Medical advice needed...Please: Bump on the head.

Can anyone give me some advice ?
I have been away from the Forum for a few weeks again due to being NUTS! 8O
I obviously will have to explain why I did not tell anyone here about my new addition 'Junior '. :oops:
He is Harley's Biological brother. Harley is 1&1/2 years old and his brother is 17 weeks old.
I had to give up a Old English girl that I had last year through 'TOES' due to situations in my family & my life that where out of control and the sweet girl was needing a family that was more able to train her and give her proper guidance.
She stayed with me as 'TOES' found her the perfect family who had just lost their OES girl to old age. 'TOES' was a God sent. I keep in touch with the family and everyone is so very happy. :hearts:
I just felt so guilty to have to re-home my girl and then to bring in another oes the next year that I did not want to tell anyone on the Forum and everyone think I am a horrible person .

Now that I told on myself, I need help please! :plead:
'Junior ' banged his head last week into the side of the Kitchen cabinet when Harley and him where playing what seemed to be leapfrog! Well, You know it was Saturday at 3:05 pm and my Vet closes at 3:00 on Saturday and the phones go OFF automatically.
So I watched as this Bump became a 'Cone head 'and a midnight Bob and I ran him to the emergency Vet.
A few hundred dollars and 2:30 am latter the Vet says he is fine and will re-absorb the fluid in a few days .
Well every day it did get a little smaller until this morning(Saturday again) It started to travel to the front between his eyes and it was on top of his head down his back of his neck. :(
OK, I freaked and ran to my vet this morning.Sure enough he had to stick needles in my baby's head and drain the fluid and blood .
The Vet said as of this coming Monday he has to put Junior under anesthesia and put drains in his head.
I am so upset, I feel if the emergency Vet would have Drained it when I took him in he would not have to go through this now.
So after all this I am wanting to try anything before Monday to avoid surgery on Junior.
Does anyone know something I can do? The vet said if the fluid stays down we can avoid surgery but as he put It if he was a betting man the odds are 99.9 % surgery for junior.
Has anyone had to deal with something like this? Can moist heat help?
I need advice PLEASE.

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Clyde had a hematoma that kept swelling up on his belly after Bear bit him last year when they were going through some dominance struggles. It sounds very similar to what you described on Junior but in a different place. Clyde had his drained the day after it happened and then we applied moist heat, which can help. However, it just swelled up again. More moist heat and another draining and it swelled up again. On the third time, the vet suggested that if another draining and week of compresses and more antibiotics didn't do it, surgery may be the best idea. He wound up having surgery and came through no problem.

So, don't be too upset about it not being drained right away. We did and it still didn't help. Sometimes it just happens. :(
Thanks Jill , I do remember Clyde's hematoma and the pictures you had posted. Junior's does look just like that. :cry:

I am just so scared about surgery at such a young age.
Then he is also set up to be neutered in 5 weeks.
Maybe they can do them at the same time so he doesn't have to be put under twice at his age?

I did not want to tell anyone on the Forum and everyone think I am a horrible person .

Life happens and circumstances in our lives can change drastically overnight making rehoming a pet a necessity and in their best interest. You went about finding your little sheepie-girl a qualified home by having her placed through a responsible OES rescue. So don't beat yourself up.

It seems that if he hasn't reabsorbed the fluids yet, surgery will probably be required. The way you indicated it's spread or gotten larger makes me believe he needs some medical intervention. :(

He'll also probably require a cone-thingie or e-collar so he doesn't disturb the drains by scratching at them... just watch him closely so he doesn't get the cone hooked/hung up on something since he's so young (that's me just being the worry-wart :wink: ) They do make some pretty ones.

I'd ask the vet about the neuter surgery... gotta balance the negatives- him having pain and surgery at both ends or two anesthesias.

Please let us know how he does? And welcome back, Antoinette... just wish it was under happier circumstances.
Jaci , Thanks for your kind words.

