My big embarassing secret

Some of you remember that I had a tough time watching Saw III. It's the only one I've seen. I couldn't believe anyone would watch something this gruesome. Yet hours later after complaining on the board, I couldn't resist not watching the rest to see what happens...

What I didn't tell everyone is ever since that day, I'm afraid of my garage. I have to go in there to throw Yuki's poop in the trash, and I'm literally a scared baby!! I go in, look everywhere...... sing to myself fine up to the point that I have to come back in the house. As I close the door, I always think he's right behind me and race like hell up my stairs, yell for Yuki to come HERE, and ALWAYS tell myself "the knives are on the counter ...the knives are on the counter." :lol:

I really thought this would go away.'s been months it seems since I've seen the movie.

The only relief I have is telling myself, "Relax, he died in Saw 3." ...and yes, I also remind myself he's just an actor.

Today I found out Saw IV comes out in Oct!!!! Oh the horror. How can he be alive. His heart stopped!!! 8O

My dreams are so vivid now I'm pregnant, so all I need now is for him to appear in my dreams.

There... that's my embarrassing secret. Someone please tell me they're nuts too after watching a horror flick.
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Nope, it's pretty much just you and kids under the age of 7. :twisted:
:lol: .................I knowwwwwwwww

Doesn't help that I'm here alone. I don't think an 18 month old and a scaredy cat animals count. I mean... I swear to goodness that this is a DAILY event. ...and I'm honestly freaked out as I race up the stairs. You know that feeling that someone will catch up and touch you...
*cough* Who do you think broke your garage door hinge? *cough*
Ron wrote:
*cough* Who do you think broke your garage door hinge? *cough*

bwahahahahaha... I can't believe you remember that!
LOL... this made me laugh so hard because I do the same thing!! If I have to go up stairs at night that are not solid stairs, I run as fast as I can, and I freak out thinking something is going to reach through and grab my ankle, lol. I am the same way taking showers at night... I have a clear shower curtain so no one can sneak up on me. It doesn't help that my kids know I startle easily so they do things like sneak into my closet and pop out when I go to get clothes, lol.
There is one very good reason I NEVER watch horror movies....

I am scared crapless!

I am home alone alot with Todd working 12 hr nights. I would prefer not to be immobilized by fear in my own house!
I don't watch scary movies or shows either.

My furbabies are very protective - as long as the noise/person are outside anyway.
Years ago, my husband worked in the oilfield. He would be gone for several days and come in at strange hours. Maude would sleep on the bed when he was gone (a great cuddler) and bark like crazy when he came in the house - no sneaking in quietly for him! My next-door neighbor used to tease us about knowing when my hubby came home.
IheartStella wrote:
LOL... this made me laugh so hard because I do the same thing!! If I have to go up stairs at night that are not solid stairs, I run as fast as I can, and I freak out thinking something is going to reach through and grab my ankle, lol. I am the same way taking showers at night... I have a clear shower curtain so no one can sneak up on me. It doesn't help that my kids know I startle easily so they do things like sneak into my closet and pop out when I go to get clothes, lol.

Well your reply made me laugh as well because ...let's not get me started on the shower curtain!!!!!!!! Yuki and lil J are in the bathroom while I shower, and my thinking is always "one of them will make a noise if someone comes in right???" Yet I still have moments where I have to peak out b/c my head starts to have images of the guy from SAW.

Now that I've talked about... it's all a little worse. If my son knew how crazy his mom was... he wouldn't love on me all the time like I'm his hero.

I used to be able to handle horror films. Now I get bad dreams watching tame movies. When my husband and I were dating, we watched Red Dragon (silence of the lambs sequel). Well after that we went to a military ball. Things went well and I forgot all about the movie. Came back and decided to be romantic and get in the hot tub. Well, he started to look at me funny. I guess he was in love or some crap... not sure, but all I saw was my boyfriend with red eyes (like the movie cover of Anthony Hopkins), and he wanted to eat me. He thought I was joking, but I wouldn't let it go, AND I didn't want him to look at me. I just said, please don't eat me. :lol: It wasn't until we went to bed and I had him to cuddle with (back to me) that I was calm. :oops: :lol:
When you were dating? GASP 8O

Don't worry about lil' J, Ms. J...

