My Heart Is Broken....Roxy, I Miss You!!

My heart is broken in a million pieces. My husband and I made the heart wrenching decision to put down our sweet Roxy Girl this morning. As some of you know...she came down with a sickness that didn't allow her to close her jaw (dropped Jaw)....her eye was constantly dilated...and she had a nasal discharge. She was becoming more uncomfortable these past couple of days not being able to lay down without having ahard time breathin unless her hear was down. As much as I told myself I could nurse her back to health....I knew her time was near. I have been trying to nurse her back to health....and she improved for a few rid of her nasal discharge after about a week on antibiotics....but it had come back during the night. With her jaw being the way it was...she couldn't eat very well and I noticed that last night when I was trying to help her with her dinner....she just didn't want to eat her food. But.....she enjoyed a hotdog instead. This morning she also threw up a tiny bit of I know it was getting harder for her to swallow. It was then I knew in my heart that today I had to say goodbye. We called our vet and it was her day we were going to have another vet in the office do the procedure. We made the appointment first thing at 9:00 was either that time...or wait until 11:00 a.m. There was no way I could wait two we took the 9:00 time. Those of you that have had to go through this know what a long ride it can be. It seemed like it took forever getting there. I said some goodbyes to her as we rode in the truck. When we arrived at the office...we found out that our regular vet came in for us so that she could be there with us instead of the assistant. We were sooo relieved. I know Roxy knew it was time to go. She looked us both in th eyes as if to say "thank you for the wonderful life". We laid her down and she went peacefully in my husband's lap. We said our goodbye's once again and left her in the good care of our vet and her staff. We will collect her ashes in a few days as well as a plaster paw print.

Then the quilt sets in..."did we do the right thing"....maybe we gave up too soon". But I know in my heart that it was time. I felt a huge relief whe we were on our way home that she is at peace....I could almost feel her happiness in my heart. It's so quiet here at the house. Our 13 year old Cocker (Andrew) is all by himself now. We had to put our other Cocker ( 18 ) down 10 months ago and it hurts like heck to have to say goodbye to Roxy so soon after. We always think we will have them with us forever.

Roxy girl......we miss you sooooooo much. We will love you forever and ever. You brought so much happiness into our lives the past 10 1/2 years and there is a hole deep in our hearts. I will miss how you would play with all your stuffed toys....leaving them all without eyes and the sqeeker that was inside was always pulled out. I'll miss your loud bark...and your playfullness. I know you didn't get to enjoy those things you loved these past few weeks. I made a promise to you that I would never let you suffer and that I would take care of you and love you until the day you died. I hope you know I did the best I could and that we will both love you and will NEVER forget big clown girl!!! Now you are able to play with your brothers, Rosco and Max. Try not to heard Max around too much!! :-) Love you Sweets........Mom and Dad
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Your story made me tear up. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Ok.....I need to get a grip. Max was 18.....not 10. Sheesh!!
tdelanoit wrote:
Ok.....I need to get a grip. Max was 18.....not 10. Sheesh!!

You're having a tough day-- it's to be expected!
Im soo sorry for you. You did do the right thing!

My thoughts are with you on this sad day!
I understand that long drive and the guilt. Joan and I had a very hard time with our decision.

There's not much we can say. Just know that we stand with you in your time of grief.
I know what your feeling and my heart goes out to you. You did the right thing. She is in a better place. :hearts:
Oh my goodness. I am balling my eyes out right now. That has to be the toughest decision in the world to make but you know Roxy is feeling no pain right now. My thoughts are with you.
Then the guilt sets in..."did we do the right thing"....maybe we gave up too soon".

No guilt... you did the very best for your sheepie-girl and the time came for her to go. You tried very hard to make her better and I know you agonized over what to do. While it's never an easy choice, it's a choice we make out of love and compassion... to allow them to go and end their suffering.

My heart is breaking for you both... you sound like such good parents. I hope a time will come when Roxy will whisper in God's ear to maybe send another little sheepie your way to fill your hearts with love and joy again.

Hugs to you during your sorrow.
I'm so sorry for your loss.....
Each and everyone of us feel in our hearts for the pain that you are going through because we all know that our time too is coming. Sooner or later we all lose these wonderful creatures, makes you wonder about the fairness of it all doesn't it.

I am so very sorry that this is your time. Your post brought tears to my eyes and left sobs in my throat. A hundred sheepie kisses for you and your family :( :cry:
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful sheepie girl Roxy. Sleep in peace sweet Roxy....

I'm also sorry for your loss.
:cry: It is a hard decision, but you did right by your sweet girl, Roxy.
I am very sorry for your loss.
Hugs and we are thinking of you and bless dear Roxy. Always such a hard decision, but we finally make that choice for them out of love, compassion & devotion and they are with us in spirit & memories always.

So sorry for your loss of your darling Roxy.
I am so sorry for you loss. :( I will keep you in my thoughts. It is a very courageous thing to know when it is time to say goodbye. We want to keep them forever - but - when they are suffering- our pets look to us to be there for them. Roxy was very lucky to be a part of your family.

Big hugs to you :ghug:

I am so sorry for your loss...Please know that our thoughts are with you
I am so sorry for the loss of your very loved girl. I too have been there. You know you did the right thing for her but it doesn't help fill the hole in your heart. I can tell how much you loved her. Be warmed by the wonderful memories you have of her.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious Roxy. Please know that you did the right thing for her. You're in my thoughts during your time of grief.
Thanks so much for the paryers and good helps me a ton.
It's been24 hours now without our Roxy....but she is happier and healthy how can I be sad about that? My house is like a big empty cave or something without her big clown mug. My husband and I have already decided that someday after Andy has joined Roxy and Max at the bridge....and we have taken a little time off from having pets.....we will for sure try and find another sheepie baby from a rescue. I know that there is a great site here about OES rescue...but I can't look at pictures or deal with any of that right now. We have ALOT of love to give another pet someday.....until then.....Andrew is getting twice the hugs and twice the kisses!!! ;-)
I have been following and logged in this morning and am in shock. My heart goes out to you as we were in the same position with our Siberian Husky last year. I am crying right along with you. Only time will heal your heart and trust that you did the right thing. Pam
So sorry for your loss


wendy and gismo
I am so sorry for your loss. I know how it feels. She was a real cutie.
So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. I know it is so hard to lose a friend.
My Heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your loss.
Please know all of us who have had to go through this, go through the guilt and the what if's.

You did the right thing. Your baby is Healthy and free of pain and playing with all our very missed Furkids in a beautiful place ! :hearts:
I send my prays to you and your husband.

:ghug: my heart goes out to blaze was 10 and a half when he passed. love and kisses to you sally xx
my heart goes out to you.. i am having to do the same thing very soon i hope i have your strength
Suzptcruise......Awwww......I'm sorry you are having to even think about the tough decision you may have to make for your loved one. You will find the strength I'm sure....your heart will tell you when it's time....and there you will find the strenght. I saw your babies in your photo album.....they are precious!!!
So sorry for your loss. :cry:

I am so sorry for your loss, please do not feel guility, you made the right decision for your baby, she is now free of pain and suffering. Your heart will tell you when you are ready for that rescue baby, and you will no doubt love that one to pieces as you did your Roxy. Again I am so sorr for your loss. :ghug:
I am so saddened by your loss! Rest in Peace!
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