A lazy OES Puppy?

Hmm...This is my first post! I have enjoyed reading and learning so far!

Well I got my first OES-Pepper about 2 weeks ago. His breeder was about 70 plus years old. He is soo lazy lol. Is this normal?? I have never had a dog before on my own but have always thought of puppies being very active. I don't know if it because he lived with such a older woman that he is just super calm or what. I don't think he is sick in anyway. But of course I'm not a vet. I take him on walks (which he isn't very excited about) and he just slowly walks along. I take him outside and he basically sunbathes. I love him to death and do love this personality because I'm not very hyper myself but I'm just asking if this is totally off bc I don't want him to be sick or anything and not take care of it.

Has anyone ever had a lazy puppy? My sister said puppies sleep about 22 hours a day, is this true. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh and Pepper is 3 1/2 months old and a male!
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MissDior wrote:
I take him outside and he basically sunbathes

I have one like this. He loves to just be around us and outside. Even when he was a puppy (he's a year old), he would be quite content to just lounge around outside.

What part of the world are you in? If it's a part where it's summer time, that could contribute to the laziness. I find that the warmer and more humid it is, the less activity I see. Could this be a partial explanation for the "Sheepie 500" that many puppies engage in at around 1900hrs (the drop in temperature and humidity)?

MissDior wrote:
My sister said puppies sleep about 22 hours a day, is this true. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

That's fairly typical. I don't have any studies to provide you as evidence, but if you search around the forum you'll find lots of anecdotal reports of puppies who tend to sleep the days away (much like young human children do). A puppy can be quite active for 2-15 minutes, and then crash and nap for an hour, and wake up ready to go again.

If your pup is eating, drinking, peeing, pooping and sleeping, then I wouldn't worry too much. If you're really concerned, a call/visit to the breeder and/or a trip to the vet (especially important if you and Pepper haven't seen a vet since you got him) would go a long way to putting your fears to rest.
Welcome to the Forum!
I would definitely take him to get a routine check-up at the Vet, then you can relax by knowing that he is physically okay.
My first sheepdog was really laid back, but still ran and played.
thanks for your advice. The usual summer temp. is around 75-80. I live in Ohio.

He is peeing and pooping regularly. And he just LOVES to be around me or my family. Since I've had him he hasn't been alone ONCE! He just acts like a little baby lol. And he has been to my local vet once. I tried to get a "rouse" outta him by telling my brother to wrestle around with him. Well he didn't care for that. He ended up "stubbinng his toe" accroding to the vet and being fearful of my brother. But he has since lost his fear of my brother. The vet said it was nothing seruious and will heal on its own.

So maybe he's just lazy and a real people person. I'm thinking at his old house (breeders) he mainly sat around with her and her husband and got used to this behavior. He follows me everywhere but I don't mind it.

I'm going to try to get him more excerise. Do you think I should? I try to run and have him run with me but he just casualy walks or runs for a second then gets lazy. Any tips to get him more active. I learned he loves little furry cat mice. He chews on them and throws them around. And loves his bone. He's halfway intersted in playing fetch but still doesn't completely get the concept.
He may be laid back but he may also be getting used to you. Once he's used to being around you. Sometimes this can take a couple weeks or a month or so. BUT lol look out once he's used to you and your family :D:D Thats how our puppy was, the first couple weeks he was very quiet and just followed me around then a month later LOOK OUT he was a regular puppy LOL
Well I'm 70 and I sure don't have a laid back puppy :D , I run with her, walk with her, go to obedience with her, play fetch and all the things I did when I was 30 (maybe a bit slower but thats about it ) and I've probaly a lot more common sense then I had way back then :lol:
It wouldn't be a bad idea to take him to the vet, just to give him the once over, stool sample check, etc., if you haven't done that already.
Clyde has been a lazy walker since that age, too. He's almost 3 now and he still lags behind and grumbles like he'd rather not be there. The only thing that keeps a pace for him is our other dog. He doesn't want to let him get ahead of him so that's what keeps him going!

Where in Ohio are you at? We're having an OES picnic in Michigan in August and you're welcome to come if it's a feasible trip for you.
Bosley was a quiet, laid-back puppy. Very calm, actually. He still is pretty lazy, now at 2 years old.

Dixie...well....we got her at a bit over 1 year old, and she still hasn't stopped running... :lol: :lol:
^ I live in South East Ohio, but thanks for the invite!
MissDior wrote:
^ I live in South East Ohio, but thanks for the invite!

And your point is? 8O

We are almost a 4 hours drive and are planning on going!!!! And that doesn't include any hold-ups at the border...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

But we have to go far for a sheepie picnic....Last time I tried to hold one here we had 1 other sheepie. :cry:
Maybe we could trade??? Just kidding :D
Take him to the vet for a stool sample and a blood sample so we can eliminate parasites. I'm assuming he can hear well and see, so sounds like he is just be cautious but will grow out of this shortly. The more energy you show over time, the more he will too. Take him places and let him watch the cars, dogs and children in the park, whatever. Don't force it, let him show you what he can do. I'm sure pretty soon you'll have an energetic pup.
Well mayeb we should come to the event lol! 4 hours isn't that bad!
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