I didn't find out that my mother was terrified of the dentist until I was in my 30s. She hid it very well from us/me all those years so that we/I wouldn't develop the same fear. :hearts:
I hear ya J, it gets better with age, I just watched a DVD "the Haunting", made eons ago and as a kid never saw the end of it, tooo scared at the time :P Well we found it on DVD in Black and white and I laughed through the whole thing when I saw it. Still wondering how the heck it spooked me when I was a kid only a few years ago :P :wink: :lol:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Nope, it's pretty much just you and kids under the age of 7. :twisted:


I NEVER EVER EVER watch horror movies. I'm still haunted by a scarey babysitter joke someone toldme in seventh grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
got sheep wrote:
There is one very good reason I NEVER watch horror movies....

I am scared crapless!

Ditto....I'm a BIG baby.....even as a kid I couldn't watch horror films
and now my kids are the same :cry:
Me neither! I think there's plenty of horror in the real world to worry about so I'm sure not going to purposefully watch fake horror and end up with nightmares!

My DH had a nightmare a week or so ago that woke him up - it was all about demons in the walls coming through and grabbing us. It was so vivid he woke up in a sweat and I said, "SEE? That's what happens when you read those books and watch those movies!"

Y'ain't going to see me at a scary movie - no way! No psycho-thrillers either. I didn't get over "Ransom" for years.

I want my entertainment light and fluffy, thankyouverymuch.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I hate Horror Movies..... Has anyone seen the movie Wrong Turn?
I absolutely LOVED horror films when I was a KID. The scarier the better. 8) Now, as an adult, I cannot/will not watch them - I'm petrified. :lol: :oops:

So, don't worry, Jo, you're not alone! :wink:
If it makes you feel better, I flat out refuse to watch horror movies! I'll sometimes flip channels so I don't have to watch the previews! I get terrible nightmares from horror stuff! I had nightmares from the TV Ad for Stephen Kings "It". The "Great Movie Ride" at Disney gave me nightmares when I was a teenager from the "Alien" section where the Alien jumps out and scares you... Yup, apparently I can't even handle disney rides. SIGH!

so you and the seven year olds are not alone! I just refuse to watch them, so I don't get scared of my garbage.
I've always had an irrational fear of those big drains they sometimes have in public restrooms thanks to the movie "It." Why did my mom let me watch that?
I don't watch horror movies either. I have to vivid of an imagination without any I am alone a lot so doen't need to have these fears. That is one of the reasons I allow the dogs to bark sometimes so that anyone around knows that I have big dogs here. My husband wen up to Michigan a lot, and I was by myself, so that is the reason I adopted Violet a few years ago, to protect me and for company. Now I also have China and two of my children...but still a wild imagination. lol
I used to love scary movies as a kid, but now I can't watch them. I can't watch a minute of one before I get creeped out (and that's usually when they're just the happy, careless kids enjoying a trip to the beach, or whatever, not even the scary part!)
barney1 wrote:
I used to love scary movies as a kid, but now I can't watch them. I can't watch a minute of one before I get creeped out (and that's usually when they're just the happy, careless kids enjoying a trip to the beach, or whatever, not even the scary part!)

That makes me feel so good that there's someone who gets creeped out before there's a reason... :lol:
No scarey movies here, either..

I was OK when I was a kid, then seeing the Texas Chainsaw Masacre in 1983 messed that all up. Horror movies and those head-games ones about phsycos.....No way.

I did see Snakes on a Plane, though...rented and in my living room. That is not what I consider a scarey movie, though.

Light comedies and the odd drama are fine, but no scary stuff for me!
Scruffy's Mom wrote:
I've always had an irrational fear of those big drains they sometimes have in public restrooms thanks to the movie "It." Why did my mom let me watch that?

Oh boy... my kids will probably say the same thing to me some day, lol. Why did you let us watch that?!? :) Don't get me wrong, I get creeped out and I startle very easily, but I love scary movies (there's this part of me that likes being afraid for some reason... at least while I'm in a theater full of people, but once I'm home alone.... :? )

As far as my kids though... they LOVE scary movies. Joahaeyo mentioned "Red Dragon"... that is one of my daughter's favorite movies. 8O My 7 year old LOVES the movie IT, and he makes Pennywise comments to me all the time because he knows I am afraid of clowns (He's been Pennywise for Halloween as well). He also loved the Shining, the Village, and the Ring. The kids thought the SAW movies were hoakie :roll: They made fun of me for thinking they were scary. I hated parking garages for a very long time after I watched the first SAW (in a late night theater all by myself, lol).

