Out of jail !!!!!!!!!!! Paris on home confinement

Breaking news..............

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Pretty sad that it was breaking news on CNN. You would think CNN would only cover real news...not entertainment. Either way, GOOD FOR HER is my opinion. All the power to her attorneys if they're able to get her out of there. Whether it be fair or not... can't blame her for having what it takes, ...again imo.
Joahaeyo wrote:
Pretty sad that it was breaking news on CNN. You would think CNN would only cover real news...not entertainment. Either way, GOOD FOR HER is my opinion. All the power to her attorneys if they're able to get her out of there. Whether it be fair or not... can't blame her for having what it takes, ...again imo.

You are kidding, right? Having what it takes? She got out of jail for having a rash. Suck it up. Take some benadryl. Do the time, learn your lesson and stay away from the wheel before you kill someone.

This just in: mass release of inmates due to athlete's foot.

Her 5 minutes is up. Disappear please.
No I'm not. I heard her medical condition was "about to have a nervous breakdown." Either way... why should she be blamed for having good attorneys? If I had her money, would I try to do the same thing (also assuming I lived a life like her)? Hell yeah... so why should I blame her family for beating the system? The blame goes to the people who let her out, not her, her family, or her attorney.
The meltdown--

I just can't be seen wearing an orange outfit with
block letters when I am on the cover of Vogue.

Jo, you've got itt-the blame goes to the people who
let her out.

What a drama queen. :roll: She be fully recovered
at the end of home confinement sentence party.
Movie of the week to follow....
Yes, the system is to blame. But this is not about money, power or quality attorneys. No, its sad that you are cheering on some one who not once, not twice but three times broke her probation and is an unlicensed DUI joyrde to 7-11 away from killing someone without paying any consequences.

Think she is rehabilitated? Get in a car on the 405 in LA and hope she's not going out on a beer run.
You're right, I guess then.. I don't get it. :?

Yeah that's horrible that she did that and she totally deserves to serve time in jail ...the same amount of time as anyone else would get. There is a chance she may do it again, and even *gasp* kill someone ....or she may not do it again.


again, I'm not seeing how it's her fault or why I should feel guilty that she got out. If someone did a crime and didn't have to pay the price b/c someone found a way you could get out of the standard punishment ...how many people do you think would complain? Your anger should be towards the legal system or whoever had the power to let someone you feel is a danger to the roads out.... Confinement w/1 hr out is an absolutely horrible thing for anyone ...she's an idiot imo to stay when she can fight it ....and with that fighting, she won.
Confinement w/1 hr out is an absolutely horrible thing for anyone .[/quote]
What is even more horrible is the suffering of the loved ones left behind when someone is killed by one of those drunks. That lasts a lifetime.
I just think the whole thing with Paris is disgusting, the fact she did it 3 times and on the 3rd occassion she finally gets a jail sentence then let out in such a short time on Home detention. WOW wish if I ever did a crime I could spend time locked up at her house. :roll:

Take Mr. or Mrs. general public, no fame, no fancy solicitors they would of been behind bars on the first offence, but she needs 3rd time offending to go to jail then she gets off. 8O SUCKS big time. Real good role model there she is, she goes to the awards night, says how she will pay for the crime and how she would like to be a role model of do the crime, do the time, which was already reduced from the original sentence, then this, home sweet home. :evil:

Wonders never cease with these celebs and what they get away with. :?

So go write someone and protest .... that won't change her getting out. I don't think serving her entire time in prison would change whether she did it again or not. She either will or won't, ...just like the person who served their entire sentence in jail and not in her mansion.
Breaking News again, she might end up back in jail. Courtcase happening tomorrow, papers filed as to why she was let out of jail & not made to serve her time in there.

Good on the head honcho that filed them for the state. :wink:
Glad someone knows who to be mad at and is fighting back...

As I said but apparently is being missed, I'd be happy if she has to go back! :excited:
You are right. The system failed, and she and her attorneys used it to their advantage. I have nothing against her. She didn't do anything but break the law 4 times and become distraught when she was sent to prison.

I am not asking you to feel guilty for her getting out. Just surprised that you show your glee for her "victory". Why cheer her on?

edit: I was posting this while the above "breaking news" was reported.

I can't believe my time was taken up discussing this eff'ing mess. I need to go read "Time" or "The Economist".

Or Playboy.
Joahaeyo wrote:
I don't think serving her entire time in prison would change whether she did it again or not. She either will or won't, ...just like the person who served their entire sentence in jail and not in her mansion.
It's BOTH deterrence AND punishment. She deserved her punishment, they negotiated a reduced sentence and then she didn't serve but two days. How disgusting. How is that EITHER deterrence or punishment? PLUS it has the nice effect of making our system look like a joke.

Nobody else would get out based on a rash or a mental breakdown or anything. They'd stay there for their sentence, they'd get used to it and then they'd get out, period. Then maybe, just maybe they won't break the rules again when they realize next time it'll be a year long sentence. You think Martha will be trading on inside info again (if she did)? I think not.

