Edgar just ate an Onion

What should I do?
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Emergency vet, now!
How big of onion was it? I think it was Holly's Roscoe that ate an onion once and, for his size, it was fine. Nothing to make a habit of, of course, but not life threatening either. Unfortunately, I don't know the onion to weight ratio...
I called the vet. They thought it might not be to bad. They said I can make him throw up with Hydrogen peroxide or bring him in and they can do it. I can't get ahold of my husband and he has the car. I don't know how to induce vomiting. How do you get him to drink the peroxide? Do you mix it with water?
It was a big rotten onion.
crustybirds wrote:
IHow do you get him to drink the peroxide? Do you mix it with water?

He won't just drink it, you will have to poor it down his throat. Not sure how much but I wouldn't think you would need more than a tablespoon or so.
Hydrogen peroxide 3% (one to three teaspoonfuls every ten minutes; repeat three times) per the doctordog website.
You should call the vet back and ask.
Oh you poor thing!! I've had to make Tasker vomit before (anyone remember the Valentine chocolate fiasco???). The Vet told me to take a large syringe, 20 cc and squirt hydrogen peroxide down his throat every 10 min until he vomited.

BOY DID HE VOMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck!
How's Edgar? I just read this thread. I had to induce vomiting with hydrogen proxide once as well. I can't remember the amount we had to give but Murphy was just a puppy and the syringe we were given was 35cc's. Whatever the amount we had to give it to him and then take him on a walk. It didn't take long before it took effect. Good luck.
Hold his mouth shut and make a pocket in the corner mouth flap. Insert the end of peroxide filled syringe into this pocket (no needle of course!) and plunge the peroxide into this pocket. Don't do it too fast... you want to make sure he doesn't inhale the stuff.

Oops... I didn't check the time of the original post :oops:
Well... here's a link on giving liquid meds in case someone should need it in the future-
http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm ... cleid=1071

I hope all is well!
how's Edgar?? We were just talking about this at my house this evening. A lot of people don't realize that onions are bad for dogs, it's good that you at least recognize the importance of the situation.

I hope he's doing okay now, I would imagine that induced vomiting is not a pleasant experience. Give him sheepie hugs and kisses for me and Callie (actually, I guess we'll pass on the kisses after the vomiting - but lots of hugs and cuddles..) :ghug:
Thanks everyone. He is such a STINKER! Basically he sneaked the onion and ate it when i wasn't looking. I knew he wasn't supposed to eat them from reading it on the forum. Never had to induce vomiting before so that was a learning experience for me.

I didn't have an syringe so i had to us a water bottle. He wouldn't throw up for the first amount that I gave him. But after the second amount he was puking all over the yard.

He made our whole house smell like a onion. YUCK! He made me freak out so bad. I was practically crying I was so upset. Thankfully he seems ok now. Hopefully I won't have to repeat this episode to often.
I'm glad he's okay. :)
Hugs to you both, it is about the only time you are glad they can have a good chuck.

Thinking of you both. :ghug:
I'm glad he puked it up.
Hope you have both recovered this morning. What a mess to clean up.
poor R...hope edgar feels better and stays out of the trash!!
Poor Edgar. Poor Edgar's Mom! I'm glad he's OK.

If we had to rely on our dog's natural common sense, we'd all be in a heap of trouble. Do you all read the comic strip Get Fuzzy? The dog makes me laugh because he'll eat absolutely anything, identified or not. So typical!
Here is a another horrid thing that we found out that he ate yesterday. :oops: He ate the tops off of three safety pins. Thank goodness he didn't eat the pin part.

We bought him a doggie bed a while ago and one of the first things that happened to it was he ate off the zipper head. I found that on the floor. So bright ol' me thought "let me safety pin this together so he doesn't eat the stuffing." :roll: So last night we got some Velcro to put on the bed instead.

I think Edgar is trying to commit suicide on me. Either that or I am trying to unintentionally kill my dog. First the onion and now the pins. Lee was joking with me last night saying how he was going to go around telling people if Edgar died that first I tried to get him with the onion, and when that didn't work then I tried safety pins, and then since that didn't work I was going to try un-safe safety pins. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
ahhh yes, the chewing stage.....Panda had a pension for metal as well....sprinklers and screen door meshing....just try to keep him away from metal.....and no more pins!! 8)
Wow! 8O I just saw this post from yesterday, and I hope Edgar is doing better today.

Scary what they will eat, isn't it? Our second dog would eat our son's retainers, even if we hid them. He sniffed one out in Spencer's gym bag IN THE CLOSET - pulled the bag out, opened it and got the retainer. Geesh!!
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