The only movie that has ever scared any of the kids was the Grudge (which I thought wasn't even that scary). My daughter has long dark brown curly hair that looks like straight black hair when it's wet, and when Noah is swimming in the pool, she gets in and lets her hair hang in front of her face then slowly moves closer and closer to Noah while making that creepy craoking sound that the girl makes in the Grudge... He knows it's his sister, but he screams so loud every time :twisted:

My kids are just unique kids, though... their absolute favorite move of all time is Monthy Python's Search for the Holy Grail, lol... go figure :roll:
Joahaeyo wrote:
barney1 wrote:
I used to love scary movies as a kid, but now I can't watch them. I can't watch a minute of one before I get creeped out (and that's usually when they're just the happy, careless kids enjoying a trip to the beach, or whatever, not even the scary part!)

That makes me feel so good that there's someone who gets creeped out before there's a reason... :lol:

Yeah, but I'm not scared of a life-size Michael Jordan poster!
We know way too much about each other on this board. :lol: :lol: :lol:
OK. My daughter is watching Dawn of the Dead right now and it's too gross for me. I told her not to let her dad see her watching...or I will pay for it.

I love horror movies...but not the ones with tons of blood and violence. I like the supernatural ones, haunted houses and ghosts...but no freaks with chainsaws. Zombie movies were ok before they got so gross. I guess I love all the old stuff where more was suggested than actually seen.

Ah...for my youth. :lmt:
Invasion of the Body Snatchers scared the CRAP out of me when I was a kid.... lol
I enjoy a good scary flick, but did anyone see the movie "Hostel". It was written by Tarantino and was absolutely disgusting; nothing scary about it, just gross. I can't believe there's a Hostel 2 coming out.

The first scary flick I watched was "My Bloody Valentine" which scared the crap out of me. Then one rainy Sunday years ago, Mom and I watched "Candy Man" under a blanket...very spooky.

Steve won't watch most scary movies. Deep down, I believe he thinks they are true especialy ones in relation to the evil afterlife. They just make me laugh!
I don't even remember what movie I watched but I refuse to walk into a dark room. Peeking out a shower curtain..oh yeah. I don't like to take a shower when I'm alone. I didn't see the "Exorcist" but I read the book and it scarred me for life. Not scared, scarred. I live in terror of something like that happening to me or someone I love. No scary movies in this house EVER!!! If DH turns one on I walk out of the room and turn on another TV loud so I can't hear what he has on. He very politely turns it off(since he can't hear it because my TV is so loud). And yes, though its been awhile I have been known to race to where I am going so the bogey man can't get me from behind.
I always ''find'' a place to hide in case of a real ''night of the living dead'' invasion.....

House on Haunted Hill scared the heck out of me...the dripping blood on the ceiling that marks you for the next victim....and that was one of those Saturday afternoon chillers.....

Bloody Mary scares me...even though it wasnt a movie, I refuse to look in the mirror when no lights are on....

I still sleep with a nightlight on when Brian isnt home......
I sense this might be a fertile ground for a psychotherapist...

OK here is my biggest fear. I am haunted by water.
No, not drowning. Not a biblical flood. Drips. That's right, drips.

Leaking water faucets, leaking skylights, leaking roofs, leaking gutters, leaking toilets, leaking garden hoses, leaking car/motorhome radiators my list is long.

If it has water in it and it needs to contain it, or if it has water outside of it that needs to be repelled, I live in dread of things that go "drip" in the night.

(Sorry could not help myself 8) ) )

Wow ron a water phobia. What would it be called "Aquatic drip Syndrome" ? Or Just "A Big Drip" :wink: :lol:
Does anyone remember the movie "Ghoulies"? It came out shortly after Gremlins. Well, the Ghoulies were nowhere near as cute as the little Gremlin. They came out of toilets!!! I was scared of going to the bathroom for a very long time after that 8O And the list goes on...

