Can I join the club?

Not the sheepdog club (I'm already a member) but the OES members/Mommies to be club. That's right I'M PREGNANT!!! :banana:

I just found out a few days ago (not in the grocery store, like someone I know) but I did take 5 tests to confirm. One just wasn't enough for some reason.

I'm due February 10, 2008 and am so excited, though also very nervous. 8O

So here's what I'd like a little help with. How to tell our parents. Both my husband and my parents live in town and we aren't sure how we want to tell them.

Here are my ideas so far:
I'm thinking for mine we'll wait till father's day and get my dad a "Grandpa" card and tell him that way.
For the in-laws, unfortunately they left for an Alaskan cruise today and won't be back until the day after Fathers day. I was thinking it might be cool to send some champagne to their room on the cruise and say something like "Here's a bottle of champagne to celebrate your new status as grandparent's to be. Congratulations!" Is that mean to tell them in the middle of the ocean where they have no way of getting in contact with us? Should we wait until they get home?
Any other good ideas?
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I like the idea, I think it's funny !! :lol: :excited:

And something they wouldnt expect and also with "Style"! :wink:
I would love it!! :clappurple:
I think both your idea's are great for telling the grandparents!

I think the champange is a good idea. It's not like you have too much more information to tell right even if they can't contact you right away they have the important news.
YAYYYYYYY... another mommy on board!!!!!! HOW EXCITING! :excited:

I don't know what it is with not believing the first pg test! :lol: I swear they should get rid of all the tests that are just the 2 line result. They should all be CLEAR: PREGNANT OR NOT PREGNANT!

I think all your ideas are great! Perfect Father's Day ...or Grandfather's Day news to hear. :)
That's what I finally had to do. I had a faint pink line and I was thinking "So I'm just a little pregnant or what?" Finally I just went and got one of the digital read out ones so it would have to make a choice either way.
A friend waited until after her first ultrasound to let anyone know.
She had a copy of the ultrasound blown up and framed. She and her husband took both sets of future grandparents out to dinner and gave them their present.

I'm sure I could wait.
It cracks me up that we know before your family does :lol:

Make sure that the inlaws and your family won't care if someone knows don't want the inlaws to come back from the cruise and say oh we found out 2 weeks ago and your parents to be like, Uh we found out yesterday... (Unless that doesn't matter!).

Could you have a day-after-father's-day dinner or lunch or something and tell them at the same time?

I am sure your parents will be thrilled not matter which way you gave them the good news. I know I would be. :D
as a grannie I think both ways would be great or send them both a card and the ones that are away will have it waiting when they get home anyway whichever way CONGRATULATIONS :D
WOOHOO!!! Congrats :)
CONGRATULATIONS Like your ideas on announcing the good news to the family. :D
Barney 1 I also consider it a little weird for me to have told the forum before my own parents, but with Father's Day so close I just thought it would be a cute way to tell even though it means waiting a couple weeks.
I was a little concerned about not having them know at the same time. I was hoping the cruise ship could deliver the message on Father's Day, that way they will know at the same time.
Otherwise we'll just wait till they get back and tell them they shouldn't have gone out of town if they wanted to be the first to know! :P
Congrats! I like both your ideas :)
Your ideas sound awesome!
Congrats!!! Great news!

Is that mean to tell them in the middle of the ocean where they have no way of getting in contact with us?

Yes, it is mean and I LOVE it!!! :clappurple:
Ditto!!! Congrats and go for the cruise! LOLOL

Don't a lot of folks wait for a certain point before telling anyone as a lot can happen in the very early going?
I love the ideas.

Ron wrote:
Don't a lot of folks wait for a certain point before telling anyone as a lot can happen in the very early going?

Yes, Ron.....but Parents are not included in that. :lol:
I waited until 12 weeks to tell extended Family and co-workers.
But close friends and parents knew immediately.
Congratulations!! How exciting! I LOVE the champagne on the cruise ship idea. They might be a little crazy not being able to contact you but it would still be fun and exciting. :go:

When I was pregnant with my daughter I had been helping my mom with a monthly newsletter that she was in charge of for one of her organizations. My husband and I made up a little rhyme (There will come a day in March of '05 when a mini [our last name] will arrive...etc) and hid in with the rest of the newsletter. We handed both of my parents a copy to "proof" and then sat back and waited for them to find it. It was hilarious! My mom screamed and stared at us yelling "Really??" and my dad laughed and said "I think I must have missed something" and started scouring the newsletter again. It was priceless. :D
Congratulations!!!!! :ghug: I am so happy for you.
I love you ideas for telling your parents.
I think I would try to contact the cruise line now to see if they can accomodate you. If not maybe you can slip a Father's Day card in your dad's suitcase. He would be just as suprised when it says Grandpa.
Tell us how you decide to tell your parents/in-laws! I'm so excited for you. Getting to call family and friends is so much fun. We even called our realtor because we wanted to tell EVERYONE the good news. :lol:
Congratulations!!!! I love your ideas for telling parents. I am a gramdma so I think any way you find out is great. Is it your first? :D :D
Well, it looks like I spilled the beans a little early. I lost the pregnancy over the weekend :( . I'll be sure to wait a little longer to tell next time. We did end up telling our parents but not the news we had hoped to share.
Hopefully I'll have better news next time.
Im so sorry :D
I am sorry. :(

:cry: ...I'm so sorry

Hang in there, and I look forward to hearing some good news again soon (even if it's via pm)!
I'm so very sad about your loss. :( :(

Please keep trying! :oops:
I am so sorry for your loss.....
I'm sorry. :(
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. :ghug:

I'm so sorry for your loss :(
I'm so sorry for your loss.
:( I am so sorry about your loss. :ghug:
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It doesn't matter how far along you are it is still devastating. Good luck and maybe next time the news will be better.
I am also sorry to learn of your loss. I had an early miscarriage years ago. I had really just begun to suspect I was pregnant (before a lot of at home tests were availabe) when I lost the pregnancy. I know how disappointing it is. Sending out a cyber hug and a ton of supportive thoughts your way.
I am so sorry. :cry:
I hope you are Ok. I never had a miscarriage, but 2 of my close sister-in-laws did. I felt so bad for them.... but they have 3 and 2 kids each respectively now and had no problems. I hope the same for you!

huge hugs from me here in MN. I'm so sorry that this happened to you guys. I know exactly how terribly overwhelmed and sad you must feel. Mike and I just went through the exact same situation last May, and I understand completely what you're going through. If you feel like you need to talk, please, please e-mail or pm me! There are also some great pregnancy loss boards, if you feel like you'd want to go that way.

We're here for you!
Thank you everyone for all of your wonderful support. It's amazing every time I see it how a group of complete strangers can feel like close friends in an instant.
I'm so sorry for your loss :(
I'm so sorry. :(

wendy and gismo
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