Grossiest favorite food

I was just reading and their monthly "gross food" column and was wondering what you love but other's find digusting........or what do others love that you find gross.

For example, I like cottage cheese with cinnamon.......or with Doritos as a scoop.

My mother will make her own salad dressing at a restaurant using vinegar and a package of artificial new meaning to "pink death."
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How about VEGEMITE, all us Aussies are brought up on it from birth, most people from elsewhere hate it. :lol:

I'm a vegemite kid, puts the rose in your cheeks. :wink:

I have toast with vegemite on it and a fried egg on top for breaky on occassions. (OK I know what you are all thinking EWWWWW :P :lol: )
Showing my ignorance but what is VEGEMITE please :? , is it a spread like peanut butter, cheese whiz, jam or squashed up veggies or ? ? and whats it made of :lol:

lisaoes wrote:
How about VEGEMITE, all us Aussies are brought up on it from birth, most people from elsewhere hate it. :lol:

I'm a vegemite kid, puts the rose in your cheeks. :wink:

I have toast with vegemite on it and a fried egg on top for breaky on occassions. (OK I know what you are all thinking EWWWWW :P :lol: )
You can go to for its history. Here's a bit:

Vegemite dates back to 1922 when the Fred Walker Company, which became Kraft Walker Foods in 1926 and Kraft Foods Limited in 1950, hired a young chemist to develop a spread from one of the richest known natural sources of the vitamin B group - Brewers Yeast.

Following months of laboratory tests developed a tasty spreadable paste.
In an imaginative approach, Walker turned to the Australian public to
That winning name was Vegemite and in 1923 Vegemite first graced grocers' shelves. It was described as "Delicious on sandwiches and toast, and improves the flavour of soups, stews and gravies". However, it took 14 long years of perseverance from Walker before Vegemite finally gained acceptance and recognition with the Australian people.
I have 2 that I love:

Raw oysters and pickled pork tongues.

And one that makes me gag just to look at:

Tripe...YUCK! YUCK! and double YUCK!
Okay, you guys have totally triggered my morning sickness. I don't think I'll be able to eat at all today. :lol:

The worst thing I can think of that I like is marshmallow (creme that comes in a jar) with pb on a sandwich, but that's fairly common!!! I also haven't eaten it in ages. Not something I crave anymore.

I'll have to think some more if there's something worse.. I'm sure there are many Korean foods that others would barf over, but there too hard to describe.
Mayo mixed with ketchup to dip french fries in :lol: :lol: :lol: aka INSTANT ARTERY CLOGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peanutbutter, mayonaise and lettuce sandwich (white bread only) 8)
:green puke: :? :oops:
Joahaeyo wrote:
:green puke: :? :oops:

hehehehehehehe...i knew that would get you :twisted:
I assure you I did not plan this to rachet up your morning sickness. In fact I even thought of you when reading about a lady's food desire right after 24 hour long labor. When the nurse asked her what she wanted, without thinking the lady said, "pineapple and cheese sandwich." The nurse laughed so hard she went to the nearest convenience store and bought the new mother the ingedients........and to this day, this remains the mother's favorite sandwich.

Now I can see pineapple in cottage cheese, but not yellow cheese and pineapple............
Pineapple and cream cheese is awesome... my favorite cheese cake is made with pinapple right in the cheesecake base, on a graham cracker crust, with glazed pinapple bits on top.
Oh, I forgot about cream cheese and pineapple....... :hearts: :hearts:

It's the American cheese and pineapple that I wonder about.
Bosley's mom wrote:

Raw oysters and pickled pork tongues.

Raw oysters YUM, you can keep your pickled tongues over there :? :lol:

Dary I am with J on yours, Ewwwww Green puke. :?

Susan you know more about Vegemite then Me, even though I have grown up with the gooey black stuff. :P :lol:
It's BLACK??? Nasty! :lol:
I don't really have anything that I eat that is "strange", but my Dad's favorite sandwich was bologna, mayo and peanut butter. Yes, all three at the same time.
I like ketchup on a lot of things that ketchup has no business being on...

I used to LOVE green olives wrapped in a tortilla.
Just reading this week's grossiet food column and spotted this. I couldn't believe it, I thought I had written this myself while in a trance. I do the same thing! Same name.........different state:

Totally gross to some, yummy to others
.... The other thing I do that my whole family thinks is totally gross is for Thanksgiving, I mix my mashed potatoes, gravy and jellied cranberry sauce together for dipping my turkey. Yumm, it's great.
--Susan in Wisconsin
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