-Jaws would come through the hall closet into the shower
-Birds would attack me (THEY DID!)
-The guy from Psycho would stab me through the shower curtain. My Mom went on a long search to find clear shower curtains.
I'm a true GLUTTON for punishment!!!!!

So the new trailer is out for SAW IV. I've been starring at the link all day, debating whether or not to watch it. My gut is saying NO WAY, just wait for the previews to come on tv. ... il&id=1200

Someone should watch it and tell me if it's bad. :lol:

Anyway, I'm no longer afraid of the garage. Wheww....

Since I've heard about the clip, I'm now afraid of my bathroom. Sometimes I try to race in the bathroom to go before my son catches up. When he does, he will close the door so we're in the dark. I get up mid-stream to race for the lights. I'm deathly afraid of starring into the mirror. It's gotten so bad that I can't even face the mirror if the lights are turned off. :lol: I KNOW I'm so messed up in the head.

But, if you have never been pregnant then you have no idea the kind of dreams you have. I have had 1 of 2 dreams every night. It's either a nightmare or something else.

Poor lil J. His mom is going to have a heart attack by the time Halloween comes around. :twisted:
I just watched it. They totally changed it and it isn't scary anymore. It's all teddy bears and puppies. Go ahead and watch it.

tee hee hee

Too funny. I wondered if you were serious for a short second ...until I read the teddy bear and puppies part. :oops: Just a little gullible. :lol:
Joahaeyo wrote:

There... that's my embarrassing secret. Someone please tell me they're nuts too after watching a horror flick.

Oh my goodness...all of my friends make fun of me for being terrified of everything. When I was little, while my friends were watching Bambi and Snow White, I was watching The Shining and Poltergeist! (Don't ask me what my parents were thinking!) I used to love scary movies.

However, now I am scared of everything. If I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I have to make a conscious effort not to imagine the drowned girl from The Ring standing behind the door. I have to jump into bed so that the who-knows-what underneath the bed doesn't grab my ankles. I had to sleep with the light on for a week after The Blair Witch Project!! It seems like I get MORE scared of horror movies as I get older. And I spend more of the movie with my eyes closed than I ever did when I was in high school. Very weird.

I asked my friends at work if they jump into bed (when it's dark) so the monsters don't grab their feet. They just said, "I don't have time for monsters." Maybe after I have kids I'll be too tired to care?

Oh, and I don't go in the garage by myself without the door wide open and the lights on.
It must be the pregnant LeAnne/Leanne thing!!!

My LeAnne just had a wierd dream, on Saturday night. We went for a therapy dog testing event with the Twin Cities OES Club Sunday and she was getting tested with Clay - so that probably triggered it.

This is the dream:
We had to stay at a motel, and we had Chewie and Clay with. We were in my Element, and carried our stuff in, and left the dogs in the car. In her dream, we were going to a dog show. After we settled our stuff in the room, LeAnne went out to the vehicle to get the dogs. She finds Clay shaved completely naked and Chewie shaved on the back and rump! She is totally upset and runs in the motel to show me our disfigured dogs. And then says "Mom, did you forget to lock the car?" and then woke up!!

We had a good laugh at the OES testing on Sunday!
1st Time OES Mommy, I don't race for the bed anymore. I'm more worried about what's just beyond the bedroom door or down the dark stairs, and sometimes outside the window!!!!!! I always tell Yuki to follow me. My friend sent me an email saying to keep my car alarm keys next to the bed, so if someone ever does come, I can set them off. I thought it was a good idea! I've always relied on the hammer I keep in the end table next to my bed. :lol:

got sheep wrote:
It must be the pregnant LeAnne/Leanne thing!!!

My LeAnne just had a wierd dream, on Saturday night. We went for a therapy dog testing event with the Twin Cities OES Club Sunday and she was getting tested with Clay - so that probably triggered it.

This is the dream:
We had to stay at a motel, and we had Chewie and Clay with. We were in my Element, and carried our stuff in, and left the dogs in the car. In her dream, we were going to a dog show. After we settled our stuff in the room, LeAnne went out to the vehicle to get the dogs. She finds Clay shaved completely naked and Chewie shaved on the back and rump! She is totally upset and runs in the motel to show me our disfigured dogs. And then says "Mom, did you forget to lock the car?" and then woke up!!

