Backsliding on the housebreaking at 8 months

Baily is trying my (or more accurately, my husbands) patience. She was fine with the housebreaking and now has gotten to the point where she is wetting upstairs most every night. She has PLENTY of opportunity to go out and will sometimes have an 'accident' just after coming in from the yard. I'm begininng to believe that she has 2 or more bladders!

We had her to the vet to be sure there was no urinary tract infection going on and that proved negative.

We have been gating her downstairs at night but she will bark and keep us up. My husband wants to crate her in the garage but I am against that type of thing and am trying to figure out what we are doing wrong. There must be some sort of mixed signal that we are sending.

Other than this problem and the usual rambunciousness of the breed, she is a doll and very sweet.

Any suggestions?

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crates arent inhumane, it's an adjustment thing, but it essentially gets the message to your pup/dog that that is her space. some dogs feel so comfortable in their crates they go there themselves.

is it a carpet that she continually wets on? she may think she's allowed to, based on her scent on it, any number of powders and sprays can take her odor out of a rug should that be the problem, then there is no spot she will feel she is allowed to go..
Also you could try taking up her water earlier in the evening, try 8pm, and if that doesn't work, try 6 pm and so on.
Also, is she fixed? If not, that may solve your problem. Females often regress with housebreaking as they get close to their first heat cycle, and every heat cycle.
Hmmm, I had the same problem with my baby girl. She is only 4 months, though. But she peed on the rugs. The thing was, that we rarely caught her in the act, and i think she got the idea that it was okay. Then we put in a doggy door so she can go out on her own when she needs to. It worked like a charm and we had no accidents in the house since then. She has a UTI so she has been peeing in her sleep, but not on purpose. Crate training is a good idea, i think, but we never did it. I wouldn't put her in the garage, though. Keep us posted.
Annabelle always had a few accidents from time to time, despite being crated. She actually stopped when she had her first heat cycle at 7-8 months old. It was done though because she had to wear pants during her heat cycle. She would hold it in the pants and go outside when the pants came off. After 3 weeks she hasn't ever had another accident in the house. When I say crated, she (they) were in our utility room, and slowly we opened it up to the kitchen and slowly made the access to the kitchen larger. Even if she has already been spayed, try some pants on her, it might would work. I wish you best of luck, and it does get better. It seems one day you wake up and notice that it has been weeks since an accident has occured and when the day comes that she has free roaming in the house, it is a day to celebrate! It took mine until they were almost a year old to have that ability Keep us updated, stormi
Thanks everyone for your input. She was spayed about 2 months ago so I doubt it has anything to do with that issue. I'm having the rugs professionaly cleaned (again!) and that may take care of any smells that she still is picking up and giving her the wrong signal. She really is a sweet, sweet girl. This too shall pass.
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