My feet smell like sheepie......

Ok, finally got George, and by the end of our first day together my feet already smelled like sheepdog, lol. He is mommy's boy, so I now have a black and white shadow. Even if he is asleep, if I get up and even go to the other side of the room, here he comes. I am also George's personal napkin after a drink of water........good thing I love him sooo much. He just has to be touching me at all times, even now his head is laying on my foot, which is better than his rear I guess. If mommy sits in the floor, of course I have a lapful of sheepie. The cat is still trying to decide about the newcomer. So far she hisses her little head off and George just ignores her, although he has started to sass back at her. Time for my morning shower, so George can redistribute his smell all over me, lol. Everyone have a wonderful day!
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Ahhh - that's so sweet! Sounds like a perfect sheepie relationship!

Who smelled your feet for you?!! :wink:
Heheheheeh, no comment on who smelled my feet.... :wink: The shower was pointless, I wasn't even all the way dry when George plopped on my feet. He also highly recommends Bath and Body Works Pecan Passion lotion... :lol: Nothing like getting a shower after your shower........
Oops, guess I should have logged in to post that reply....I figured it would let me sign in as I I know!
hahaha....sounds like the perfect relationship...i also have to put lotion on behind a locked door.....and for the feet thing...well, they just like feet :D
Chewie is also a foot licker.......... :D
Yay, George is already picking up on the house-breaking part of life! We go out a lot, and he gets a treat almost everytime he goes potty outside. Today he started going to the door and crying to go out, hopefully he keeps that up. Mommy hates shampooing carpet....... Just watch though, since I am bragging, he will regress on me! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the great tips I've read on here to help make potty training easier. Oh, this part is great too, he doesn't even have to go out at night. Kinda weird considering he is only 9 weeks today, but he sleeps through, just grunts when he moves around. He's a grunter....always making some noise, lol. Time to go out again as it is.....
Way to go George!! :clappurple: Keep up the good work with housebreaking and sleeping.
Congratulations on George! It sounds like our sheepdog puppies coincide with age and we brought our girl home also on Saturday. Boy, they keep us on our toes!
Awww! I still have 5 more weeks before my boy comes home. I still have 3 weeks before I know which boy is mine. It's AGONY!!! This site is helping me keeps my sanity...and George sounds like my last boy, Winston. I call them velcro puppies. :) :)
Puppies, puppies, puppies! :clappurple: :clappurple: :clappurple:

George is a very good boy!

Five weeks - yes I remember how much we anticipated getting her. Be sure to do all your "people stuff" now - like, go out to dinner, movies, vacations, having fun with other uprights. Once you get your puppy, you'll be under "house arrest" for a while. My husband and I are doing tag team puppy care - when he gets home, I'll do my errands, etc. And when your puppy isn't sleeping, boy-oh-boy - I swear you can't turn your back for an instant! They are so fast! And so CUTE!!!!!!

Good luck - puppies rule.......literally!
I got Winston at 12 weeks which is a little easier, but not much. I will be getting our new boy at 8 weeks. He will be the youngest sheepie I have ever had, and the most expensive. He is coming to California all the way from Canada.
I lost Winston in March at the age of 4 1/2 due to the poison pet food recall. He was eating canned Nutro with his dry. Needless to say we will never feed canned dog food again.
We miss our boy, but are now looking forward to a new sheepie chapter. I bought lots and lots of toys...the crate is here...and we have tons of love to give. We are also members of a local obedience poised for training.
This will be my 5th consecutive sheepie...there is no other dog for me.

Keep us posted on George...we love to hear puppy stuff!!! :excited:
Hey...just noticed your location. We will be picking up at Burbank airport. We live in Palmdale so LAX is way too far, and too much traffic. Maybe we can get a pup play day at the end of Summer!!!
Congratulations on your new puppy. I am so sorry to hear about Winston - that's horrible! It's so scary that we can hardly trust anything anymore - all the time you feel you're buying the very best food, and then this happens.

But, it will be such a joy having an adorable puppy. You will be busy all the time - I've completely rearranged my schedule to care for her - and I don't want to miss any part of her growing up, since it happens so fast.
Palmdale's not far - we're pretty close to the 5 and Burbank Airport - a puppy party sounds like fun. If you need a "sheepdog" fix in the meantime, you are welcome anytime here! The more people she meets, the better. Please contact me if you want to come by.

Keep us posted on your new baby,

Thanks Dianne,

It will be pretty busy around here thank God. My girls "graduate" elementary and Jr. High school next week. My husband is taking a trip to see his brothers with my oldest for 10 days, then it's surgery on my oldest's eyes to repair a 4 yr old dog bite injury. The next week after that will be puppy arrival. I may take you up on puppy visit after. We still have a 10+ yr old standard poodle who is a great nursemaid/babysitter. She taught my last sheepie the ropes. We have two cats also who are in for a suprise...they like dogs though.
I think we are in good shape...just the wait is awful. I am so not used to being sheepie-less.
keep posting puppy pics!!!
Is the standard poodle available for rental????? hahahaha We need an experienced dog around here to show Tessie the ropes. She's getting all her education from a cat!

The cats will show her how to misbehave!!! Cassie is a rescue poodle we have had for almost 8 years. She is around 10 1/2, but you would never know it. She still has a lot of spring in her step...perfect for wrestling a sheepie pup! Really, they are so smart...just gotta watch the girls. I am getting a boy...they don't know they have any options when you ask something of them...whereas the girls always weigh their options before making up their minds. Your Tessie looks beautiful. Give her a squeeze for me.
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