Evening all,

I think i asked this question before, but i cant remember what answer i got, and i cant find the post...

With the NILF program, if Alfie is demanding attention, and i begin to ignore him, and he doesnt like it....

he barks etc etc which can be ignored, but if he comes over and starts biting me to get attention what do i do?

Id have to wearing armour in order to ignore biting..

if i scold him for biting with my "no biting" command, he barks more at me... this eventually leads to me taking him out to do a pee..

The question is though, does this not mean that Alfie "wins" in terms of the NILF program?

I read that if you give in and give him attention of any kind when he is demanding it, then he learns that he can "break" you

Any thoughts?
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I think I am in love with Alfie.. he is just so darn cute.. and bad....

Sorry.. I have no other suggestion for ya..
You may have to ignore him by physically leaving the room.

He sounds like more mental and especially physical exercise is needed. How old is Alfie now?
Dudster wrote:
I think I am in love with Alfie.. he is just so darn cute.. and bad....

Sorry.. I have no other suggestion for ya..

Ditto :lol:
Avalon does the SAME thing....she gets plenty of exercise, she is just stubborn :evil:
Dutch pokes at me when she wants attention and I have found if I just fold my arms up against myself she will soon quit , now as for chewing on the tops of my feet there is no way I can just stand there and try to ignore it ... it hurts... so I grab her by the scruff of the neck and say no (saying no by itself does no good)and that seems to break the foot fetish and it's getting less and less thank gosh :D
Alfie is 14 weeks now, and yes i know just a baby but im in a no-win situation... i cant let him get away with mis-behaving, but i also dont wanna encourage bad behaviour either...

he does get plenty of excercise, he gets down to the park almost every night
George went through a naughty stage at about the same age and I found that exercise and training were the answer.

We took him out twice a day and trained him for two 10 min sessions a day. This meant he had a routine and knew what was happening each day.

Worked for us.
Vicki & George wrote:
George went through a naughty stage at about the same age and I found that exercise and training were the answer.

We took him out twice a day and trained him for two 10 min sessions a day. This meant he had a routine and knew what was happening each day.

Worked for us.


perhaps i will try to make his excercise and training more of a set time kinda thing...

only problem is that i work shifts, which makes that difficult.
My hubby worked a 3 shift pattern too and although it took a little longer for George to get into a routine and understand the pattern he did eventually.

When Bob was on nights George slept almost 24/7 as he slept through the day with him and at night with me!!!

Alfie will get used to it too. I didn't beleive that exercise would work for George as he was a little buggar but it really did. He met laods of people who walk their dogs at the same time so plays with their dogs which gets rid of tons of energy!!

George is 7 months now and gets almost 2 hours a day!!
ive observed that alfie is great with other dogs... sometimes too good, because he tries to follow them away when their owner is leaving...

he does respond to the "big voice" though which is good...

i just hope his good temperment with other dogs stays... i guess it will as long as i keep socialising him
It sounds like you are on the right track, Alfie just is a busy boy. Keep up the physical and mental exercise.

My husband and I also both work rotating 12 hr shifts, so it can be done! The pups just learn what is "normal" for their own particular family. :D
The instructor at Maggie's obedience class recommends brief time outs if the puppy is acting rude, such as putting him in a bathroom or behind a closed for for 5-10 seconds. She says the time should be brief so they don't forget why they are being separated. She says you might need to do it 5 or more times in a row before a young puppy understands.
Dutch is the same so is it a family trait maybe ? :lol:

WizardMerlin wrote:
Avalon does the SAME thing....she gets plenty of exercise, she is just stubborn :evil:
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