Anal glands

So Edgar had a vet visit this morning to get his annul glands expressed. The whole vet visit cost 67.59. 43.75 for the exam before they did it and 23.84 for the expression. My question is, if I have to do this again does Petsmart do this procedure and would it be cheaper then the vet? It just seems expensive to pay about 70 dollars to have his butt squeezed. But then again I don't want to do it myself so maybe this is the price I have to pay. :?
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Yes, they do.. but don't know if they "just" do that, but I don't see why not. It would come with a bath at any groomers place I've gone to. So you'd get more for your money.
Did they need to be done? Does he have an ongoing problem with this? (sorry if I've asked that before, this topic has come up a few times but I can't remember if it was you or not)

Most big dogs should not need it done at all... some do, but it's rare for a big dog to need it done unless there is a dietary problem/pooping problems....
Well he has been bitting at his butt and we have been trying to figure out what is causing him to chew on himself. The vet said it was moderately (3/4th) full. He doesn't seem to having pooping problems and he eats hard food. Maybe when he was on the medicine for three weeks for his staff infection caused it to happen? It was very soft the whole time then.
Yes that's most likely it...

I wouldn't advise a groomer to do it on a regular basis though.... unless it needs to be done...
Other then the sign of biting at his butt is there any other way I could know if he needed it expressed? Can you feel a lump somewhere or something?
Scooting across the ground is a good sign ....or a VERY terrible smell coming out of their butt. You can feel if they are full. It kind of feels like two grapes.

My dog ALWAYS eats at her butt, but she's never needed her anal glands expressed.

here;s where they are:
Thanks. Other then biting at his butt he has never scooted or had a bad smell. Sigh, I guess this means I will have to go feeling him up again to keep an eye on it. And here I thought with his getting neutered there would be one less disturbing thing I would have to touch during bath time. 8O I have to say that when I considered getting a dog I never thought about these types of aspects of it.
You can try adding some fiber into his diet to make his stools harder. Most dogs release the gland when they poo, but if they are soft, I imagine they stay full.
crustybirds wrote:
Other then the sign of biting at his butt is there any other way I could know if he needed it expressed? Can you feel a lump somewhere or something?

Oh Gosh! IT SMELLS AWFUL!!! Fozzie really has a problem with expressing his anal glands. Of course he likes to sit on the couch with his butt pressed up against me. I always need to wash my clothes. YUCK YUCK YUCK!

Annie used to lick her butt all the time and she had a dark spot around her tush (from the licking). Finally, the vet must have gotten her real good as she hasn't done it now in over a year. She must have given it to Fozzie :D

If you ask, the groomer will expressed them but they don't do nearly as good a job as the Vet Techs. You can usually just bring them in and someone will squeeze for about $18.00. What a job!
hey guys, i have a lovely little girl - norma jean. shes coming up six months. my husband was out walking her this morning and noticed her squatting as if she was gonna do a poop but couldn't so by the time she came home she had some poo on her fur (and the car) and smelt awful, we bathed her. she was very gingerish not her normal self at all. we had also noticed a fowl smell around the place for a few days. so i took norms to the vet who said she had an infection, really bad case of diorrohea, and a temp. he then proceeded to squeeze her left anal gland couldn't dp the other one it was to painful for her, apparently her bum is very very swollen and sore, so i'm reading your posts and thinking this sounds very familiar, can you tell me more about this, is there anything i can do to stop this happening again? shes got to go back to the vets in 5 days as well as taking some antibiotics. never having owned a dog before this is a very strange and not entirely pleasent surprise! help!!! :?
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