We had a good laugh at the OES testing on Sunday!

I don't think my dreams have ever been so intense. Every night they are SO VIVID, and I remember everything when I wake up. Sometimes b/c I'm scared out of my mind. :lol:
Has anyone ever mentioned the thing about how spiders crawl into your mouth while you are sleeping thing? I hope not, because that might just scare the heck out of all of you.
I don't know how appropriate it is to type this...

Ron can delete it....

but I have no issues with eating spiders, but I have this huge phobia of things crawling elsewhere. Anyone could ask my husband and he'd tell you that I have NEVER slept w/o undies. 8O He always makes fun of me b/c it's obviously ridiculous, but I get the heebie jeebies thinking about it!!!
Ooh! I just watched an episode of "Untold Stories of the E.R." (on TLC) where this girl had fallen asleep, and woke up with a HUGE beetle in her ear!!!! It was over an inch long! It took them forever to get it out and the girl kept screaming that it was eating her brain.

Luckily, my husband snores so I sleep in earplugs!
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
I asked my friends at work if they jump into bed (when it's dark) so the monsters don't grab their feet. They just said, "I don't have time for monsters." Maybe after I have kids I'll be too tired to care?

I have 3 kids, and I STILL jump into bed. Not every night, but most nights. My daughter occasionally sleeps in my room, and when I turn the lights out we both run and jump together, lol. (The light switch is on the wall across the room... I really need to get a bed-side lamp :? )
Hi I saw that er show with the june bug in her ear - that was so way gross. I will never sleep in anyones van after that.Did you see the one with the worms in the girls head? that was creepy too. Mrs J this Untold stories of the ER are scarier than some scary movies caus it really happened :x
Joahaeyo, I really feel for your fears, and other forum members also. My sister, 9 yrs. older loved telling boogie man bedtime stories to my slighly younger sister and me when we were in the 5-9 age group. Now, some 50 years later I still fear what might be under the bed, closet, etc! I never watch spooky movies and sometimes even "wierd" music can set my heart racing. I do understand though how our minds categorize and computerize images; never to be forgotten. I tried to protect my children from those images and now all grown, they are trying to do the same for their children. I think it is much more difficult in this day and time though. I find I still see things I wish I hadn't, but I would never go looking for them. A good thing . . . Sadie sleeps beside my bed and certainly helps my fears. She is a great watchdog - wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley! She has cornered more than one house guest in a late night bathroom visit! :? waking the whole household, perhaps even the neighbors :roll:
Mophead wrote:
Joahaeyo, I really feel for your fears, and other forum members also. My sister, 9 yrs. older loved telling boogie man bedtime stories to my slighly younger sister and me when we were in the 5-9 age group. Now, some 50 years later I still fear what might be under the bed, closet, etc! I never watch spooky movies and sometimes even "wierd" music can set my heart racing. I do understand though how our minds categorize and computerize images; never to be forgotten. I tried to protect my children from those images and now all grown, they are trying to do the same for their children. I think it is much more difficult in this day and time though. I find I still see things I wish I hadn't, but I would never go looking for them. A good thing . . . Sadie sleeps beside my bed and certainly helps my fears. She is a great watchdog - wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley! She has cornered more than one house guest in a late night bathroom visit! :? waking the whole household, perhaps even the neighbors :roll:

:lol: :lol: Go Sadie!!! My mother had a dog that slept in her room and if my dad got out of bed to go to the bathroom, the dog wouldn't let him step foot back into the bedroom. She would remind him to "always go before you come to bed", lol.
First two movies were alot better then the third. MY daughter loves thoses shows and SHE bought them all. :oops: But the third was the worst,grose. yuk.
To IheartStella: Sounds like your mom had a very smart dog! Made me smile. No wanderings in the night! :) :) :)
Update: Well, looks like I can sleep at night. I've been wondering how Saw IV would play out and I heard what happened today. Wheww........

Actually tried to get my husband to watch it for me to tell me how he survived, but he thinks it's too twisted. Got a friend to see it instead.

Got a new pillow too.
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