You are right I don't want my boy to be in pain on both ends. The collars are so cute,thanks for the link. I will watch him like a hawk. The hardest thing is going to keep Harley and him apart to avoid rough play. I can just see Harley pulling Junior around by that collar. :roll:

I will let you know what happens Monday ,like you said I think the surgery is going to have to be.

P.S..... here is Junior before the Lump!



That second picture is priceless!!!! What a cutie pie!! Hope everything turns out okay for the lil man!!
Oh my gosh... HE IS ADORABLE!! :D
That second picture is SOOOO cute with the two together.
I can just see Harley pulling Junior around by that collar.

Yeah, the down-time will be a challenge. Just go into this knowing that if he's good and calm it will mean that he heals faster. I think you can be the necessary tough-mommy so he can get back to roughhousing with his big brother. :D

Give the cute little stinker a hug for me!
I got to play with a puggle pup today but it' just not quite the same as a sheepie. Sigh.
BANDAA wrote:
Thanks Jill , I do remember Clyde's hematoma and the pictures you had posted. Junior's does look just like that. :cry:

I am just so scared about surgery at such a young age.
Then he is also set up to be neutered in 5 weeks.
Maybe they can do them at the same time so he doesn't have to be put under twice at his age?


Better young than old, though. He'll bounce back like nothing even happened, don't worry! Clyde was fine by the next day. A bit groggy from the anesthesia the first day but, by the second day, pretty much normal. He didn't seem to be in much pain. It did ooze for a few days, which was pretty gross so don't be surprised if you look over at that white head and see a gooey mess! It looks much worse than it is.

I wound up taking Bear out by himself for most of the weekend when Clyde had his surgery so he could rest up without disturbance. We went to my mom's and played in the country and got him so tired out, he didn't want to bother Clyde. The harder part was trying to keep Clyde off Bear when he got home!
Wow what a cutie!
I hope your baby feels better soon. The pictures are adorable ! Please give them a hug from me. :D
He's precious... Congrats!
Hope he is feeling better soon.
He's a sweetie and love that second photo :D Hope he gets all well soon
Well, My boy is in surgery as we speak. I dropped him off at the vets at 7 am and I have been a wreck worried about him since.
His lump was twice as big this morning.
I just keep praying all goes well.God willing I will be back with good news in a few hours......

We're thinking of you both and hoping Junior
will soon be home so mama can spoil him.
BANDAA wrote:
Well, My boy is in surgery as we speak. I dropped him off at the vets at 7 am and I have been a wreck worried about him since.
His lump was twice as big this morning.
I just keep praying all goes well.God willing I will be back with good news in a few hours......


He'll come out great. It'll be a huge relief to him to not have that pressure too. It must be really uncomfortable on his head, poor guy. It's not like a lot of other places whee the skin stretches easily. You did the right thing and he'll be home romping around soon. Our thoughts are with you, too. Clyde said to tell him it was worth it because he got a New York Strip after his surgery. ;)
Best Wishes to Junior. :ghug:
I'm saying a prayer for you both - you not to worry yourself sick and Junior will be fine after the surgery. Keep us posted. :wink:
Junior is just adorable, and it's priceless how Harley and he cuddle together! :hearts:

Saying a prayer that Junior is back to his old self in no time. :kiss:
Thank you guys for the support and good thoughts for my Boy. :D

I just got the call 'HE IS OK' the vet said he did great and they got away with putting in 1 drain. This morning the vet said he may have to put at least 2 drains.
Jill, I really got to thank you for helping me to make the decision to get the surgery done,I don't think I would have had the guts to do it .
The vet said it was so important to get it done while we still could since he felt in a very short time it would have ended up scar tissue and that we would be looking at a major surgery to remove it and it would have been a lot more dangerous.

Again I just wanted to thank you all for always being there!

Glad to hear junior will be okay! I'm so excited you got a new one. I absolutely love the pictures!!! :hearts:
Yay! I'm glad he's doing well. Clyde said to tell Junior that he's glad his experience helped prepare his mom! We had his removed for the same reason-- before it turned into a giant mass of scar tissue. That thing was huge, too. I couldn't believe it!
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