Stuck Under Bed

This past weekend I got a new bedroom set and the new bed is much lower than my old bed, where Max likes to sleep once in awhile. This morning when I was getting up for work, I was wondering where Max was because he normally is right there in my face begging me to get up! Once I was up and out of bed, still no sign of him, until I heard him under the bed. (The bed is like 6-7" off the ground, where as my last bed was at least 12 inche...) I was like come on max lets go out. I figured since he got under he could get out, but after him just sticking his head out a few times, looking pathetic, I tried helping him by pulling his legs. But this just got him stuck and he wimpered under the bed he was stuck! I then tried to lift the bed up and call him but he just layed there. After a few more times, I got him out by pulling him and lifting the bed at the same time :roll: When I left for work I shut the door, don't won't him stuck under there all day. Its amazing with his size (he's about 60 lbs), he even tried to get under there - What was he thinking!!?? He cracks me up sometimes with his antics.
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Getting stuck under the bed and at 60 lbs! Don't you just sometimes wonder what they were thinking? Tyler my old guy likes to go to bed often before we do. He can't get on the bed anymore so he just sort of drapes his torso and front legs on the bed and waits for a boost. The problem is we don't always know that he is waiting for the boost and he waits a long time or comes and gets one of us to boost him. I will say he is learning to ask for the boost, a cold nose on the back of my arm is the usual way he lets me know and if I don't get it, he will stand in front of me and look really impatient. I am being trained very well.

Best of luck with your clown!
If it makes you feel better - he's not the first goof ball to get stuck under a bed! :roll: It seems like a common occurance with these dogs!

One of mine was under the bed and actually stood up underneath it! I thought we were having an east coast earthquake. I am still amazed at how strong these guys are.
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