She thumbed her nose at the court and judges REALLY don't like it when people do that.
lisaoes wrote:
Breaking News again, she might end up back in jail.

If she goes back I vote for General Population.
El Gato wrote:
But this is not about money, power or quality attorneys.

Its sad that there are two levels of justice
the law and the $$$$$$$$law$$$$$$$$.

She needs to be treated the same as any other person
would with the charges she has at present. As with many
stars and people with money or influence they are
used to buying their way out of trouble.

Big temper tantrum when they are to be treated as
one of the "common people"

Hope we have a judge this time who is not "star struck"
and has the good judgement to send her back in the
direction of the jail cell.

Her judgement and insight are nil, so rehab is like throwing
common pins at an elephant to sedate.

Thinking of others does not appear to a strong point,
so working on the -your actions when you drink could
fatally harm others will take quite a while if ever
for her to truely "get it".
Can anyone explain to me the fascination that people like this hold for so many? :? Paris Hilton, Britteny Spears, That dead blond chick with the baby(???who ODed, or something?)

Britteny has, at least, a little singing talent...but the others? NO talent, NO brains, NO interesting life experiences, NO interesting or unusual ideas or viewpoints....nothing! I just don't get it. :lmt:

I mean, seriously....there MUST be some skinny, blond, pretty girls with big hoohas out there with more going on than THIS! :lol:
She is famous primarily for being a rich socialite with a video of herself performing a sex act that was widely distributed on the net. Everything else flowed from that, I think.

Anna Nicole was famous for being a Playboy Playmate with a Marilyn Monroe fixation who married an 88 year old man.

It's all about the prurient interest.
Ron wrote:
She is famous primarily for being a rich socialite with a video of herself performing a sex act that was widely distributed on the net. Everything else flowed from that, I think.

Anna Nicole was famous for being a Playboy Playmate with a Marilyn Monroe fixation who married an 88 year old man.

It's all about the prurient interest.

We need more interesting prurients then! :wink:
El Gato wrote:
lisaoes wrote:
Breaking News again, she might end up back in jail.

If she goes back I vote for General Population.

Insert Oz theme...
Although, I think the notion of throwing her in with the general population is hysterical, you do realize Paris would end up dead in a matter of minutes. What type of criminals are in a minimum security prison anyway?

If anyone would like some insight into the "why" of Paris Hilton's idiocy attempt to get a copy of Jamie Johnson's (a Johnson and Johnson heir) documentary for HBO called Born Rich. It is amazing to me that any of these society kids turn out half decent or with any pangs of morality. If you check out this documentary you will see the delusional reality that is created for someone like a Paris Hilton. Their entire existence is hinged upon the world at large existing for them.

Yesterday afternoon I was flipping around the channels and came across the Fabulous Life of Heiress' on VH1. I only caught the tail end of it but, it bothered me. The last heiress they featured dropped $635,000 to rent a beach home in the Hamptons for three months and never wears the same deisgner outfit twice. I kept thinking, she could still enjoy her life and with the wealth she has been blessed do so many good things. (but, she elects to wear things once) Although, I am a middle class girl, I still try to do my part to be philanthropic, donating to the charities and giving gently worn clothing away. Imagine, if this heiress gave those outfits away that she chooses to wear once to a battered women's shelter or the dresses that she wears once to a kid that can't afford a prom dress. I know I am rambling but, there is something so sad about people being so self absorbed.

It's no surprise to me that Paris Hilton lacks moral accountability or concern for others. Her lack of concern is not right but, she is clueless. I do not feel bad for her but, I accept the fact that she is just delusional.
I find it hard to believe any of these "heiresses" are happy. How can you find happiness, when you never have to strive for anything? I'm sure they never feel a sense of achevement. Maybe that is why they need to drink, drug and develope eating disorders.

I don't think I really give a hoot about the Parises, Nicoles or Lindseys. But you can't open a paper (even a legitimate news paper), or turn on the tv without being bombarded with stories about them. If it wasn't for the media, I wouldn't even know who they were.

I just hate the standards it setting for the young girls now.
I hope she doesn't go back to jail. Not for her personally, but it would just be too embarassing for the judicial system. I mean, they let her out based on whatever magic her attorneys came up with, but then because people complained they put her back in? To me, that's ridiculous. How does that fact change whatever it was that transpired between the judge and attorneys yesterday to allow her out.

I don't think Paris is stupid. I think she is probably pretty intelligent and I've heard that she runs her varied businesses well (including the business of herself--being paid for public appearances, etc). Of course I think it's stupid to drink and drive. And not that this makes it any better, but I think that she got caught because she IS in the public eye and more of a target (in the sense that people--paparrazi and cops, etc--know who she is and are on the lookout for her).

