raw, peeling pads

Last night while Jon was brushing Callie, I noticed something weird on her 'heels' (What are those actually called? It's not the part she walks on, but the part a little higher up on her front legs.).
They are really dry and parts of them are peeling off. Also, on her right foot, there is a red, raw spot.

Right foot
Left foot

She hasn't been acting like this is bothering her, but I'm wondering if I need to do something about it. Should I clip off the dry parts that are just hanging there? Should I put something on the red part?

How do they get that way? This part doesn't even touch the ground when she is walking..
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I don't know what that is but it looks painful and worse than the usual dry pad stuff. Sorry I can't help, I hope it gets better soon though.

Yikes! That looks really rough. I'd start with slathering on some bag balm. Can you get her to wear socks over the top?
I'd start with slathering on some bag balm. Can you get her to wear socks over the top?

I'll have to see if I can find some of that. Do they sell it at PetSmart-type stores?
I'm not sure if she'll keep socks on or not, but we'll certainly give it a try. Do you think it is a good idea to clip off the dry parts, or should I just leave them alone to fall off on their own?
Geez, I really don't know. I'd be worried about clipping a bit too far, you know? Maybe start with a little trim and make sure it's definite dead tissue.

You can pick up bag balm at the drug store. But, if it's raw and open it might not be a good idea to put that on top. Maybe Neosporin until it heals over and then a moisturizer. Has your vet seen it?
No, we haven't been to the vet yet. I just noticed it last night. I may try to the neosporin tonight and see if that helps, and then maybe try moisturizing them later like you suggested. Her pads are usually dry and sometimes crack, but I've never seen them quite this bad.
The hard part will be keeping her from licking off anything we put on her. But I will try the socks. Maybe if I pick out some cute ones, she will like them ;-)
They look abraded - like maybe she slid and scraped them? I have seen that on dogs who slid on pavement or sidewalks, also on dogs who fell down off something (like steps) and scraped the back part of the leg on the way down.

Definitely keep them clean and infection free. All the above treatments sound good. See what she tolerates the best. And of course, see your vet if you think things don't look right. (Good pictures, BTW - OWW!)
Most Wal-Marts carry bag balm now, either in health and beauty aids (lotion) or usually in the pharmacy in the first aid aisle. Hope y'all recover soon.
You can also try EMU oil from the health food stores. I use it for my hands when real dry when I work in lots of water clear up real fast. And it takes the ich out. My father in law used it when he lost 2 fingers and the heal part was real bad ichy, sore, dry work great.
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