If you could do it again...

Ok...I've been thinking...if I could do my "profession" again, what would I do different?

Of course...my first choice would be a world famous chef, but that is not realistic for my talents or path in life. So...

Here are the rules:

1. You don't have any additional talents, than the ones you have now.
2. You can have additional and/or different education.
3. You are not starting out as a Princess or heiress, unless you are one

First...I would NEVER change the fact that I am a mother! So...that is a constant!

I am an accountant. Schooled at the University of Oklahoma.

I work as a comptroller for an auto dealership. I have worked as a staff accountant for a big corporation, I did a 5 year stint as a trust asset accountant...and have also work as a business manager for a broadcast company.

BUT! If I got a "do over" and knew this occuption would come up in the future (after my initial degree), I would become a forensic accountant. I think that would be soooooo incredibly cool!

What would you have changed? (Remember, this is not a who you went to prom with sort of thing!
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Hummm, never thought about it much. ( yah sure) always have wondered'
Like you I loved being a mother too, grandmother and now great grandma of 3.
My backround is in design, kitchens and baths. Till I got hurt and no longer can work, ( I miss designing)

BUT as many of you know I LOVE TO COOK. I would have gone to school
for that. Not world famouse but a good head chef.
i was a labor and delivery nurse for 20 years. i loved it. But with so many moves, and not wanting to go to the bottom of the totem pole of nights and weekends all the time anymore, and with my back and shoulder problems i have been giving this a lot of thought myself.

Norm and I actually talked about me going back to school as soon as these babies are up and out of here, and i have had my shoulder surgery. I think i am going to go to Paralegal School. don't want to go back to do the whole attorney thing and think this may be the next best.

I LOVE my career, so I wouldn't give up being an artist for anything!

However....since the rules allow for changes in education, I'd definatly add some business classes to my college scheduals, since university art programs compleatly neglect the "practical" making a living side of art. I've had to (slowly) figure that part out on my own, and its still NOT my best thing! :roll:
I originally went to school for agricultural research. I interned at Cargill's Nutrena feeds research farm. I really liked it there. Unfortunately when I graduated, I would have had to relocate to another part of the country, and I wasn't ready for that. I had worked primarily in the poultry area there, so I took a production job managing a 35,000 laying hen operation upon graduation. After marriage, 3 kids and 5 yrs later - I was ready for a change!

So back to school I went - for nursing this time. I worked as a nurse aide first - I needed to make sure this time around I would last longer than 5 yrs in my new career. I have been in nursing for 18 yrs now - and it is still fun. I enjoy teaching and the education part of it, so I probably should go back for more college, but now I am too busy doing other things. Right now I do a mix of 3 nursing jobs, and I like them all.

On another note - I also have been an obedience instructor for almost as long as the nursing. The store I rent space from is expanding - building a new training/rehab/daycare/boarding facility. The owner has asked if I would be interested in a position at the new place, so I may be making a career adjustment......
My degree is in Health Information Management and credentialed as a Registered Health Information Administrator. I now work in Clinical Supplies for a pharmaceutical company. Honestly, if I went back to school, I'd probably end up going for the same thing. This would be because I still haven't figured out what I'd want to be when I grow up and I know I would make good money in this industry.

My passions are for my sheepdogs and arts and crafts. If my other half made a ton of money to support our lifestyle and my health issues and told me I could work for "fun", I'd work in a scrapbook store, teach some classes there and maybe work with little kids in an after school program with arts and crafts. My best friends since I've been a kid says I should have taught art to kids.
I would have gone to college instead of following my family to another town. Or I would have called my division chief on being a pysopathic drunk who treated his employees like slaves. I am pretty happy now, but after I left he was still having his fun. I feel guilty that I did turn him in when I had the proof. I seldom regreat doing the wrong thing, but always regreat not doing the right thing, Especially :( when it from fear.

So much for my depressing thoughts. Of course if I had gone another road I might not have meet Raven Moon.

Funny you should ask as only recently I've visited my local university to check out some courses. I've been debating whether to return to school on a part time basis. Then last night I saw a grad photo of a woman who was 68 and realized, if she could do it...then I could too!

My only regret job wise is that I never got a chance to attend vet school. It's only offered in another province. Given the opportunity it's something I would want to do.

I am pretty happy with my life, I don't think I would change anything only maybe one thing more sheepies to share my life.

I have been a mother and a career in accountancy and my greatest pleasure and desire in life is my kids, family and for more sheepies and the joy they all bring me everyday.

The other is much later on (being that I am only 21 :P ) to be a gran to spoil, hype up and hand them back to there parents. :wink: :lol:
Hey Dawn, I started college as an agriculture major! I ended up getting my BA in film studies and went on for my MS in library science. I honestly love my job (medical librarian) and wouldn't change careers. If forced to though, I would get an MPH (Public Health) and be an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control.

P.S. I didn't go to prom so I can't change my date!
I love being a nurse, can't imagine being anything else. If I could do one thing different it would be to have gotten into EMS sooner. This fall I have to take the critical care course and I really wish I was a bit younger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've actually been thinking about this sort of thing lately, as many of my friends are having kids and quitting their jobs to stay home. I was thinking that I wouldn't want to just stay home--I would want to work, but I would also want to want to work, ya know?

I think I would have taken more fine arts classes...maybe gotten a degree in interior design. I love designing and decorating and that sort of thing. But while I was in college, it just didn't see like an art background was all that practical (so I settled on English and history--SO practical, right? :wink: )
I LOVE my job! Im a kitchen designer with a specialty in space planning. I wouldnt change a thing!
I was just thinking of what else I might have done. Right now I am working on a state report that is due this week. I am a teacher. I have taught everything from infants to adults. Right now I work with pregnant and parenting teens both male and female. I never seem to get everything done. Maybe I would do a career that didn't require so much time outside of a normal working day.
At one time I wanted to be a Dr. I just couldn't see any way to afford school for that long. Even then i probably would have wanted to work with kids.
I love nursing and would still chose it as a career. But with the
knowledge I have today of the changes in the healthcare
system I would spend less time in the field.

I am now teaching dance fitness and love it! Its nice to
be on the wellness end of the spectrum for a change.

I would also make sure my sheepie can come to work with me. :wink:
You took the fun part out about being rich first. LOL This is a hard one for me because I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up. I LOVE dogs, I LOVE being outside anywhere, any time, I love gardening but I guess that goes with the outside, I love any kind of physical activity(walking, hiking, biking, dancing).My first love is traveling. My job is "ok" but I can't see doing it for the rest of my life. What I would change is being a screw-off in high school and going to college. I was never encouraged by my mom to go and I thought the ones going were nuts because that was four more years of "boredom". With age comes wisdom...
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