catheter.

Ginny, I can totally picture you trying to get the sample....a few months ago I had to get a sample from my dogs too. It was actually not as hard as I thought it would be LOL
I laughed reading your post b/c I just had to do the same thing for Yuki, so I totally know the running dance you were doing. Yuki also got wise to the pan under her, so would stop when I came!!! I can't imagine what they think as we chase them around while they do their business :lol:
Since she had so many bladder problems as a pup Izzie doesn't think twice when I go to take a sample...it probably also helps that we don't have a fenced yard so when she needs to go out she is always on a leash. :D At most she glances back and seems to shug as if thinking...they can take all they want, but what the heck are they going to do with that? :roll: :twisted:
:lol: That must have been quite the site.
Luckily the Vet always does that stuff for me. I doubt my dogs would ever let me get a sample. I am sure they would give me that look.... like what the heck are you doing woman? lol
haha poor tasker and his crazy mom :lol:
:lol: would love to have seen that :D
Tasker's Mom wrote:
I guess we made quite a sight, me running around behind Tasker with a pot

Thanks for the Laugh, now I understand where the word "Go Potty" came from, you and your pot. :lol:

Darn it no video of the action of the "Potty Lady" charging around the yard. :twisted: :lol: :lol:
This would have been a money making video. :lol: :lol:
Been there, done that. It is now an official HUSBAND job.
Oh Ginny!!! :yay: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the best laugh I've had all week!! :yay: I was totally laughing out loud and have tears in my eyes. I can absolutely picture this entire episode. I truly wish Doug had had a video camera. :yay:
I would have paid money to see it! A long handled pot!!!!! OMG..not only you good looking but smart too!

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