I can see how these rich kids live in a bubble and you can get caught up in that...I feel in a way that's not her fault either. You're a product of your environment to a certain extent and if her parents didn't teach her any better and all the people she is surrounded with don't know any better and live with the mindset that daddy will make it better, then how can we expect her to do any different.

I grew up around some fairly rich people (think MTV's Laguna Beach) and I know what it is like to be caught up in what 'everyone else is doing.'
I don't think it's right for anyone to think because they are a celebrity they can get away with whatever they want, nor do I agree with the justice system failing the rest of the population by letting them go free.
debcram wrote:
How can you find happiness, when you never have to strive for anything? I'm sure they never feel a sense of achevement.

Oh, come on!! They strive. They strive to get the latest designer it handbag without the waitlist, to find the perfect shade of polish for their newly manicured toes, and don't get me started on accessories!! In the case of Paris she not only has to shop for herself but for her ever growing/changing population of pets as well! That is achievement right?!? :twisted:
She's not even going to court today. She will just phone in. Hil-ar-ious.

http://www.tmz.com/2007/06/08/confirmed ... one-it-in/
JUDGE? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW???????????????????????????????????
Evidently it's not the judge. He just sent the sheriff to pick her up and haul her into court. :lol:
barney1 wrote:
I hope she doesn't go back to jail. Not for her personally, but it would just be too embarassing for the judicial system. I mean, they let her out based on whatever magic her attorneys came up with, but then because people complained they put her back in? To me, that's ridiculous. How does that fact change whatever it was that transpired between the judge and attorneys yesterday to allow her out.

That's the problem - the judge's order was ignored by the county sheriff, who is the one responsible for releasing her. The judge specifically ordered her to serve her time in jail, no electronic monitoring or other options. The Sheriff released her anyway. So now the fight is between the Judge (backed by the Prosecuting Attorney) and the Sheriff.
Yeah, I learned that after I wrote my little rant. If that's the case then I don't have a problem with her going back to jail.
I heard the Judge wants to charge the Sheriff with contempt of court.
According to Fox News, she was just ordered back to jail by the judge and she left screaming for her mommy. :lol:

Another link:
http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id ... _article=1
I don't know how California works, but in my state, the Department of Correction gets to classify and assign prisoners to the appropriate detention in their opinion.

A judge sentences someone and makes a recommendation, but it's up to the DOC.
Pic: http://www.aolcdn.com/aolportal/paris-h ... 060807.jpg

and now she has to serve 45 full days

Fox news also said that while in court, she really did appear to have some medical condition. WHAT it was, they weren't sure, but would guess it would be drugs. She was shaking and twitching in a way that wasn't from tears, etc (according to fox news).
I was flipping thru the channels last night and past a southpark episode...I have never seen one before and i paused to watch for too long...it was totally NOT pc, NOT kid friendly....but i did laugh, once i stopped being grossed out.......

she has gone above and beyond people feeling sorry for her and liking her....this one stupid show has shown where her reputation has led her....
Joahaeyo wrote:
Fox news also said that while in court, she really did appear to have some medical condition. WHAT it was, they weren't sure, but would guess it would be drugs. She was shaking and twitching in a way that wasn't from tears, etc (according to fox news).

Interesting, news shows kept saying she was complaining of the cold too. I guess Paris is going through a bit of withdrawal. If that's the case, this judge may be the best thing that's ever happened to her.
Actually, I think rather than jail she should serve an extensive Community Service.....not just a week of sweeping like "whatshernamethe model did" but some kind of REAL community service with homeless people (serving meals in a soup kitchen). One of the reasons she cannot deal with life in jail is her life is NOT REALITY, it is a fantasy world where everyone is rich and has everything they need.
No community service would not be humbling enough. She needs to learn consequences .......something I'm sure her parents were strong on (not). You do the crime (3 times) you do the time. The laws were written for all of us.

Even if she killed or injured someone in her drunken escapades, she wouldn't have have empathy. Pay the survivors off, that's the world she knows, money is everthing.

How dare us peons even consider her to be one of us: She is weathly, skinny, and thinks herself beautiful......in an equine way.
I don't her of course, but I'd suspect that she needed to learn that the authorities have more power than she does. I may be mistaken, but after violating her probation the second time, didn't she show up late for court? If that's true then she sealed her own fate if she caught a judge who was annoyed that she was brushing him/her off.

I am ANGRY that she drove on a suspended license after a drunk driving charge...but I think that the judge re-imposing the full sentence was a bit harsh. He must feel that they were purposely trying to play him to have done that. Or maybe he thinks she needs to dry out. I really am guessing.
Ron wrote:

I am ANGRY that she drove on a suspended license after a drunk driving charge...but I think that the judge re-imposing the full sentence was a bit harsh.

If she were caught driving while intoxicated in Massachusetts,
it is a mandatory sentence of one year in jail.

45 days will go by in a heartbeat, rest time before jet setting

I agree with Tasker's Mom there should have been real
community service like working at a women's center or
homeless shelter. She would be introduced to the concept
of caring for others.....

Ma Law--
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