Bumpy Barney

I was petting Barney the other day around this upper shoulder/back area and noticed a bump. I thought, great--he's got a tick. So I went searching for it. Found nothing.

Last night I was rubbing him in the same place and felt another bump. Found it this time. It is a skin colored nob or raised skin, kind of softish, not red or anything. Are these normal? Should I just keep my eye on it?
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Sigh... we just have 5 of them removed from Emma yesterday. We could
wait and see if they changed or have them removed and sent off for
diagnosis... they couldn't aspirate them. This is what a couple of hers
looked like... most were around 3mm or so in size.

Yup, the second one was by her butt... don't tell her I put that picture online or she'll never talk to me again :oops:

My poor baby now has some big incisions because they took wide margins just in case. I'm so bad at waiting :(

Yesterday- http://oesusa.com/Emmie725007-Ouchies.jpg
Today- http://oesusa.com/Emma-DayAfter2.jpg

PS- Yes Auntie Diane, mama's sharing her Beebles t-shirt. It makes me feel better having my southern-sissy near by :wink:
Wow....that looks nasty.

It also looks like a couple of bumps that Tasker has................. the Vet looked at them last week and recommended not doing anything. Of course he is almost 12................. I'm anxious to hear what your are.
I'm going for sebaceous cyst... benign. :D
Ron wrote:
I'm going for sebaceous cyst... benign. :D

Cool, then that's what I'll go with too.

Maggie has some and hers are really nasty, but she didn't start getting them until she was older, like 8 or so (she'll be 10 next month--go sheepie go!). I figured they were an age thing, but Barn-doggle is still so young.
Wow....that looks nasty.

I know... I guess if it's something bad it would have already spread since there were 5 of them. Hoping they come back as benign. :plead:
I'm going for sebaceous cyst

That's what I had thought they might be. When I asked the vet he said they were rubbery and couldn't be aspirated.

This is a little off-subject but Maggie, my Border Collie-mix, has had around 5 or 6 fatty tumors (lipomas) removed during two surgeries over the past couple of years. One had gotten pretty larger so it was time it came off... another needed to be removed because of location- mammary. Whenever a dog is anesthetized for teeth cleaning or other procedure, we always have the vet remove any and all growths. It wasn't until recently that I found out that there is a type of lipoma that can be invasive and difficult to remove so you need to keep an eye on these tumors too. http://www.vetinfo4dogs.com/dlipoma.html

The nutritionist I spoke with from MSU had mentioned removing the oil supplements from Maggie's diet since she was having issues with fatty tumors. It should be interesting to see if this stops them from forming.

I guess the thing with lumps and bumps is that you never really know what they are unless they're tested. The vet can give you their best guess and it IS an educated one. Some they tell you to remove immediately... others they say to watch for changes in size or appearance.

Just a little more FYI...
It depends on how closely you want to watch a lump but a couple of ways to do this accurately are to...

* Take a picture of it with a ruler so you can compare it later... I like the picture approach because it allows you to compare color too.

* Another way mentioned is to take waxed paper and trace around the edges of the lump with a felt tipped marker, then date it.

I've got so many in the pack that I take pictures of locations too in case one happens to come back.

I'll post again when I hear back from the vet... maybe late this week or early next week.
Oooh, want to know results because both Jack and Mo have those white bumps too. I've just ignored them.........up to now.
I just got a call from the vet's office and all
five of the lumps on Emma were benign. YAY!! :D
Oh great - that's good news!! :P
Good news indeed! :D :D
Hooray for Emma! Great news! (I've been reading this thread but was too queasy to comment til now)
Woo hoo!
:yay: :banana: :go:


That's awesome-
I don't think I could have waited and wondered if they were something "bad".
I would have had them taken out too.

Good news!
Fantastic news Jaci, so happy, that is always the worse part, waiting for those results.

Hugs to you all and YAY :phew:
Glad to hear all of Emma's lumps were benign! :yay:
Thanks to everyone for your well wishes and good cheer. :D
I do need to clarify something...

When the vet's office called, they said all the lumps were benign. Since that was the ONLY thing I was concerned with, I didn't ask any further questions. We went to the vet to have Emma's butt re-sutured on Monday and the vet talked to us more about it.

Drum roll...

Ron was right...
I'm going for sebaceous cyst... benign

They were ALL cysts... they were not tumors of any kind.

Just had to pass this along for anyone comparing bumps :wink:
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